Cool I didn't know and really have no way of know what is and isn't related.

How do we know something in game seemingly unrelated WONT be connected?
Well, we don't, we don't know anything, but....FDev promised "no clues" which to me, means no encoded beacons pointing us to a location, etc. Also, in this case, I believe this is part of the Formidine Rift mystery. It was discussed on here a few pages ago, that the author who came up with this has no idea where Raxxla is, making it unlikely to be related.
Well, we don't, we don't know anything, but....FDev promised "no clues" which to me, means no encoded beacons pointing us to a location, etc. Also, in this case, I believe this is part of the Formidine Rift mystery. It was discussed on here a few pages ago, that the author who came up with this has no idea where Raxxla is, making it unlikely to be related.
FDev is infuriatingly vague about the things they say and leave a lot of room for interpretation. The way I understood that was to mean FDevs wouldn't be giving us clues in things like interviews or q&A's but anything in game that would serve as a clue or an informative source would be part of the actual search process.
Hey, like I said, I wasn't accusing you of anything and I said the source might be wrong. :D

The only point I'd make there is it's probably worth sense checking what the sources say.

I use FTL as faster than light. If we're talking about travelling, which we are, then it's FTL travel.

Quirium Drives were Hyperdrives. The fuel used was called Quirium. Hyperdrives in this context being a drive for transiting through hyperspace. It's a form of FTL travel.

Wormholes would also involve travelling - they need to be entered, traversed and exited.

If we're talking realistically then you can't ever be moving faster than the speed of light, and all hypothetical forms of FTL travel involve getting around that restriction in a form where you don't locally move faster than light (which you can't) but still arrive at the destination faster than light would (if that light was travelling the 'ordinary' route through normal space).
Regarding wormholes you don’t travel faster then light whilst traversing them but they would transport you to a location faster than travelling at the speed of light but personally you’d arrive instantaneous so is a much higher form of travel
Cool I didn't know and really have no way of know what is and isn't related.

How do we know something in game seemingly unrelated WONT be connected?
I’ve made the same point as you pal and I completely agree with you, we can’t assume anything in this game ISN’T connected, after Raxxka is a place that isn’t a place so 🤷‍♂️
In a previous post I had a look at the poison administered to the people at the rift mystery and this is what came out
But I was bluntly told that that was no proof of the mystery that had anything to do with Raxxla sooooo
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Regarding wormholes you don’t travel faster then light whilst traversing them but they would transport you to a location faster than travelling at the speed of light but personally you’d arrive instantaneous so is a much higher form of travel
Welcome to the chase Tacticus. I don't get on here as frequently as I used to and I've enjoyed reading your posts. Don't let us "old guard" folks put you off too much. Its easy for some of us to lose patience ... some of what you've posted is 100% canon, some of it rumor, some of it related to non-Raxxla (as far as we know) mysteries and a little bit come from some very excellent fan fiction that helped fill the years when there were no official "Elite" games under development. No worries. With what little we know about Raxxla it is hard to say where the inspiration will come from that will finally crack this thing open for us.

In regards to this "Faster than Light" argument ... You and Thatchinho are both right. FTL can refer both to something moving faster then the speed of light as well as to traveling to somewhere faster then light could ordinarily get there. True "FTL" doesn't exist in our universe as far as we know and every theoretical method of achieving faster then light velocity is, in reality, on "apparent faster than light" travel as it involves some way of warping the fabric of space-time so that the object traveling is moving at subluminal velocities. In general though, and especially within science fiction, any kind of travel that can get you from one place to another faster then is physically possible gets lumped under the term "FTL" whether it is Star Trek's Warp Drive, Dune's folding space or Star Wars' Hyperspace.
Welcome to the chase Tacticus. I don't get on here as frequently as I used to and I've enjoyed reading your posts. Don't let us "old guard" folks put you off too much. Its easy for some of us to lose patience ... some of what you've posted is 100% canon, some of it rumor, some of it related to non-Raxxla (as far as we know) mysteries and a little bit come from some very excellent fan fiction that helped fill the years when there were no official "Elite" games under development. No worries. With what little we know about Raxxla it is hard to say where the inspiration will come from that will finally crack this thing open for us.

In regards to this "Faster than Light" argument ... You and Thatchinho are both right. FTL can refer both to something moving faster then the speed of light as well as to traveling to somewhere faster then light could ordinarily get there. True "FTL" doesn't exist in our universe as far as we know and every theoretical method of achieving faster then light velocity is, in reality, on "apparent faster than light" travel as it involves some way of warping the fabric of space-time so that the object traveling is moving at subluminal velocities. In general though, and especially within science fiction, any kind of travel that can get you from one place to another faster then is physically possible gets lumped under the term "FTL" whether it is Star Trek's Warp Drive, Dune's folding space or Star Wars' Hyperspace.
Glad to hear it 🤪 as long as my rouge ideas are entertaining that’s all that really matters
On the subject of hyperdrive tech, and Drew's book premonition: Drew has mentioned that FDEV have changed the in game lore recently on drive tech, and that there are now incosistencies between what was published in his book and elsewhere in older game lore, and what is now the in-game canon.

Drew suggested we stick to whats in game, based on Galnet + Tourist Beacons etc., and to disregard previous data. Please see Drew's questions thread on this forum:

Lets not get drawn down rabbit holes :)
I’ve made the same point as you pal and I completely agree with you, we can’t assume anything in this game ISN’T connected, after Raxxka is a place that isn’t a place so 🤷‍♂️
In a previous post I had a look at the poison administered to the people at the rift mystery and this is what came out
View attachment 133141
View attachment 133140
But I was bluntly told that that was no proof of the mystery that had anything to do with Raxxla sooooo
The Zurara logs were written by Drew Wagar as part of his in-game narrative that paralleled his novel "Elite: Premonition". Drew Wagar also authored the "Oolite Saga" which is a collection of non-canon stories that take place in the "Oolite Universe" (Oolite is a remake of the original Elite game from 1984. In those novels the two main characters have their memories altered via a process called "Hexediting". I'm 99% sure that the inclusion of the term in the Zurara logs is simply an Easter-egg for those of us who read Drew's old fan fiction (which itself was an Easter-egg referencing how gamers would use a hexeditor back in the 80s to modify their CMDR's game save to change their stats (you could give yourself millions of credits.

There's always a possibility that it could mean more but I think that the only interest in the "Hexedit" theory is because of a recent post on Reddit that got picked up by Obsidian Ant. I don't think Ant or the original Redditor who made the post were aware of Drew's previous use of "Hexedit" in his fan fiction.
The Zurara logs were written by Drew Wagar as part of his in-game narrative that paralleled his novel "Elite: Premonition". Drew Wagar also authored the "Oolite Saga" which is a collection of non-canon stories that take place in the "Oolite Universe" (Oolite is a remake of the original Elite game from 1984. In those novels the two main characters have their memories altered via a process called "Hexediting". I'm 99% sure that the inclusion of the term in the Zurara logs is simply an Easter-egg for those of us who read Drew's old fan fiction (which itself was an Easter-egg referencing how gamers would use a hexeditor back in the 80s to modify their CMDR's game save to change their stats (you could give yourself millions of credits.

There's always a possibility that it could mean more but I think that the only interest in the "Hexedit" theory is because of a recent post on Reddit that got picked up by Obsidian Ant. I don't think Ant or the original Redditor who made the post were aware of Drew's previous use of "Hexedit" in his fan fiction.
I have seen this but frontier aren't in the Easter egg business and there is no proof to suggest it is an Easter egg don’t get me wrong it could well be. it is however a possible code when decoded spells Raxxla
For me the martian artifact is a very curious incident. Mankind's capability in terraforming and space faring take a sudden leap forward after it's discovery, but nobody has ever seen it since it was discovered. It's only a small thing, too - what could have such significance? A data store or key of some kind?

For myself I seldom take much interest in convoy dispersal USS - don't know about others - but maybe we need to find a convoy with cargo at the right place..

Thinking about the mechanisms whereby we could find out about this artifact might help..
For me the martian artifact is a very curious incident. Mankind's capability in terraforming and space faring take a sudden leap forward after it's discovery, but nobody has ever seen it since it was discovered. It's only a small thing, too - what could have such significance? A data store or key of some kind?

For myself I seldom take much interest in convoy dispersal USS - don't know about others - but maybe we need to find a convoy with cargo at the right place..

Thinking about the mechanisms whereby we could find out about this artifact might help..
Maybe but I’m not sure how that could be coded.. I for one have been to the Zeus system and there is a large number those convey dispersal
I have seen this but frontier aren't in the Easter egg business and there is no proof to suggest it is an Easter egg don’t get me wrong it could well be. it is however a possible code when decoded spells Raxxla
I don't see how it spells Raxxla. The keyed Vigenere cipher image that you uploaded only contains the passphrase (hexedit) and the message text (raxxla). It cuts off the resulting cipher text which, in this case would be "yeuboi". Does yeuboi mean anything?
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