Same for me yesterday, I've never seen anything like it.
I saw a single CMDR in the mess and was getting about 15FPS, so ditched the CG, jumped out to do a bit of bounty hunting for TDW. With all the teabagged carriers any effort on a CG by a single ship is going to be a token gesture.
Since Sunday, the situation at Baal has changed dramatically. I did a quick 2nd run today. When I arrived at Baal, after "lining up" in SC* I dropped behind the station (not sure why) to find essentially mayhem going on. There's a rig with two "cap ship" style vessels building something right in front of Oterma Station. There are many, many ships flying around (NPCs). There's an epic conflict going on; the White Templars are attacking the Imperial Navy ships and - it gets better - the station is emitting a constant barrage of energy- and kinetic-weapons fire at Imperial Navy ships, destroying them in numbers.
...and you get to fly through that fire to enter the station!

I've never seen anything like that! What a spectacle. After delivering my goods, I went outside the station just to watch for a while. The pics don't do it justice; you have to see it for yourself!

outside Oterma Station 01.jpg

outside Oterma Station 02.jpg

outside Oterma Station 03.jpg
Pretty cool in-game experience...

* I'm one of those players who likes to line up so that - upon dropping out of SC - I'm literally pointed right at the station's mail slot.
Since Sunday, the situation at Baal has changed dramatically. I did a quick 2nd run today. When I arrived at Baal, after "lining up" in SC* I dropped behind the station (not sure why) to find essentially mayhem going on. There's a rig with two "cap ship" style vessels building something right in front of Oterma Station. There are many, many ships flying around (NPCs). There's an epic conflict going on; the White Templars are attacking the Imperial Navy ships and - it gets better - the station is emitting a constant barrage of energy- and kinetic-weapons fire at Imperial Navy ships, destroying them in numbers.
...and you get to fly through that fire to enter the station!

I've never seen anything like that! What a spectacle. After delivering my goods, I went outside the station just to watch for a while. The pics don't do it justice; you have to see it for yourself!

Pretty cool in-game experience...

* I'm one of those players who likes to line up so that - upon dropping out of SC - I'm literally pointed right at the station's mail slot.

I've never seen anything like that either. But that's probably due to the fact that, like right now, I find myself out in the middle of The Void sector, trying to figure out how to get to the next system with only a 42ly jump config lol. I'm really going to have some catching up to do when I get back to actual civilization.
Didn't capture any footage by chance did you? I feel like a station shouldn't be able to contend with capital ships. Those stations don't have nearly enough guns and they'd be immediately disabled if the capital ships were smart enough to actually target the turrets on the stations. Even some US war ships are outfitting these 30-something Kw rail guns on them now, in addition to the usual heavy artillery. I think the reason for this is because that every Capital ship in the game has nothing more than "pew-pew" burst lasers on them lol.
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Taken from the Standing orders on the Elite Week Discord

Orders 30 Sep - 1 Oct 3306

We are close to expansion level in Turdetani. A couple more days should see us above 75% as soon as the cool down finishes from our LTT 5455 expansion.
We should arrive in LHS 397 tomorrow.

Today's priority is still working in Turdetani, but there are more housekeeping tasks as well.

Please do not do any of the following as they help the enemy:
Do NOT work for other factions in our systems, unless requested in the orders.
Do NOT hand in bounties for any faction other than The Dark Wheel in our systems.
Do NOT hand in trade goods or cartography data to stations that we do not own.

Tasks for today:

Bounty Hunting & Combat:
- Bounty Hunting in LFT 926, HR 4979, Anyanwu or LTT 5455. Hand in to Turdetani.

Commodity Trading
- Profitable trades into TDW owned stations in Shinrarta, LFT 926 or Rushworth Port in Turdetani.

Missions & Passengers
  • Missions for CIA and The Dark Wheel in LFT 926. (I'd really like CIA at around 20% so we can forget about them!)
  • Missions for The Dark Wheel in Turdetani.
  • Missions for HR 4979 Inc in HR 4979.
  • Missions for Wolf 562 Major Inc in LTT 5455.

Exploration Data:
- Hand in TDW stations in Shinrarta or LFT 926 or Turdetani.

Please continue to use EDMC or similar tools to keep local data up to date.

Keep Turning The Wheel, Hamsters!
clip - (emphasis mine)...
I've never seen anything like that either. But that's probably due to the fact that, like right now, I find myself out in the middle of The Void sector, trying to figure out how to get to the next system with only a 42ly jump config lol. I'm really going to have some catching up to do when I get back to actual civilization.
Didn't capture any footage by chance did you?

Argh! <head-slap> Don't know why I didn't think of that!
Taken from the Standing orders on the Elite Week Discord

Orders 1 - 2 Oct 3306

Tick broke yesterday and was restarted later in the day. Tick has again seemed to stall, so some things have moved others not. If Tick processing happens later today Micha Maverick may post amended orders.

We have not yet arrived in LHS 397. Turdetani is at or above expansion level but both HR 4979 and LTT 5455 are still too high and may push a competing expansion if not managed.

The new upgraded station in HR 4979 doesn't seem to have had its shipyard turned on. The latest GALNET article has something about high prices for certain commodities.

Please do not do any of the following as they help the enemy:
Do NOT work for other factions in our systems, unless requested in the orders.
Do NOT hand in bounties for any faction other than The Dark Wheel in our systems.
Do NOT hand in trade goods or cartography data to stations that we do not own.

Tasks for today:

Bounty Hunting & Combat:
- Bounty Hunting in any of our systems. Hand in to Turdetani.

Commodity Trading
- Profitable trades into TDW owned stations in Shinrarta, LFT 926 or Rushworth Port in Turdetani.

Missions & Passengers
  • Missions for The Dark Wheel in Turdetani.
  • Missions for HR 4979 Inc in HR 4979.
  • Missions for Wolf 562 Major Inc in LTT 5455.

Exploration Data:
- Hand in to TDW stations in Shinrarta or LFT 926 or Turdetani.

Please continue to use EDMC or similar tools to keep local data up to date.

Keep Turning The Wheel, Hamsters!
...not such a little box, is it? (affecting the galaxy and all)

The new upgraded station in HR 4979 doesn't seem to have had its shipyard turned on

Wait. The construction completed instantly? What- by galactic tugboat? I was hoping to see some construction activity in the system. :confused:

Maybe I'll go collect my Gutamaya discount...
...see what the construction project there (+conflict over it) is all about!

How about a "moving-day CG? Everyone's gotta move in to the new digs, right?
Taken from the Standing orders on the Elite Week Discord

Orders 2 - 3 Oct 3306

Congratulations Turning The Wheel participants! We have arrived in the next system on our path to Sol - LHS 397.
This was one of three systems we had plotted close to our destination just outside Sol.

Today, push our influence in LHS 397 as we want to rise as high as we can relatively quickly. As we arrived by expansion rather than invasion, there is no immediate conflict. We will likely get one soon however, as we can steal a land base on the way to the top!

Please do not do any of the following as they help the enemy:
Do NOT work for other factions in our systems, unless requested in the orders.
Do NOT hand in bounties for any faction other than The Dark Wheel in our systems.
Do NOT hand in trade goods or cartography data to stations that we do not own.

Tasks for today:

Bounty Hunting & Combat:
- Bounty Hunting in any of our systems. Hand in to LHS 397.

Commodity Trading
- Profitable trades into TDW owned stations in Shinrarta, LFT 926 or Rushworth Port in Turdetani. (Not LHS 397 yet!)

Missions & Passengers
  • Missions for The Dark Wheel in LHS 397.
  • Missions for Alliance of CD-33 8748 in HR 4979.

Exploration Data:
- Hand in to TDW stations in Shinrarta or LFT 926 or Turdetani.

Please continue to use EDMC or similar tools to keep local data up to date.

Keep Turning The Wheel, Hamsters!
Hamster Lite orders for 2 -3 Oct 3306:

More low factions needing a bit of help:

Arque - Independent Leesti for Equality
Baijungu - Union of Arexe Future
HR 4734 - Earls of HR 4298
Har Itari - Ngarokpoi Company
Luyten 145-141 - Revolution Incorporated

Most of these are out near Lave as we are now beginning our assault on that system - by invitation!

Orders produced with assistance from Micha Maverick.
Back in play after a long RL move. Sorry about the hiatus. Close to 1 month.
Looks like you folks kept the Wheel Turning extremely well during my absence. o7 Cmdrs!
Off to Discord to catch up on all the activity I missed. I'll be back here for a night of reading the missed forum posts. Then I'll be back in game.
I logged in for a moment earlier to ED. It's amazing how quickly you lose you piloting edge. I have to get my "space legs" back. I was flying like I was drunk or something.
Taken from the Standing orders on the Elite Week Discord

Orders 3 - 4 Oct 3306

Well that was fast - we have a pending election in LHS 397 against the dormant player faction there Ghosts of Cydonia. Nothing to do until tomorrow.

Today we need to do some housekeeping in our systems. In HR 4979, we need to reduce our influence by boosting a lower faction.
In LTT 5455 we can restore The Dark Wheel again for a future expansion.

Please do not do any of the following as they help the enemy:
Do NOT work for other factions in our systems, unless requested in the orders.
Do NOT hand in bounties for any faction other than The Dark Wheel in our systems.
Do NOT hand in trade goods or cartography data to stations that we do not own.

Tasks for today:

Bounty Hunting & Combat:
- Bounty Hunting in any of our systems. Hand in to LTT 5455.

Commodity Trading
- Profitable trades into TDW owned stations in Shinrarta or LTT 5455.

Missions & Passengers
  • Missions for The Dark Wheel in LTT 5455.
  • Missions for Alliance of CD-33 8748 in HR 4979. <-- Important today!

Exploration Data:
- Hand in to TDW stations in Shinrarta or LFT 926 or LTT 5455.

Please continue to use EDMC or similar tools to keep local data up to date.
Orders produced with the assistance of @Micha Maverick

Keep Turning The Wheel, Hamsters!
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