The Star Citizen Thread v5

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Sunleader, I don't think you understand what a "fact witness" is. What you say is a prideful statement is the noose with which they hang you in court. It's completely natural to want to say such things - but if you're a professional you should know better. It's much like talking to the police. Don't do it.

Sunleader said:
Especially because this is Nicely Showing the Logo and how an Letter from them usually Looks like.
Which does further my Opinion that the Letter we got earlier is a Fake.

One is a letter from their in-house lawyer, the other is a support response email. I don't think your assumption that they would look the same and "have the same feel to them" is sound.
I just wish SC would enter some kind of phase where it starts to stand up on it's own merits. It's been in this convenieunt perpetual "all things to all men" state for so long. I still have no idea what a Star Citizen day might look like, what am I actually going to be doing in this game. The current Alpha doesn't really give me any ideas, I wake up in a big station with a limited number of available environment to move around in - I call a ship - I pick a destination - some limited pew pew or a thing to click on - I die and wake up having achieved nothing. I can't upgrade my ship or purchase a new one. I can't go anywhere new or find a trade route or pirate or bounty-hunt (apart from shooting that one NPC that runs around). So it's impossible to compare and contrast against more defined gameplay experiences and impossible to critique because nothing feels like it's figured out yet.

Now Chris Roberts has presented his gamescom demo that shows we'll be manually loading things onto our ships. Great, because that was the best part of Shenmue wasn't it? Manual labor. It's a lovely concept having this real space environment where you can interact properly with the cargo, but I'm still completely oblivious as to how it works as a game loop. Do I have to spend a whole day loading cargo, will my character eventually get back ache?

Will we ever see those game loops defined and refined against the real alpha community or will it be the endless demo fodder content that looks awesome but conveniently avoids any kind of critique by being somewhat deliberately vague about how it fits into the average SC players day?
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Yes alone this is so much more telling, Sandy "NO" Sammarco comes to mind too.
So many features asked by ED fans on streams where it was "would be cool but i cant make any promises" just to be suprised by a bunch of small requested features to arrive as a suprise.

Route planer
traffic controll
CG marked on map
Mission givers with faces

IT was never promised but stuff they wanted to "look into" fair enough they looked into it and made a suprise out of it nice.

Ha, yeah. Half the time I see one of the FD guys in a Q&A I get royally bummed out as they refuse to do even the most minimal of hype-building.

Q: Is there a chance that...
FD: No.
Q: But how about...
FD: Probably not
Q: Ehm, okay, maybe we can hope for...
FD: We'd like that, but dont count on it.
Q: Anything? Anything at all?
FD: Maybe. No guarantees.

Meanwhile at CIG

Q: Will you do everything tomorrow?
CR: Sure.
Ha, yeah. Half the time I see one of the FD guys in a Q&A I get royally bummed out as they refuse to do even the most minimal of hype-building.
These days I actually appreciate that... It keeps everyone well-grounded in reality. I remember back towards the end of ED standard beta when people were convinced there was the "god-build" that FD were keeping behind locked doors with all the features they'd ever dreamed of.
It was pretty obvious to most that there was no such thing; but it created a balloon of hype that inevitably burst, because it wasn't clear that it wasn't the case and FD didn't stifle those rumours particularly well at the time.

In other words...

if you say "yes" to everything don't be surprised when there's a backlash if you don't deliver on it. See: 22cans - Godus (or Peter Molyneux in general), Hello Games - No Man's Sky.

Indeed. Personally I'll take FD's tortoise over CIG's quantum hare anyday.

A commando a commander and a shill walk into a bar

I can't think of a punchline...

The barman says "How's that game you lot talk about coming along "?
The commander laughs
The commando collapses crying in a fetal position
And the shill says "Did you see that, Derek punched him"
Well, Sunleader? Do you think you're having a discussion here or are you going to continue to insist that all these posts replying to your points are troll posts?
you know about the release date of 2019.-2025 of star citizen
What will the elite dangerous be in comparison to star citizen?

Like we are talking about future versions of elite dangerous
with 3 to 9 seasons worth of contend.

While star citizen struggles with MVP
MVP which feature list we dont know.

Now question is will there even be a contest over customers?
Can star citizens commercial release overcome the numerous expansions of Elite dangerous?
Well, Sunleader? Do you think you're having a discussion here or are you going to continue to insist that all these posts replying to your points are troll posts?

I think Sunlounger would quite happily put everyone on ignore and just hold conversations with himself, he would then use it as proof that he's not wrong.
I think Sunlounger would quite happily put everyone on ignore and just hold conversations with himself, he would then use it as proof that he's not wrong.
That would just end with his disagreeing with himself and inventing more and more ridiculous claims and reinterpretations of words to prove his other self wrong. Let it iterate over a day or two and we'd end up with a version of English (and reality) that, while superficially similar, is actually wholly unlike the original.
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Some cool angles caught by this fan-made trailer.


Not bad for an "outdated engine" [rolleyes]

"Taming the Beast" a nice 6DOF precision smooth flying

And to top it off something... different [big grin]
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Sunleader, I don't think you understand what a "fact witness" is. What you say is a prideful statement is the noose with which they hang you in court. It's completely natural to want to say such things - but if you're a professional you should know better. It's much like talking to the police. Don't do it.

One is a letter from their in-house lawyer, the other is a support response email. I don't think your assumption that they would look the same and "have the same feel to them" is sound.

Nice Idea.
But this aint a Court. And the Escapist is not an Police Officer.
Hes got no Pull on SC and no Power to do something about it.
So an Professional Reaction which would pretty much consist of an empty denial without any sort of additional actual Reaction to it. Would be seen as Weak.
An Standard Reaction which People wont Buy and will take as such an Standard reaction without any meaning.
An Emotional Reaction however which Shows that they are feeling Insulted by this. And which also Shows that they DONT MIND if this is getting Big Time in the News and thus will Attract People to take a deeper look at this Topic.
This is an Fairly Strong Reaction. Which especially to People who Trust them. Will demonstrate. "We are not Scared from an Confrontation".

As for the Letter.
So you think their Lawyer will put some Logo of CIG on his Letter. But the Support wont ? *gg*
Such Letter Heads are usually done by the Company. They are the same.

Well, Sunleader? Do you think you're having a discussion here or are you going to continue to insist that all these posts replying to your points are troll posts?

After I put over 10 People on Ignore and thus fairly likely simply dont see the ton of spam and troll comments in between.
I am at least partially finding people to Discuss with.
After I put over 10 People on Ignore and thus fairly likely simply dont see the ton of spam and troll comments in between.
I am at least partially finding people to Discuss with.

Then it seems to me that it is not only possible, but not difficult at all to have a discussion on this thread. You may have to filter out the noise for sure, but isn't that the case everywhere?
As for the Letter.
So you think their Lawyer will put some Logo of CIG on his Letter. But the Support wont ? *gg*
Such Letter Heads are usually done by the Company. They are the same.

Uh... do you normally put letterheads on emails?
I can't say that I ever have...

Edit: Forgot to say, yes thanks Orlando, nice videos showing off cool stuff :)
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Some cool angles caught by this fan-made trailer.

Not bad for an "outdated engine" [rolleyes]

"Taming the Beast" a nice 6DOF precision smooth flying

And to top it off something... different [big grin]

Thanks for those Orlando.

The fan made trailer is very well done and shows off the graphics better than a lot of stuff that CIG have shown. The 6dof one still gives the feeling that ships are lacking a bit of mass though, or he's a really good pilot (does Isinona play SC? :D ).

And I loved the ballet :D

*edit* Shame you can't buy a Tutu in the clothes shop (yet).
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The correct response to both Derek and the escapist would be.

1 ignore, it's simply beneath us.

2 acknowledge and dismiss simply and quickly with no further comment.

The absolute worst thing was to get all y and long winded, with laughable composition and then make empty threats.
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