It's telling me I don't have persimssion to post pics here now?!?!?! What the actual f*#@!?


Oh but this works? Seriously?
I took a closer look at the pictures in the Codex yesterday. And I have questions:

2. What are those dots in this picture and in the Raxxla icon in the picture above ? Why are there 3 rings on the galaxy map? (I could be wrong, but I seem to be able to distinguish the usual numbers on the middle row of dots. )
Could this sign just mean a galaxy, like somewhere out there and not a specific place?

I looked at the Codex Map earlier - It is showing a location in the Sanguineous Rim as what you might call the equatorial center and seems to divide the galaxy into 93 slices.... suspicious. Couldnt read everything so some parts are left as dots.


Hmmmm wonder if the longitude line on this drawing runs through Chuckchan and the Zero is Barnards Loop... will check tonight
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I looked at the Codex Map earlier - It is showing a location in the Sanguineous Rim as what you might call the equatorial center and seems to divide the galaxy into 93 slices.... suspicious. Couldnt read everything so some parts are left as dots.


Hmmmm wonder if the longitude line on this drawing runs through Chuckchan and the Zero is Barnards Loop... will check tonight
The 0 happens to be where Cone nebula is approximately, also id say the dots are the same numbers as the lines go outwards, the line does not go through chuk also unfortunatly.
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I looked at the Codex Map earlier - It is showing a location in the Sanguineous Rim as what you might call the equatorial center and seems to divide the galaxy into 93 slices.... suspicious. Couldnt read everything so some parts are left as dots.


Hmmmm wonder if the longitude line on this drawing runs through Chuckchan and the Zero is Barnards Loop... will check tonight
I remember someone claiming that the dot with the circle is an astronomical sign of the sun.
So as far as I know in astronomy there is a division of the universe into four quadrants with the center at .... Sun.
Ok so Ya that equatorial line goes along the divider between the Sanguineous Rim and the Inner Orion Spur - It puts that point just southwest of Barnards Loop
Also - the lines do not converge on Sag A - but rather a point ~1127ly N of Sag A.




So ya - Hanerib - you out in the Core? Want to take a look ? :) I zeroed out the Up/Down to make it easy - so ya somewhere in that area though
I looked at the Codex Map earlier - It is showing a location in the Sanguineous Rim as what you might call the equatorial center and seems to divide the galaxy into 93 slices.... suspicious. Couldnt read everything so some parts are left as dots.


Hmmmm wonder if the longitude line on this drawing runs through Chuckchan and the Zero is Barnards Loop... will check tonight
93 - Copy.PNG

I've cut and cropped the Codex galactic region map. The black numbers run anticlockwise, why?
Lost resolution in the process (its not great to start with) so cant see if the inner circle of black dots are also numbers.
It seems to me that there is also a set of numbers in light blue running "vertically" down and horizontally across through Sag A* & it seems to tie in with the light blue galactic coordinate "squares".
So, apart from the fact that I cant actually read much due to the poor resolution I've got (and my ageing eyes!) this seems to me to be a galactic coordinate scheme. It's strange because I thought immediately it was circular coordinates, but the "90 degree" light blue line lies at around 23 in the black numbering, whereas I'd have expected 90! so it's not in degrees of arc.
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Here's a brightened and sharpened view of the rear of Aulin Enterprise for those wishing to manipulate the (alleged) Codex Dark Wheel station+star+planet pic for themselves. The aim is to get its colour balance to match the orange of Aulin Enterprise's rear lights.


I got onto this path because I was wondering if the black areas on the Raxxla logo might actually be structure on the DW station. We dont have an example of that now, it's an ancient design, the only example we have is the (alleged ;) ) view of it from the Codex. It's interesting to compare those black areas with Aulin Enterprise above and the (alleged) DW station pic. I dont think the black areas do match up, it seems to me more likely that it's just another Aulin Ent type station.

edit: and its interesting that the DW logo has the same "wings + triangle" symbol at its centre as does the logo for Colonia.
Here's a brightened and sharpened view of the rear of Aulin Enterprise for those wishing to manipulate the (alleged) Codex Dark Wheel station+star+planet pic for themselves. The aim is to get its colour balance to match the orange of Aulin Enterprise's rear lights.


I got onto this path because I was wondering if the black areas on the Raxxla logo might actually be structure on the DW station. We dont have an example of that now, it's an ancient design, the only example we have is the (alleged ;) ) view of it from the Codex. It's interesting to compare those black areas with Aulin Enterprise above and the (alleged) DW station pic. I dont think the black areas do match up, it seems to me more likely that it's just another Aulin Ent type station.

edit: and its interesting that the DW logo has the same "wings + triangle" symbol at its centre as does the logo for Colonia.
For some reason the Dark Wheel badge has four small spokes and two large ones. In the picture of the codex, it looks like there are 5 small spokes as well.
Isn't this view like yours but on the other side of the station?
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