Update 10 - Odyssey and Horizons


Senior Community Manager : Elite Dangerous
@sallymorganmoore , Just to confirm my earlier post. Issue https://issues.frontierstore.net/issue-detail/42457 ("Navlock not engaging when selected") is NOT fixed. Can you re-open the bug report please so that e can add new reports. The Fuel rats have. put significant effort into detailling the behaviour of the issue and it would be sould destroyng to have to start form scratch with a new issue at this stage.

This bug is causing significant issues for Fuel rat rescues in Odyssey.

There does seem to be a very slight change in behaviour as in the navlock braces now apear, however the drop does not kick in for the second rat to be added to the client's team, and we (affedted rats) are silll unable to use the "target teammate 1" keybind to target the client.

Hello!! With lots of my lists flapping about in the wind right now, huge apologies if I responded already to this but just want you to know I'll have a chat today. Sorry I was unavailable yesterday here - just balancing time as optimally as possible between time with you all and then helping get the good stuff done o7
Thank you Sally for keeping track of this (and not only this) thread!

Just curious, did the meddling with quantum physics break the corporeal being of the canisters so they can't be picked up anymore?


Senior Community Manager : Elite Dangerous
How do @sallymorganmoore + @Bruce G morning to ya, just want to query something is it correct that the above quote and alterations to faction states are only applicable to Odyssey. If so will there be any balancing to compensate for the additional "levers" that could be used on Odyssey to affect a squadrons influence (negatively) if their on console. To clarify will Odyssey have access to more opportunities for affecting influence that cmdr's and squadrons on console simply won't have. Not going to put you in an awquard position + bother asking the usual console question of any news as the silence speaks volumes as to which I'm sure you can't comment on (Tbh have a pretty good guess of what's going to happen), but I would appreciate a reply on the bgs side of things as this is a large part of what I do in the Elite galaxy

Cheers and hope your day is full of caffeine 🤪
Sorry if already mentioned else where....

Sorry for the delay, have to split time between here and backstage to get all the muscle pumped.
Can confirm that the faction state changes apply to both Horizons and Odyssey, unless the line starts with 'Odyssey'.

So for example these are Odyssey only:

Odyssey settlements controlled by criminal factions will now prefer to export commodities (at the usual favourable pricing) that are illegal in other jurisdictions. Their exports will return to normal if control changes to other faction types

Odyssey settlements that were incorrectly exporting Meta Alloys will no longer do so


I'll have a little ask to see if Bruce can update the notes to section this part out a bit more to avoid any further confusion when he has a mo.
I mean, they can't. Consoles can't have EDO until the performance is fixed on PC - because consoles are at best a low end CPU with a mid tier GPU.

And I'm not sure FDev know how much work is involved in fully fixing the performance. It has been getting better, but it's not on par with games that have similar visual complexity yet, and it's anyone's guess as to how long that will take.
I think you forget new consoles have arrived and if you're PC elite enough to class them low end, then you truly are a space cadet!
I think Odyssey will see the light soon! There are ps4 players happy enough with Horizons but also players who want Odyssey.
Point is I bet they are working on it now for consoles.


Senior Community Manager : Elite Dangerous
Tbh, I do wish we could get an announcement on the SRV scooping bug - not because it is game breaking, but because about 10% of missions offered require SRV scooping, and it should therefore be considered a pretty decent chunk of a major game system.

Being told that 95% of the game is working isn't a lot of comfort of the thing you wanted to do today is the broken bit. Nobody likes having to reschedule their evening plans around a game bug - especially if they feel that the thing they wanted might not be available for several weeks. That's not really ok. Basic game features shouldn't stop working.

Hello!! Sorry there hasn't been a proper horn blow announcement but I've definitely been trying my best to reassure people in this thread (in replies and my own standalone comments) that it's very known and very much being investigated further on this side. We just need to plan next steps as with anything that comes around like this.

I'll do my best when I have a moment to update you all with a current high pri 'Update 10 issue fallout" post, but so sorry it's not as instant as many might like due to needing a few days to discuss and get things aligned.

Thanks as always for the patience. Entirely understand frustrations o7
Think I can get away with changing MY name to 'Chonk Lady'?
When the Panther Clipper is demonstrated it must have this name now, along with its cavernous hold filled with Bast Gin and Fujin Tea.

Just for rough numbers* how much ice, lemon / cucumber / biscuits (for the tea) do we need if the Panther is fully loaded with gin and tea? I don't want to under order and thus ruin the party (i.e. tea without biscuits? Unthinkable).

*exact numbers plus a run down of internal compartment sizes- just for information mind
I'll do my best when I have a moment to update you all with a current high pri 'Update 10 issue fallout" post

That'll be great, thank you Sally 😸 Apologies if I have missed your previous reassurances on this particular point, it is... quite a long thread by now!

To be honest, I don't think there's actually a lot that's gone wrong in the wake of update 10, it's just that what did go wrong is relatively commonly hit. Limpets affected everyone, and cargo/materials pickup is a pretty regular activity in ED, so it'd definitely be nice to know it is being considered for a high priority fix and isn't going to wait for update 11.


Senior Community Manager : Elite Dangerous
That'll be great, thank you Sally 😸 Apologies if I have missed your previous reassurances on this particular point, it is... quite a long thread by now!

To be honest, I don't think there's actually a lot that's gone wrong in the wake of update 10, it's just that what did go wrong is relatively commonly hit. Limpets affected everyone, and cargo/materials pickup is a pretty regular activity in ED, so it'd definitely be nice to know it is being considered for a high priority fix and isn't going to wait for update 11.

Naww I totally totally appreciate what you're saying and honestly I know how wild these threads can get. Certainly can't expect you to file through and look for my comments manually when they get this big for sure.

I'll resurface as soon as possible with more news o7 Thanks again.
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