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You should run like the wind, boost like mad until the NPC cops show up then turn and fight. My Krait will boost 470 m/s, good enough for NPC's.
That's what I did at first. I boosted out and launched a fighter while my shields recharged and I considered whether to risk failing the mission(s). I also feel like the K-warrant scanner attracts further cop attention so I passed by and zapped the Python with it as he was distracted. I definitely recommend fast scan engineering to anyone who tries the K-warrant. So much better.

The battle was lost but I came straight back out and took my revenge.
Greetings all,

My entries in this thread are sporadic, but they go back to the beginning. When Odyssey was released it coincided with my latest Elite burn out. As Odyssey was coming in for landing, I departed, entering my longest break at two years. In that time I kicked around firing Elite up, but the thought of having to remap everything, re-synch everything and who knows what else made me hesitant.

The release of the new Python however was the catalyst to say screw it, let's give it a go. As it turns out my fears were unfounded, as no remapping was required. Cougar, Crosswinds and everything worked straight away. Better than it used to be!

I really like the new ship, engineered it and having fun in PvE combat. I had left the game just 10 percent short of Elite, so that's a goal (very close now)

I also find motivation in chasing Inara badges and ranks. So with the Python taking over as my preferred PvE ship, I swapped one of my Kraits over to an AX ship, and spent a few days checking out the thargoid wars. I've seen many new bug types, battled them, all the while chasing the xeno hunter badge. I tried all sorts of things in various thargoid controlled, invasion and alert systems, like combat aftermath, NHSS, AX weapon fire and the best way to kill scouts, high AX conflict zones. Killed a hunter in a 1 v 1, with no shields and half my hull left. Had fun with this, a lot of effort has gone in to it I think, and I like that the goids have been brought closer to home. I helped 'win' three invasion systems, kicked the bugs out. Hard to know what effect my efforts had, but it felt like I was making a difference, killing bugs and rescuing escape pods.

After exceeding the total to get the badge I saw Odyssey is marked down so bought it. I never wanted this in Elite, but now it's there, so why not have a bash? And it's not bad. Been having some fun with the ground conflict zones, running salvage missions, raid missions and sampling the various options. Next, I want to get out in the black and try out the exploration and exobiology side to the expansion.

So that's what I've been up to.
Welcome back, Odyssey was buggy in the beginning, but it has gotten a lot better through the years.
I like the Python Mk2, but i'll wait till august, so i can buy it in game.
I honestly don't know how I coped with eco without Elite Observatory.

It has made me think how much QoL.could be added to the game if some of the third party tools could be incorporated.

If I could nominate some, it would be Elite Observatory, EDDiscovery and EDHM UI.

But, maybe, they are just better as they are.
I currently use EDO Materials helper a lot, it's great for ship engineering, (finding materials and engineers) and even has a ship editor nowadays.
I also use Elite Observatory when exploring, and Edison if i have to navigate to a specific coordinate.
Frutexa found and arrested. Fungoids still on the loose.
Would be helpful if I knew which of them I am hunting...
The screenshot @Tyres O'Flaherty included is the BioInsights plug-in which is a superb tool, it doesn’t use your browser so don’t know if it is manageable or not before you upgrade.

I got my second rebuy earlier after that initial ganking in Deciat a month or so back. £10M for my beloved Krait. It can be so annoying and demoralising even if you have the cash. :D

The first battle was with a Fer de lance and Anaconda which left my hull at 38% so I headed to a station with more bounty mission spam to go.

I was interdicted by another tag team and killed the Fer de Lance, but my instinct is for a little destruction derby during battle and I shoulder barged a Phython's rear wing while my hull was at 10%. Insta-death.

I do like how the Anaconda explodes in stages though. It really helps add scale to the ship. Not that smaller ships don't explode in stages. It's just that there's no chance of recovery due to their size.
The ’Conda’s damage model is absolutely the best thing about it.
It would be fantastic if they introduced similar levels of damage modelling for the other ships.

This is something I've only noticed casually but it seems like SCO drives have better jump distances. If that's true, then is the only downside that they're more expensive?
Well in addition to their drinking fuel and turning it into huge heat levels it looks like travelling that fast also increases Integrity damage which makes sense as you get that by super cruising, so you get a bigger bill to fix it after docking or your ship becomes more likely to pick up damage when hit.

The cops only show up if you enable the "Report Crimes" option in one of the tabs in the right panel...
Which was the default state when you started, I believe some of the organised AX groups insist on it being turned off to avoid friendly fire upsetting something.
I do, 2 monitors, 1 fairly new and an older one for browser etc.
I'm running the game and all the tools I need on a Laptop that, according to the minimum requirements, shouldn't even be able to run the game, let alone any tools alongside.
I use the 24" monitor from my last desktop computer as the solitary screen, as the laptop screen is a little too small for me to be able to comfortably read on it. And running both had proven difficult even before I picked up playing Elite.
I honestly don't know how I coped with eco without Elite Observatory.

It has made me think how much QoL.could be added to the game if some of the third party tools could be incorporated.

If I could nominate some, it would be Elite Observatory, EDDiscovery and EDHM UI.

But, maybe, they are just better as they are.
I find E.D.D.I. irreplaceable, especially when integrated with VoiceAttack. Being informed about ship events as they happen greatly enhances the flying experience.
Though I'm not sure whether it would stop my GPU fan sounding like an F-14 Tomcat from time to time as I switch to browser.
Reminds me of my old computer. Though that one sounded more like a Flying Fortress on level flight with its seven chassis fans in addition to the four internal fans (CPU,GPU and power supply)...
You can mitigate the GPU fan sound by playing using headphones or ear buds.
Works best if they have noise cancelling, as I've heard...

The screenshot @Tyres O'Flaherty included is the BioInsights plug-in which is a superb tool, it doesn’t use your browser so don’t know if it is manageable or not before you upgrade.
That name rings a bell, albeit a faint one... I usually run EDCopilot while playing. It doesn't tell me which specific species to expect, though.

Some information I gleaned from EDDiscovery about what I know about the planet so far:
Known Data Of Planet.jpg

I suspect that it is once again Setisis I'm hunting, although I'm a little lost about where to find it on this planet. The places I usually fount it on other planets are more than rare on this one, even though the possible locations my DSS scans showed are somewhat congruent with Frutexa...
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The ’Conda’s damage model is absolutely the best thing about it.
It would be fantastic if they introduced similar levels of damage modelling for the other ships.
0threeleven's inglorious death was worth it if it helps us feel immersed within the game. I salute him. o7 o>
Well in addition to their drinking fuel and turning it into huge heat levels it looks like travelling that fast also increases Integrity damage which makes sense as you get that by super cruising, so you get a bigger bill to fix it after docking or your ship becomes more likely to pick up damage when hit.

Which was the default state when you started, I believe some of the organised AX groups insist on it being turned off to avoid friendly fire upsetting something.
I was really just thinking about the jump range though, even if you don't hit the boost button. Are they better than a normal drive for that purpose?
You can mitigate the GPU fan sound by playing using headphones or ear buds.
Technically, yes. I just don't like the idea of my computer tower blowing up besides me or having to wear a weird headphone/earphone setup so I can hear podacasts while I'm playing.
Reminds me of my old computer. Though that one sounded more like a Flying Fortress on level flight with its seven chassis fans in addition to the four internal fans (CPU,GPU and power supply)...
I swear this is a new thing. I used to be able to Windows key out of a game and it'd be fine in the background with no noise.

I'm kind've a newbie though and only got back into 'gaming' during furlough. I'm no expert.
I swear this is a new thing. I used to be able to Windows key out of a game and it'd be fine in the background with no noise.

I'm kind've a newbie though and only got back into 'gaming' during furlough. I'm no expert.
I see two possible reasons for this sound. Either some dust has settled on some parts of the fan blades, causing an imbalance. Or some debris got stuck in there, causing that sound.
Penny bravely visited a wispy nebula Myumbai AA-A then plunged to a new personal nadir around Y=-2950. And now we have headed to below the sagitarius and passed out of odin's hold into the centre's galaxy region. Heading up now not to visit saggy - maybe, hard to resist - but because spotted two human civilization systems not far from it. In lieu of looking up a carrier we'll go see what's up there. It's just a ways past (relative to Altair / pre-Colonia human civ and thargoid war "bubble"), - grandpa rupee's furthest travels. (to the celestial snowman visitor beacon. <3008 post>). But my trip has been a much more short trip from Colonia, and for focusing on the travel not the exploration. Plus bein 54 years younger than that old fuddy duddy who never could have imagined pairing his prize orca with a non-SiriusCorp FSD! What?!

So yep Penny's TIE Liner has shown up grandpa rupee's prize fav orca (the Permanent Vacation). Game over for real this time, Penny's most posthumous ancestor, there's a noon kid in town

And it's got a hull reinf instead of a passenger cabin gramps, providing better safety for passengers by crowding them out, I call it. But next time paint goes on sale I am going to fit them aboard my garaged beluga. My TIE Liner however is one downright spring chicken,and Myumbai AA-A agrees

Annnyway then from Stueway may be able to sell up and get a pack of karzuki locusts, and chart a new course according to Penny's unpredictable billionaire ambitions on the weekend. That's life at Penny's Temps
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When an icy body like Penny sees such a nice lonely rocky body deep in space, might sparks fly?
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