Ye ...and 100Gb of data at least to get from edsm. I have 280Gb hdds. In shorter forms it gives json. So lua is good to traverse over json.

For global search he needs, it should be full SQL clone though.
For finding tritium around Borann my C++ code is sufficient :D
Yeah the json is quite horrible too. A year and a half ago I set up a process to shred the new files daily with powershell and dump them into SQL. Gave up in the end though, was getting to expensive as I built it on azure
This came to light about a month ago on the thread that started a drive to move TDW towards Sol. MB was asked to confirm & responded “no comment”. Two others who were said to have been there and heard it apparently recanted.
It’s not really important. Even by that short time into the game people had gone on long-distance exploration trips so even if true it doesn't really tie down the location of Raxxla, it could be just about anywhere. But it would have been nice to get an authoritative source, and it does seem to confirm it is in-game and discoverable. As was pointed out at the time it could be that Raxxla is a permit-locked planet...though I suspect not.
Or a permit locked asteroid 🤔
Mind to share your findings?
According to EDSM:
"The Pilot's Federation" was once in Nuenets, but now are no longer here.

However, after a bit of digging into this rabbit hole, I found something interesting. This isn't the Pilot's Federation Local Branch, as you see in Shinrarta, LHS 3447 and the rookie systems, where they still have an actual presence within the system's occupying minor factions.'+Federation+Local+Branch

Looking even more into this, when I first began, I noticed something odd. Pilot's Federation Local Branch is nowhere at all in this system, yet they still control Betancourt Enterprise:

You can find this same information on and INARA too:



The same can be seen in the in-game system map, if you've been here before.
That's the old Pilot's Federation, before FDev updated it and replaced it so it couldn't be tampered with if I recall it correctly.
The old PF was prone to manipulation, expansion and like. I guess they just did a replacement and locked down the new version of it. I think this happened 3-4 years ago.
The old PF was then removed from all the other systems.
That's the old Pilot's Federation, before FDev updated it and replaced it so it couldn't be tampered with if I recall it correctly.
The old PF was prone to manipulation, expansion and like. I guess they just did a replacement and locked down the new version of it. I think this happened 3-4 years ago.
The old PF was then removed from all the other systems.
I heard about that, though it still doesn't explain the local branch's hold on just that one station
I forgot to mention PFLB also a planetary intallation in LFT 926 i think at LFT 926 2 a, same body as the station. Im sure they have more of those elsewhere as well. Im not sure what much there is to do with this info though but im open to suggestions
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