The Star Citizen Thread V10

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I swear Star Citizen makes people crazy. He's talking about control and gamefeel but you're trotting out hokey arguments about what's supposedly being simulated under the hood.
How is it hokey to point out that one game explicitly has a movement mechanic that overrides and nullifies all simulation and physics — there's no “supposedly” about it since we know this for a fact straight from the developer's mouth (and very in-depth probing by far more competent code slingers) — and one does not when the topic is on which one has the better flight model.

On game has a flight model. The other does not. It's just the simple.

You're right about the first part, but I have a sneaking suspicion you were trying to aim that at me, which makes very little sense…

Protip: Elite doesn't have a flight model either just a bunch of bespoke pitch roll and acceleration variables just like Star Citizen.
…except that it has actual physics underneath that create those values, unlike Star Citizen, where the values come first and “physics” (or more accurately, the complete lack thereof) is generated to support those ridiculous values, creating a game feel that is about on par with a Atari 2600 with dodgy controls wiring.
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I've seen some of Dig's videos before, he has the most relaxing voice I've ever heard for a streamer and his productions pretty good on most videos.

I am pretty sad to see him trotting out comparisons against elite though, it gives the impression that SC is some kind of finished game that can stand toe to toe with Elite right now and its going to make people not in the know buy in.

He really seemed to push at the Elite Community's frustration and dreams specifically but fails to mention that sc isn't really a game or that it doesn't have a universe. Or that its main focus is currently Roberts single player movie mode. It kind of says paid shill to me.
Looks to me, like less of a comparison & more like what the title implies: what it's like playing Star Citizen if you're an Elite Dangerous Cmdr
In stocks, the best time to buy them is when they are on life support, which we all know CIG was. Roberts did what he had to do to sure up the company. Most CEO’s would have done something similar.

Now he will perform or else, as he is not just playing with house money. This, my expectations are that things will improve, potentially even speed up. But, I’m not holding my breath.
Unfortunately, Chris Roberts' has shown with Strike Commander, Freelancer, and the Wing Commander movie, he doesn't do well with "externally"-enforced deadlines - resulting in either incomplete (Freelancer, finished by Microsoft & Erin Roberts in 3yr) or subpar products (WC movie, StrCom).

If the investors have set any deadlines I cannot see this ending well.
A past with a released, continuously polished title to speak of. 😐

I backed SC way back on the Kickstarter.

Someone wake me up when it's out, by that time I'll be well into my fifties I suspect. 🤨

That’s a Matter of perspective. Elite has a lot of place holders in it according to many here.

So you will be in your 50’s? Do you not plan on gaming then?
Yes ED has flaws, ones with controller compatibility for one,
and burgeoning complexity for two, though it got released, that's all.

I may be in my 50s, depends how long SC takes, could be decades.
As for gaming in my 50s? I might have more productive,
monetarily enriching career to do by then, I don't know.

But that's for another thread.

Men plan, God laughs.

We are definitely different :)

I worked “my butt off” hard in my late teens, through my 30’s so I could retire at 40! I hit my goal and left at 43. But I digress.
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Star Citizen has a floating camera for a flight mode. Planetside 1's Reaver and Mossie flight model is far more fleshed out. The ridiculous time it takes to warp to planets is also a dumb idea.
No roadmapped repair, farming, science, exploration, aliens, faction warfare, VR, server meshing... :(

Will be interesting to see how no server meshing goes down if they actually add Microtech and make Crusader visit-able. That is a ton of play area to be running on one server.
Spot on. As they bring in backers, not ship purchases, they will be held more accountable then they have been.

And venture capitalists want their return.

Edit: I’m not big into game design, but, it seems COG could make money not just on the product, but, on the process of design.

While SC could put them on the map, their procedures could land them out sourcing jobs. Think, animations, etc.

Not really, CIG aren't doing much that hasn't already been done a thousand times before. Its just CIG like to declare its never been done before and backers switch off their brains and accept it, rather than erm... taking a look at other games that already exist that do those things. When CIG do do something brand new, its usually something that has already been solved differently and easier, but because CIG found a more complciated way to do it, the stamp it as being more fidelitious and proclaim never been done before.

I've seen backers especially make all sorts of dumb proclalmations in regards to this. Unrivaled graphics (there are console games with better graphics already), no other game has as much playable area (umm... NMS, ED, etc), no other game has so much to do (absoloutely bonkers).

Local physics grids (which seem to be a major source of bugs) has been solved in various ways that work, GTA, Ark, etc. Advanced AI (aka Subsumption) has been done to death in other games and works, yet is still not evident in SC. You mention animinations, once again, CIG claimining never been done before with things that have been done before, eg: inverse kimietics.

I haven't seen one bit of tech produced by CIG yet that they could package off and sell as something to other companies that isn't already available to them, and of course, what they have is tied to CryEngine/Lumberyard for the most part, not exactly the most popular platform.

In short, i wouldn't expect this to happen.
…not to mention that the “design process” they've created is one of the slowest, most inefficient, least productive, most unfocused and delayed things that have ever graced the games industry. It's not something anyone would want to emulate, much less buy as a product. Maybe if CIG could figure out a remedy for CIG:ism, that would be a viable product that someone would want to part with money for.

A dev process protection racket sounds like it would be a perfect moral fit for CRobber et al. :D
They can sell themselves as a vaccine. The shattered remains of a terrible project and what not to do to inoculate yourselves against the same process (79% of it is not let Chris Roberts near a job). 😂
Okay.. so I took another look at the roadmap for SQ42. Correct me if I'm wrong, but aren't they using a pre-existing engine? You know, one for FPS games? Then why do they have to make swimming work? And AI using weapons? And Death animations? And melee? Also.. player jump v2.. the.. wut?

EDIT: Also, the most important question. Why now? What exactly were they doing in the last 7 years?
I am so sorry...considering it's a gaming forum my first though was that was one immature GM and then my brain kicked in after the morning coffee when i realized you did not speak about Role Playing Games...
I can just imagine "We cheesed our way through a dungeon he spent weeks building, so he rage flipped and dropped Baba Yaga's Freakin' Hut on our heads!" :p
Okay.. so I took another look at the roadmap for SQ42. Correct me if I'm wrong, but aren't they using a pre-existing engine? You know, one for FPS games? Then why do they have to make swimming work? And AI using weapons? And Death animations? And melee? Also.. player jump v2.. the.. wut?

EDIT: Also, the most important question. Why now? What exactly were they doing in the last 7 years?
Yes, a pre-existing FPS engine.

And yes, it does appear that they're creating standard FPS engine things from scratch, instead of using the functionality included with CryEngine/Lumberyard.

As to why after 7 years...🤷‍♂️
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