Since Sunday, the situation at Baal has changed dramatically. I did a quick 2nd run today. When I arrived at Baal, after "lining up" in SC* I dropped behind the station (not sure why) to find essentially mayhem going on. There's a rig with two "cap ship" style vessels building something right in front of Oterma Station. There are many, many ships flying around (NPCs). There's an epic conflict going on; the White Templars are attacking the Imperial Navy ships and - it gets better - the station is emitting a constant barrage of energy- and kinetic-weapons fire at Imperial Navy ships, destroying them in numbers.Same for me yesterday, I've never seen anything like it.
I saw a single CMDR in the mess and was getting about 15FPS, so ditched the CG, jumped out to do a bit of bounty hunting for TDW. With all the teabagged carriers any effort on a CG by a single ship is going to be a token gesture.
...and you get to fly through that fire to enter the station!
I've never seen anything like that! What a spectacle. After delivering my goods, I went outside the station just to watch for a while. The pics don't do it justice; you have to see it for yourself!
* I'm one of those players who likes to line up so that - upon dropping out of SC - I'm literally pointed right at the station's mail slot.