Remember the references in development of the ‘Thargoid’ bible.

A lore document in FDs possession that outlined the narrative and backstory of the Thargoids, very likely the artwork too..

It’s logical FD would have a long plan for this IP but I am increasingly filled with incredulity considering the various circumstantial evidence, that this was not followed verbatim, and that a shift in development resulted in certain content being dropped and/or repurposed.

So might there exist an equal possibility the Relic no longer exists?

If it does exist it very likely is a keystone narrative element, therefore something we cant interact with and for that reason I don’t think it’s actually Raxxla, as it’s physically SO small, I think it’s an indication of alien technology.

The presumed emphasis of Milton would advocate Raxxla is a body in a fixed place, a liminal zone that uncovers something or provides some insight?

My point being, if the Relic or Triton are involved, there’s actively nothing we can do to resolve it, other than await FD decision to turn that narrative page, where as the Codex advocates Raxxla might be a location and it might be discoverable?
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Given the latest Titan development I suspect either a Guardian or Guardian AI is located on Triton (locked, narrative only). I suspect the Ark ship that brought them to Sol may be Raxxla and hidden in Neptune's ring system (or possibly as one of the moons, but Ive tried all of them without result, but I guess it could be orbiting one but hidden), it will be locatable (possibly given enough pilots searching and a lot of luck).

Could be hidden orbiting Triton, or Europa??
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The Martian relic might be unrelated, but the timing fits - it was discovered in 2280, only 16 years before Art Tornqvist's journal.
Good spot! I never made that connection

Though I do have in my notes: N.B. Allen Stroud’s PhD thesis quotes from his ED lore bible as “In 2280, the first non-human relic was found in space. The object, no bigger than a child’s hand was collected by an orbital probe around Europa and quickly brought back to Earth. No information has ever been circulated as to the properties of this item or its origin.”)

FD may have kept to that lore but obfuscated the location to say found on Mars
What information was there about the Mars Relic, before M Brookes talked about it in the lore video?

From memory he seemed to talk about it as though we already knew of its existence? Had we?
Doh, I had spotted the 16 year gap from Artefact to Raxxla rumour, my memory is failing. If we are looking seriouslyz at Sol for the location then I would againg point out the in-game hints to 2001 Space Odyssey (station docking music was in first Elite and still in ED), and its sequels.

2001 Space Odyssey (
In the film the monolith that was a transportation gateway was orbiting Jupiter
(, was DB a fan of the film? I think he is of Arthur C Clarke who wrote it.

Various sources place the 2001SO third monolith (there were a couple of books and later films which I havent seen, 1982, 1987 & 1997) : 1) orbiting Io, 2) on Iapetus, 3) orbiting Jupiter 4) on Europa, 5) between Io and Jupiter

But Allen Stroud's thesis mentioning Europa is suggestive.
Remember the references in development of the ‘Thargoid’ bible.

A lore document in FDs possession that outlined the narrative and backstory of the Thargoids, very likely the artwork too..

It’s logical FD would have a long plan for this IP but I am increasingly filled with incredulity considering the various circumstantial evidence, that this was not followed verbatim, and that a shift in development resulted in certain content being dropped and/or repurposed.

So might there exist an equal possibility the Relic no longer exists?

If it does exist it very likely is a keystone narrative element, therefore something we cant interact with and for that reason I don’t think it’s actually Raxxla, as it’s physically SO small, I think it’s an indication of alien technology.

The presumed emphasis of Milton would advocate Raxxla is a body in a fixed place, a liminal zone that uncovers something or provides some insight?

My point being, if the Relic or Triton are involved, there’s actively nothing we can do to resolve it, other than await FD decision to turn that narrative page, where as the Codex advocates Raxxla might be a location and it might be discoverable?
I agree, and I recall your earlier concerns about Raxxla potentially being a gated narrative. However, I suspect this won't be the case.
I'm leaning toward the invasion and relic not being directly related to Raxxla. Sure there would be a tangential relationship via lineage of advanced alien civilisations, but to me this all seems to be pointing to the ancient Thargoid-Guardian conflict. I wonder if there is small chance we will see the narrative shift to revealing something about the Guardian Construct, or something that indicates the Thargoids are attempting to locate it.

Ever since our first game encounters, the Thargoids have scanned our ships.

Why? Because they are looking for a telltale signature.
To the unsuspecting eye their scans look like a shiny lens flare effect, but from my earlier studies of the guardian signals I suspect an intentional clue by FDev.
This signature is one very similar to the signals emitted by Guardian technology - specifically the obelisks.

Ram Tah's notes established that humans have a genetic similarity with the guardians, which might mean a shared ancestry.
If the Thargs have discovered the relic via Seo's memories, they may be now seeking our 'hive' to find it or something like it.
Either way, we feeble puny humans are likely not their focus and it seems they are pursuing the more ancient Guardian threat. Remember who started all this, and what technology he used to trigger the invasion.

Also, Triton has an atmosphere that, while needing a healthy dose of ammonia, makes it suitable for Thargoids. So I'm not surprised if FDev would choose that moon for whatever narrative will be revealed soon-ish.

Even though this event may not be related to Raxxla, with each new event that unfolds there is opportunity for FDev to insert contextual hints about Raxxla. They are also an opportunity help clear up more loose threads that have been muddying what is Raxxla-related and not.
I assume efforts have been made to decode that Thargoid interrogation signal?
Ive not seen anything much on signal decoding since the old Canonn threads' demise, but then I dont try hard to stay in touch
@selbie do you have a spectrogram for it?
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I'm inclined to agree. However it's worth considering that while they may not be significant to us, they could be very significant to the goids.
I think the issue here is that that perspective is only available from a meta analysis - as in, you and I and all here have a much greater knowledge of the in-game lore than people in-game do, and we also have access to the fact that the lore we have is very limited, therefore it's (to some degree) self filtering.

Within the lore of the game - the reality of the game - there's a very clear line drawn (recent Galnet articles) between the Thargoids 'interrogating' Seo Jin-ae and Cocijo zooming off towards Sol. Very, very clear line there, no question that the Titan (AKA a Thargoid Hive Queen) found something interesting in Seo's mind.

I was pointing out that we know about the Martian Relic and Triton because there's not really much "super weird" lore in the game left, and they have always been hot topics of conversation here - BUT - within the lore, within the reality of the game, what's the chances that Seo Jin-ae knows about the Martian Relic or the PF permit lock on Triton?

If she doesn't know, or is unlikely to know, then Cocijo won't know either. What she probably does know is that Sol is humanity's original birthplace, and she probably has an awareness of the general shape of politics relating to leaders and where they are.

I think this is a good example of the type of meta-analysis thinking that erroneously goes into a lot of Raxxla hunting - trying to solve the 'puzzle' at the level of the developers, rather than trying to solve in within the logic of the game. I guess it's like if someone were trying to finish a jigsaw by analysing the shapes of the pieces and ignoring the picture.

The Martian relic might be unrelated, but the timing fits - it was discovered in 2280, only 16 years before Art Tornqvist's journal.
... but also anything that happened before 2296 also fits equally well! :) Maybe Galileo located Raxxla in 1611 and wrote about it in a secret journal, or it was detected by Hubble in 2003 but kept secret by NASA, or Li Qin Jao in 2212 identified Raxxla while conducting a hyperdrive experiment...

The question is: is 16 years enough time for a myth to form from it, and to make its way to the colloquialism of a shipboard mechanic in Tau Ceti to casually mention in his journal? If 16 makes it "fit", timing wise, what are the brackets on that for you? Is 25 years too long? 10 years too short? See what I mean :)

I'm honestly not sure either way if the Martian Relic is related to Raxxla - I suspect it was supposed to be related to the Guardians tbh but that's nothing more than an educated guess :)

I think we all want it to be something like a computer chip or a shard of pottery with glyphs on it, etc. but it might just as well be a lump of metal or something that's been worked with tools - that would definitely be "non human", but it wouldn't be enough to link it to any particular alien species, etc. back in 2280 it would be groundbreaking!
Honestly think this is more probably as time fumbles on…

So is Raxxla’s in game? Yes but we won’t turn it on till 2024.

Or maybe 2028 depending…What made you think you could get there? Don’t be silly. We never said that.

FD stated via Arthur sometime ago that:

“It’s there. Clearly it’s there. I’ve said this in another stream, I’ll say it today, it’s been going a longtime. The payoff would have to be great, and that’s all I will say on it”.
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Yep. Persephone is very suspicious-how come it's so light? Last time I was there (years ago) I could see perfectly well...its the farthest planet darnit, it should be pitch black (without Vin Diesel)!!

But Triton is a good contender. Permit locked, no way to get the permit. When I first got the Sol permit I watched a steady stream of Fed Navy ships going there & coming from it (though that traffic had died down when I last looked). However I suspect if FD are playing at all straight with us and Raxxla is locatable then methinks hidden in the rings of Neptune would be a very good bet, assuming Triton is related to the Raxxla puzzle! Speculating here but wouldn't be surprised if Raxxla is the ship that brought the Guardian/AI to Sol system & that Guardian (suspended animation- the Dream Sleep or whatever it was named in Galnet?)/AI is housed at Triton.

I guess it was just a matter of time before i brought up the Templars....

Thinking about Triton - I remember the Tattoo... MB had the Triton from the Pena Palace.... It stood over the Coral Gate. The Pena Palace is near by the Quinta da Regaleria both in the region of the Sintra Mountains. Sintra is Cynthia.... Diana ....Artemis

The Templars stayed in Portugal after their dissolution... became the Knights of Christ... The Freemasons are said to have used rituals from the Templars... Makes me wonder about the Raxxla symbol Idea.

Quinta da Regaleria is the location of a garden supposedly used for Freemason initiation rites. Levels of cosmic Ascencion etc... The bottom of the Initiation Well provides rock cut tunnels which takes you to various locations... One of which is the Portal of the Guardians...

The Pisões Loggia - one of the entrances to the Quinta da Regaleria, has an interesting symbol carved into its floor - i suppose it is being used as a drain?

Kind of reminds me of the Galnet Logo

Im starting to wonder if the vague pattern in quite a few stories ive been noticing is related to some "secret' story associated with the freemason initiation rite...
I guess it was just a matter of time before i brought up the Templars....

Thinking about Triton - I remember the Tattoo... MB had the Triton from the Pena Palace.... It stood over the Coral Gate. The Pena Palace is near by the Quinta da Regaleria both in the region of the Sintra Mountains. Sintra is Cynthia.... Diana ....Artemis

The Templars stayed in Portugal after their dissolution... became the Knights of Christ... The Freemasons are said to have used rituals from the Templars... Makes me wonder about the Raxxla symbol Idea.

Quinta da Regaleria is the location of a garden supposedly used for Freemason initiation rites. Levels of cosmic Ascencion etc... The bottom of the Initiation Well provides rock cut tunnels which takes you to various locations... One of which is the Portal of the Guardians...

The Pisões Loggia - one of the entrances to the Quinta da Regaleria, has an interesting symbol carved into its floor - i suppose it is being used as a drain?

Kind of reminds me of the Galnet Logo

Im starting to wonder if the vague pattern in quite a few stories ive been noticing is related to some "secret' story associated with the freemason initiation rite...
Mmm. That drain looks like a Titan to me, though I agree the hexagonal boundary is reminiscent of Raxxla symbol (&Coriolis station). Is Raxxla perhaps a lost Titan?? Who thought uo the Titan names? Is there a potential clue in the naming convention?

Yes, the Triton gate was the first symbol on MB's tattoo, marking the start of the journey. So while the incoming Titan might be heading for Triton (isnt there a system of same name?) the tattoo might suggest something more convoluted?
What information was there about the Mars Relic, before M Brookes talked about it in the lore video?

From memory he seemed to talk about it as though we already knew of its existence? Had we?
First mention of the relic was in the time-line, from FE2.
  • 2280s - Discovery of first non-human relic in space. Origin still unknown in 3200.

It's place in the original time-line may suggest that it was important for terra-forming technology.
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