I don’t think there is any evidence linking the Club to Raxxla, but am willing to be convinced otherwise if you can quote the references. On the contrary Drew Wagar has confirmed that while The Club was his invention, FD required all the book authors to stay off the subject of Raxxla

I think Fdev was a little more involved in premonition than u think.

The Club are a representation of the Military Industrial Complex of the combined human powers in the ED universe. They were created by David, yes.



Also the interesting bit in premonition about spokes on the dark wheel... Im sure had to be run by Fdev at the very least.

Im of the opinion that there are groups within the industrial complex who are either part of the dark wheel or working for them... I think Club could easily fit in there.
There is no way at present of earning any of the regional permits. I think this has been confirmed by FD at some point but I think it was a Q&A or AMA and I don't have time right now to track it down.
I just so happen to know where/when Fdev said this:
Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_KVgY3uDIXg

It was me who asked the question during their livestream (humorously the CMDR who blew them up is on my friends list). [if it doesn't automatically skip to the point in the video where its said, its 54:24]
I did a little trek along Eridanus constellation yesterday, inspired by something Jaiotu said last Thursday, while returning from my holiday at the Orion Nebula Tourist Center. (Fabulous place by the way, I have a Viper mk3 parked there and the hazardous resource extraction site is almost next to the asteroid station)
"no man ever steps into the same river twice"
You know what else is not a place? Well, a constellation. Of course it doesn't take a genius to figure out why the river is not a direct route, but searching for correct stars and jumping around for them was entertaining experience.
Highlights from this trip would include "The Ascending Phoenix", a starport in Chi Eridani with a very grand name, not too far from Ankaa, a star ancient arabs in Sol system had named after phoenix. Then there was Theta Eridani, or Acamar, the original end of the river, except that it's not the end, because there is another. Nav beacon oddly far away from the binary. Achenar marks the end of the modern constellation, and there I would spend some time gathering engineer materials, because I have developed a fondness for fixed burst lasers, along other thermal weapons, and for this reason my third Federal Assault Ship had to be engineered again.
"Place that isn't a place"
The heart of the Empire is a confusing place. Much traffic goes there. I cannot but wonder where Alpha Eridani B has gone. As mentioned by Jorki, there should be two eyes staring in the void.
I think Fdev was a little more involved in premonition than u think.

Also the interesting bit in premonition about spokes on the dark wheel... Im sure had to be run by Fdev at the very least.

Im of the opinion that there are groups within the industrial complex who are either part of the dark wheel or working for them... I think Club could easily fit in there.
I think Fdev was a little more involved in premonition than u think.

Also the interesting bit in premonition about spokes on the dark wheel... Im sure had to be run by Fdev at the very least.

Im of the opinion that there are groups within the industrial complex who are either part of the dark wheel or working for them... I think Club could easily fit in there.

Good pick up, I had forgotten that. But it doesn’t change my point which was that FD kept everything Raxxla-related to themselves, and there is no lore evidence linking Thargoids & Raxxla. Indeed there is no lore evidence linking Raxxla with anything after FD retconned the old lore.
Which makes me think in ED it is probably nothing like the description in And Here The Wheel
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That raxxla symbol still looks like a cube within a cube. And the third of a circle is also seen somewhere else. It's symbol in the map related to the location the maps are leading to from delphi and the thargoid sensor stuff. One of the maps has a partial circle that looks exactly like that. What if you translate the raxla symbol from 2d to 3d treating it as a cube and see what you get. I'm not sure how to do that accurately.

A cube within a cube is also 4d I think. A tesseract.

You'll notice a tesseract at this angle has 6 sides if you remove the middle.
View attachment 132620
You'll notice it's also at this point six equalateral triangles abutted with smaller ones in the middle. Or whatever other interpretation you can make at that point. I think triangles like this are also used in the game. It could be related. Like the loading screen.

Does something about a tessaract equate to a 6 set of characters for a coordinate. Something besides for a normal cube? I still think this might be refering to the cube of stars around banards loop. Maybe raxxla is in it.

It's next to the sun in the left image. Maybe it's some older universal symbol for something. Except with raxxla there are three. (or more if it's 2d to 3d as they can hide behind each other.) And all over the center leading to the last location and from the first. Oddly enough the first had 2 and the second ones to the final point have 3 each...
View attachment 132619

Side note: https://morsecode.scphillips.com/translator.html
d g k r u w

That middle bit, if it's morse code, could be either:

gkd: 08,11,04
Google results
Stuff having to do with metal fabrics.
urw: 21,18,23
Google results
Everything from finances to you are welcome...

Unless that image is upside down that that morse code is backwards and or inverted.... Or does that come to the same thing?

Either way, that is a repeatable pattern. I wonder if that is part of the clue.
Was reading through older posts on this thread and I came up with a similar idea but I like the idea of a morse code idea, I thought it might be a set of instructions in the form of a galactic map heh
Ok, if Planet X (Nibiru) exists, and all indications from Caltech and NASA believes it does exist, and Sellar Forge (Elite's Galaxy Map) is so accurate, it has predicted the location of life like planets around stars later confirmed by NASA and astronomers, Stellar Forge has to account for it's existence and probable location.

I think Plane X has to be (currently) in the neighboring systems just outside and around Sol.

As Yelboc points out, these systems have been searched, but Planet X may not show up on FSS depending on the time you arrive. It may be a "timing" event.

As for current theories to the location of Raxxla, none presented to date have any thread of evidence. I have given you a mystery planet reported to exist, yet unproven, with an X in the name along with a probable location, with some evidence of it's existence, reported by credible sources. The fact that the areas have been searched with nothing found, may just be a timing issue, or just hidden from view (by the game dynamics) until you get close enough. Since Planet X is only "rumored" to exist, so Raxxla is just "rumored" to exist. David Braben states "it's in the game and FDev knows where it is". This statement has to confirm Raxxla's existence and to date, no one has located either Planet X to disprove it's existence, or Raxxla to verify its existence.

Planet X and/or Nibiru have been with us for centuries. Technology and mathematical calculations say it must be there and NASA/Astronomers would not waste resources if they felt it was just a rumor with no math to back it up.

Ok, this is stepping over into spreading false RL info. (Unintentionally I'm sure.) As I said in the previous post, what those articles you posted about are not the 'Nibiru' Planet X.

Let me try to clear up what's going on.

There are two things:

  • Planet 9
  • Nibiru
Both of which also sometimes get called Planet X.

The NASA and Caltech articles are about Planet 9. NASA, Caltech etc. absolutely do not in any way say that Nibiru exists - Nibiru is just a complete load of tosh.

How about we don't maintain the confusion, and we just call the body in the NASA / Caltech articles Planet 9.

Planet 9 isn't a Rogue Planet. It's not mysterious or anything like that. It's not in another system. It's something that's predicted as possible explanation for the behaviour of various other smaller and very distant objects (which are still part of this solar system).

And FD have already included it!

It's Persephone. https://www.edsm.net/en_GB/system/bodies/id/27/name/Sol/details/idB/8136018/nameB/Persephone

Just for avoidance of doubt:

"Planet X and/or Nibiru have been with us for centuries." No, it really hasn't. Planet 9 has been around since time immemorial. Nibiru isn't real.

"Technology and mathematical calculations say it must be there" Yes, for Planet 9, no for Nibiru.

"NASA/Astronomers would not waste resources if they felt it was just a rumor with no math to back it up." They haven't. They've looked for evidence of Planet 9, not for Nibiru.

Anyway, just for reference (though I'm sure this is just telling many what they already know), there's plenty of precedence for predicting a body's existence from the behaviour of other bodies, and then discovering it subsequently.

That's how Neptune was found.

Anyway, I hope that clears that all up, and just to summarise, the body from those NASA and Caltech articles is in game, and is detectable when in Sol - it's Persephone.


Tacticus, your welcome gift:
Rouge or Rogue ? It can make the diference..
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IF Raxxla turns out to be a rogue one, it could then also solve that star class X (= exotic) thing still in suspense.
Because, "what has been lost will soon be recovered" can't be the coords of a referenced system.
You can't "loose" that.
Not even in this inconsistent FDevs'... err.. storyline?
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YouTuber AnwinBahl has 4 videos posted titled 'raxxla satelit' 1 - 4. It's just a bunch of pilot call signs and numbers for a series of like 7 mins or so. Being somewhat inexperienced at making these connections that some of you have been able to tie together, I figured I'd post this info here in case you guys thought we could find use in it. I only watched the first vid and it doesn't really start till after like 50 seconds.
YouTuber AnwinBahl has 4 videos posted titled 'raxxla satelit' 1 - 4. It's just a bunch of pilot call signs and numbers for a series of like 7 mins or so. Being somewhat inexperienced at making these connections that some of you have been able to tie together, I figured I'd post this info here in case you guys thought we could find use in it. I only watched the first vid and it doesn't really start till after like 50 seconds.

Not gonna bother, because if a YouTuber found Raxxla they'd just announce it.
One thought about the Pleiades: As daughters of Atlas they were also called the „Atlantides“. Atlantides - Atlantis? Did we already turn up every stone in those systems?
YouTuber AnwinBahl has 4 videos posted titled 'raxxla satelit' 1 - 4. It's just a bunch of pilot call signs and numbers for a series of like 7 mins or so. Being somewhat inexperienced at making these connections that some of you have been able to tie together, I figured I'd post this info here in case you guys thought we could find use in it. I only watched the first vid and it doesn't really start till after like 50 seconds.
Sorry this is not Raxxla. Its Dynasty Expedition

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