The Star Citizen Thread V10

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"The game has been released for years" - Chris Roberts, 2019, probably.

"What do you mean a 1.0 release? We will soon be releasing 3.0!" - more or less what CR said to when asked about release in 2016/2017

Back in April 2016 he actually mentioned a very specific eventual "commercial release" event for the project, as opposed to the "what is release anyways" narrative. It was during one of the 104TC where he started for the first time (I think) describing the MVP and mentioning that not all stretch goals would be available at said commercial release.

$$$$ time


The space game with everything but the space...
Because if you think of the pipelines refactoring, the time when the power of the machines will be released (and what is release anyways) is more or less measured in weeks, not months. Having said that you need to really answer the call in order to punch above your weight and to stay frosty. Otherwise the best damned space sim ever will get stale and rough around the verse.

Roberts pipelines are paper bags and the faucet hasnt even been turned on. But you can smell whats coming. Dung, followed by salt, lots of salt... Dangerous Discussion x1000 salt. All mixed in with lulz. What a great internet troll kibble you've made Chris Roberts. Well done.
CIG = no farts given

Looks like somebody need to restrain Mole HD from digging deeper into his wallet. All CIG needs to do is to implement a proper damage model and hes going to go broke :)
But I've just bought a real a cost that would make a Star Citizen Legatus pack look like loose change you'd drop onto a tip jar at a coffee house...there you go folks, it's honestly an absolute bargain buying into concierge level backer status in Star Citizen and still come over as a normal rational being...but fer goodness sake, don't ever go buying vintage British motorcycles similar to the one owned by Lawrence of Arabia 😦

As for the cool space bike...I'd like one... but since enforced celibacy, probable starvation and bruises don't go well together...I think I'll give it a pass. To think my long suffering wife didn't even bat an eyelid when I bought the real bike...a virtual one though? Criminal offence in my house :unsure:
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Buy a motorcycle jpg and get back at Forbes like a rebel would!

Are tanks in the Alpha yet?
It's not only a jpg this time...strangely enough for Ci¬ can fall off it for real (virtually) instead of just falling off your chair in shock at the price.

...And no...still no tanks for the concierge org dictators to roll around pretending to be Rommel.

Edit: I stand corrected, Ci¬G are staying true to form and selling jpg's of nice ideas somebody drew on the back of a cigarette pack during a marketing focus group meeting. 🤨

I mean...c'mon, the project we're trying to play in the PU is an absolute clusterfarce of bugs...d'ya really think selling a jpg of a space motorbike is going to tempt folks to be opening the long shut wallets?
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I didnt much is it? please make me gasp for air :)
$42 US for the one with the Sons of Anarchy leather cut included (I looked). All warbond only (new cash sales) with LTI, so I couldn't even use my considerable store credit to sneak one past the Memsahib :(

So no virtual cut or virtual motorbike...I guess I'll have to make do with wearing my real cut and riding my real motorbikes ;)

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Vehicles without interiors, really cheap for them to add compared to the ships themselves. Essentially they just add the model and tweak a few properties to the Nox which was already a pretty lame bit of DLC. It's the smallest amount of development time, in return for the price of a full game in a reasonable reality.
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