Well light can travel through the worm hole can’t it? Therefore if you go through it at sub light speed and light is also going through it then technically you’ve not gotten there quicker than light as light also went though it and just so happened to do it first 😁
Okay but, hear me out, if light travels through the worm hole with you then it would arrive at the same time as you or even faster than you? Yeah you’ve said standard space time bla bla etc but if you created a wormhole and light went through it
and then YOU went through it that light would arrive sooner than you and therefore you’d be travelling at sublight speeds.
Hypothetical I know but still it’s possible
Ah, ok, I wasn't ignoring this point, it's taken into account in what I was saying.

To explain further...

Light's an expression of the ElectroMagnetic force, which essentially we're also expressions of*. Can't really disentangle the two. For us (or any object) to be able to travel, light also has to be able to.

In other words, inherently, you can never get there 'before' light.

So we're left with two choices:

- We can't class anything as FTL

- We use a definition of FTL which is done in comparison to the minimum time taken for light to travel a distance without wormholes or anything else exotic.

The latter is a more useful approach IMO.

*with apologies if that sounds like it's straying over into mysticism. There's not mysticism or anything there, it's just trying to summarise a lot of stuff into a short sentence.


Raxxla's the journey not the destination. And we've talked a lot about travel methods! 😜
... snip ...

The real issue here is that locating post-FTL generation ships without knowing the exact method of travel gets quite fuzzy.

Generation ships by design are ment to house a base number of individuals with room for many future generations to live, learn, and crew the vessels as the time it would take to reach the intended destination would far outstrip the human lifespan.

With FTL driven vessels, Generation Ships would ony be considered if the fastest mode of travel wouldn't allow a crew to survive the trip in their lifetime. Of course this doesn't take into account relativity.
Yeah, we're very much in the dark about how FTL tech worked for a long time.

I think it's always worth bearing in mind that between 3100 and now there's been at least 4 different hyperspace drives, probably more. Plus Supercruise. Potentially something else to throw in from the early 3100s, though the space-skip tech from Elite probably isn't actually canon for ED.

Even in the early 3100s it's not clear if everyone was using the same hyperspace tech, in which case Galcop had a complete monopoly of it, or whether other tech was in use elsewhere.

And things just get murkier as we go further back in to the past.
One thing from all i read around here (alot more since i last took a look at the post), the possibilty of Raxxla been a rogue planet as been brought up several times and its not without good reason, and who knows we could actually have them and be one...

But, as FSS goes, and honking a system and all bodies appear... Let me tell u, they dont sometimes!

And i stand by this claim i made now, since i already experienced that myself, get into a system, honk and get 24 bodies, go to all but one that was more than 500k away, i decided to go there, and guess what happened when i got there? I honked again just to find out there was another 11 bodies out there, that werent spotted by the FSS in the 1st honk...

Now a rogue planet, if it was to exist, well... That is something that would definatly be very dificult to pick up and to get to...

One thing i have been doing, everytime im in the bubble mapping all i can to get as much knowledge i can of the bubble area, is to travel to the distance stars and honk again, lets say for instance i find a system with 4 stars and furthest away is 500k +... I found one like that, went to it and honked, found a gas giant and a small ice body, that initial honk didnt pick up, so yes, there is stuff u dont get when u honk a system, even doe they say "all appears" immediatly it doesnt!

And this my fellow Raxxla thinfoild hats commanders, is kinda of a secret that i picked up while exploring in this game that i hadnt revealed yet and im doing now.
All this time we have been chasing Greek myths, it turns out the fdev who placed Raxxla had just got into the band Spectral Lore......


Spectral Lore

The weight of the World
Is crushing down
Everything to the core.
Despotically it protects
From straying into the void
Despotically it commands
For omnipresent strength.
I have fallen
From the weight of the world
And I am being pulled down
Towards the center of being.
It is as if Matter
Wants to hold itself together
In vain, against the cold estrangement
Of continuous expansion.
I rise to claim my Identity
Against the grind of amorphous clay
Pushing the soil down
Destroying the Rock with my fists
To see the Light of Day
Born to the world of Wonder
Of endless promise and finite, abrupt reality
With dreams directed towards the Higher dimensions
Inbetween deceptive phenomena and elusive noumena
The navel of Motherly love must be cut
To escape the inevitable demise
From the blazing hands of the Father
Without wanton belief and asuredness
The path to the gateway of cosmos
Is a small ray, deep throughout the inmensurable darkness.

One thing from all i read around here (alot more since i last took a look at the post), the possibilty of Raxxla been a rogue planet as been brought up several times and its not without good reason, and who knows we could actually have them and be one...

But, as FSS goes, and honking a system and all bodies appear... Let me tell u, they dont sometimes!

And i stand by this claim i made now, since i already experienced that myself, get into a system, honk and get 24 bodies, go to all but one that was more than 500k away, i decided to go there, and guess what happened when i got there? I honked again just to find out there was another 11 bodies out there, that werent spotted by the FSS in the 1st honk...

Now a rogue planet, if it was to exist, well... That is something that would definatly be very dificult to pick up and to get to...

One thing i have been doing, everytime im in the bubble mapping all i can to get as much knowledge i can of the bubble area, is to travel to the distance stars and honk again, lets say for instance i find a system with 4 stars and furthest away is 500k +... I found one like that, went to it and honked, found a gas giant and a small ice body, that initial honk didnt pick up, so yes, there is stuff u dont get when u honk a system, even doe they say "all appears" immediatly it doesnt!

And this my fellow Raxxla thinfoild hats commanders, is kinda of a secret that i picked up while exploring in this game that i hadnt revealed yet and im doing now.
Good to know 🤗
uh The dark wheel in game faction in shinera is also based in a different system
LFT 926
Anything been mentioned bout’ this before

Yep! Macros, the originator of this thread, is currently on a huge campaign to document all of the DW's faction interactions (via missions), which is somewhat relevant to their influence outside of ShinDez. IIRC, the DW has even been the controlling faction of LFT 926 within the last year, and i'm pretty sure they've even had influence in other systems in the past. It's hard to tell if this is significant info, but Macros is on the hunt to find out.
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One thing from all i read around here (alot more since i last took a look at the post), the possibilty of Raxxla been a rogue planet as been brought up several times and its not without good reason, and who knows we could actually have them and be one...

But, as FSS goes, and honking a system and all bodies appear... Let me tell u, they dont sometimes!

And i stand by this claim i made now, since i already experienced that myself, get into a system, honk and get 24 bodies, go to all but one that was more than 500k away, i decided to go there, and guess what happened when i got there? I honked again just to find out there was another 11 bodies out there, that werent spotted by the FSS in the 1st honk...

Now a rogue planet, if it was to exist, well... That is something that would definatly be very dificult to pick up and to get to...

One thing i have been doing, everytime im in the bubble mapping all i can to get as much knowledge i can of the bubble area, is to travel to the distance stars and honk again, lets say for instance i find a system with 4 stars and furthest away is 500k +... I found one like that, went to it and honked, found a gas giant and a small ice body, that initial honk didnt pick up, so yes, there is stuff u dont get when u honk a system, even doe they say "all appears" immediatly it doesnt!

And this my fellow Raxxla thinfoild hats commanders, is kinda of a secret that i picked up while exploring in this game that i hadnt revealed yet and im doing now.
Hmm... Need to do a slight process of elimination here to check a few things...

When you say honk and go to, are you talking in the sense of honking, then selecting things in the navpanel/sysmap and flying to them?
Also, i would like to note for the newer guys that in previous versions of the player log journal, there was a celestial body classification of "Rogue Planet". This has been taken out since 2.4 (i think), and to my knowledge, no body was ever found that fit this category.

Edit: went back to double check. Interestingly, "RoguePlanet" was a listed category of star type, which might suggest it is something outside of the bounds of any system that one might be able to jump to, given the right circumstance.
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Also, i would like to note for the newer guys that in previous versions of the player log journal, there was a celestial body classification of "Rogue Planet". This has been taken out since 2.4 (i think), and to my knowledge, no body was ever found that fit this category.
Just checked - it's still there, according to the manual at least. As is X (=exotic)

Just to note, they're under Star Descriptions not Planet Classes.

Also under of Star Desciptions in addition to the above, and the normal star classes are:
  • Nebula
  • StellarRemnantNebula

Make of all that what you will! :)
Hmm... Need to do a slight process of elimination here to check a few things...

When you say honk and go to, are you talking in the sense of honking, then selecting things in the navpanel/sysmap and flying to them?

Yep readed what i wrote and i see the issue.

Basically in the systems i had this was basically, honk it says there is X bodies, i then use FSS and find the ones it had said in the honk, and them i go for the mapping part and in the case of the one that had a gas giant 561k from me, i selected it in the nav panel, used supercruise assist and let the ship do the route, when i was really close to it i honked again and the result was diferent, using the FSS it revealed the other bodies that previously i couldnt see even using the FSS. (the 1st time when i entered the system)

Not the 1st system i get this, i have already quite the number of systems that at 1st glance was already discovered and mapped by other commanders, that had left 1 or 2 bodies unmapped cause of their distance, and when i got there i not only mapped those as i discovered more of them.

Basically what i stated and am telling with all this is, if u see a sun that is 500K or more away from u, its worth flying out there and using the FSS again, cause i can say in 5 of this situations only 1 of them didnt had nothing new to discover...
Also, i would like to note for the newer guys that in previous versions of the player log journal, there was a celestial body classification of "Rogue Planet". This has been taken out since 2.4 (i think), and to my knowledge, no body was ever found that fit this category.

Edit: went back to double check. Interestingly, "RoguePlanet" was a listed category of star type, which might suggest it is something outside of the bounds of any system that one might be able to jump to, given the right circumstance.
Now that is a really interesting piece of information
Just checked - it's still there, according to the manual at least. As is X (=exotic)

Just to note, they're under Star Descriptions not Planet Classes.

Also under of Star Desciptions in addition to the above, and the normal star classes are:
  • Nebula
  • StellarRemnantNebula
Make of all that what you will! :)

Just checked the newest journal manual, and indeed it is still there! Weird, i remember people saying it was no longer in the journal about a year ago, but never checked to confirm. I wonder if it was removed from the journal at some point? Will check previous journal manuals and report back.
Just checked the newest journal manual, and indeed it is still there! Weird, i remember people saying it was no longer in the journal about a year ago, but never checked to confirm. I wonder if it was removed from the journal at some point? Will check previous journal manuals and report back.
Is there a development list where you frontier state what they did to the game so we can identify when and if they took those out and if they did when did they put them back in?
Yep readed what i wrote and i see the issue.

Basically in the systems i had this was basically, honk it says there is X bodies, i then use FSS and find the ones it had said in the honk, and them i go for the mapping part and in the case of the one that had a gas giant 561k from me, i selected it in the nav panel, used supercruise assist and let the ship do the route, when i was really close to it i honked again and the result was diferent, using the FSS it revealed the other bodies that previously i couldnt see even using the FSS. (the 1st time when i entered the system)

Not the 1st system i get this, i have already quite the number of systems that at 1st glance was already discovered and mapped by other commanders, that had left 1 or 2 bodies unmapped cause of their distance, and when i got there i not only mapped those as i discovered more of them.

Basically what i stated and am telling with all this is, if u see a sun that is 500K or more away from u, its worth flying out there and using the FSS again, cause i can say in 5 of this situations only 1 of them didnt had nothing new to discover...

Were you getting the 'System scan completed' message when you'd FSS'd all the bodies from the first honk?

Also, are you on PC? It'd be very interesting to see what your journal file shows for those occasions!
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