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Has anyone else noticed that after throttling down to FSS the system, that sometimes on exiting the FSS the throttle won't respond? It just gets stuck at the minimum 30kmh/s, and no matter what I do, it won't increase. Dropping out of SC, the throttle is restored to functionality though.

Never seen that - second @Chris Simon's suggestion.

When exiting a station or a ring and pointing at your destination jump, the FSD will be charged but not jumping while you are being told to align with the location. It can sometimes be about 10 seconds before you finally jump.

Secondly, exiting the jump at the destination star results in control lockup. You can't steer, open maps etc. and, again, just have to wait it out.

First thing sounds like you are "slipping" - i.e. your ship's motion is not along your axis - are you in a large ship and / or boosting?

Second thing sounds weird - never had that either.
I am seeing two odd things too.

  1. When exiting a station or a ring and pointing at your destination jump, the FSD will be charged but not jumping while you are being told to align with the location. It can sometimes be about 10 seconds before you finally jump.
  2. Secondly, exiting the jump at the destination star results in control lockup. You can't steer, open maps etc. and, again, just have to wait it out.
1. Is fairly common and is due to drift or slippage. Your ship is pointing in the right direction but it isn’t actually travelling in exactly the same direction, this can be due to the ship being especially prone to drifting such as the smaller Federal ships and the Cutter or if you have just pulled a very sharp turn using boost.

When I am in ships prone to this annoying behaviour I tend to hit boost when I am pointing at the marker to straighten things out.

2. Sounds like a really bad stutter by the game but if you are still moving helplessly toward the star it won’t be that, I would be composing my ticket to support about it and trying to decide whether to send it before or after I crash into a star.
On the subject of bugs..

Has anyone else noticed that after throttling down to FSS the system, that sometimes on exiting the FSS the throttle won't respond? It just gets stuck at the minimum 30kmh/s, and no matter what I do, it won't increase. Dropping out of SC, the throttle is restored to functionality though.

It's a pain, because it means that one has to do the FSSing, then drop out of SC, wait for the FSD cooldown, and then go back into SC if one wishes to travel anywhere. The fact that it is sporadic is irritating too.
I can't seem to find the FSS thing. Doesn't it come as standard on all ships?
You have to bind a button/key to access it and you have to have your HUD switched to Analysis mode (Combat mode is "orange brackets" and Analysis mode are "blue vertical lines")

Yes it is a facility of your ship's in-built Discovery Scanner. You should have a binding set for "Enter FSS Mode" under the Mode Switches. (Exit FSS though is listed under the FSS section of controls.)

You mean add the discovery scanner to a fire group and use it like the surface scanner?
Yes, do that too, because honking the disco scanner reveals the bodies.
But then you need to go to Controls settings (the places Para mentioned) and bind the actual keys/buttons to enter and control the FSS screen.
Weird. I checked for FSS in the bindings but didn't notice it. I'll have a proper search when I'm on. Thanks, guys.
can t tell atm , i had a Fuse blown in house. switch off the tv, computers to find the little biter

[Set under miscellaneous settings].
have it set to the hash key, so remember to still be in jump cruise(local cruise) and stop your keybind and you see a blue screen of the system.
After all that press the middle mouse button to honk the system.
and move around use w,a,s,d or mouse to look for planets ( the dont show up first) so press the A,s to move up/down bar down bottom till you get to one of those little horizontal bars. the press left mouse button to zoom in.

dotted line means (it not found that planet/zone/asteriod press a/d again until it becomes a solid circle)
Elite Dangerous Screenshot 2020.06.24 -

see what happens when you blown the main house fuse. you ended up 1,0000+ lyrs away :(
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Nice. I eventually figured it out. I just need to fix it so I don't have to use the >'< to enter FSS. I've probably got a spare button on the throttle but I don't see >'< bound anywhere except to leave FSS.

I mean I honk the system but then I actually have to enter FSS via the keyboard.
Leave and Enter can be the same button / key assignment.

Aaah, thanks. I'll try that next time but I just shut it down.

I was actually interedicted while talking to you guys but the guy left after realising I had no cargo. Very civilised of you, Mr McBurrows.

I powered up and was ready for a little sparring session (i.e. me collecting my insurance) but he jumped out before I could even react to the interdiction bang and target his ship.
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