What is FDEV doing and what happened to Brabens dreams?

Not one indication that this is happening and pre release they said this wasn't going to be like Horizons but a one and done deal. Maybe they've changed thir mind but not one official word about anything in the future. At best you should say, 'I hope...'

White knights attempting to derail another complaints thread. The moderators are ok with this.

Not allowed to interact with the plebs until the higher ups say it's ok, and even then the message is carefully curated as to what can be said. It's the Fdev way.
Yo I think you fail to comprehend what a 'white knight' is and it hilariously cute that you seem think I'd count as one.

One typically should have an idea of what they're talking about before they say it.

It's better to say nothing and be believed a fool than to say something and remove all doubt 😉
Braben's dream was to make pots of money, and he succeeded.

As to the UI, people always hate a new interface, simply because it's different to the old interface. They'll dream up all kinds of reasons why the new one is toxic, but the real reason is it's different. Come back in a few months' time and ask them if they'd like to go back to the old one.
Yo I think you fail to comprehend what a 'white knight' is and it hilariously cute that you seem think I'd count as one.

One typically should have an idea of what they're talking about before they say it.

It's better to say nothing and be believed a fool than to say something and remove all doubt 😉
It's all fluid and I am The Fool, recklessly walking off cliffs. I sometime whiteknight (I like the darker space) but I never thought you a whiteknight but I can't name 'n shame cause the mods seem to frown on that action...
Braben's dream was to make pots of money, and he succeeded.

As to the UI, people always hate a new interface, simply because it's different to the old interface. They'll dream up all kinds of reasons why the new one is toxic, but the real reason is it's different. Come back in a few months' time and ask them if they'd like to go back to the old one.
Sort of. Most people will wonder why FD redid it all when so much of the game (that bit you play) remains untouched. FD had a massive chunk of time and manpower, only to fiddle with bits that added nothing.
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It's all fluid and I am The Fool, recklessly walking off cliffs. I sometime whiteknight (I like the darker space) but I never thought you a whiteknight but I can't name 'n shame cause the mods seem to frown on that action...
Yea I hate that, oppressing my freedom to offend whomever I deem deserving is lame. In which case, I recant my p/a snipe 😉
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We all have jobs and lives but we seem to make it no problem without getting a paycheck for it 🤷‍♂️. Don't cut them too much slack cmdr

We do it in our free time. Our choice. CMs have to do the work they are responsible for, which is more than just posting in random threads on the forums, especially on a Sunday
But it's part of their job, is it not? 10 mins out of their 8 hour work day can't be writing up a post and copying to a few threads when everyone's acting like the atmosphere is burning?

I'm not suggesting full on conversations all the time but not the usual scripted bulletpoint crap. There has to be a medium.

I think someone else hit it on the head. Nothing to announce/No desire to communicate
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Except customer service, by definition, is the primary responsibility of a "community manager". Any community manager who makes the argument you did for an actual reputable company would almost certainly be fired on the spot. Entitled kids who worked in CM in the companies I worked for certainly got axed for having this attitude.

When there is an outage or a problem, CM is "all hands on deck". Period. Your attitude is the equivalent of saying it's okay for a credit card company to not answer customer calls when there is a major hack and thousands of customers got wrongly charged for stuff they never bought.

Most customers in fact do not have your rock-bottom standards.

Again, what do you want from them when you say "all hands on deck"

For them to repeat the boilerplate "we are aware" message in every thread?

They will be working hard during this period, i think you can be sure of that, but not necessarily on a weekend, and nothing would be gained by them doing so. Unless the devs are making patches at the weekend, then the CMs have nothing new to announce.

What exactly are you expecting the CMs to do right now beyond what they have already done?
For them to repeat the boilerplate "we are aware" message in every thread?
Yes, and offer answers for some basic questions that can already be resolved. I mean really, is it bad if CM gave a few pointers on how to fix basic installation issues instead of random players?

And for the record, most CM work over the weekend. If they're not working on the weekend, it's bad CM or badly understaffed CM. Credit card complaints don't stop on a Sunday. Neither do people not play games on the weekend. Indeed, most gaming CM usually staff more people on weekend shifts because of this.

So really, stop justifying about poor CM practices you are clearly clueless about.
We all have jobs

Thought about getting one once, but I was sure they'd ask about the 38 year gap in my employment history.

Come back in a few months' time and ask them if they'd like to go back to the old one.

I still like the Beta 1 UI. I'd probably go back to it. The crosshairs in particular were much superior to what we've been on for the last 6.5 years.

Anyway, even if being different was the only difference, that would be a problem in of it itself, if it wasn't different in clearly better ways. Having to relearn things just to get back to an approximation of what one had is annoying. And there are some areas where the new UI is objectively worse, in terms of number of inputs required to get a task done.
Yes, and offer answers for some basic questions that can already be resolved. I mean really, is it bad if CM gave a few pointers on how to fix basic installation issues instead of random players?

And for the record, most CM work over the weekend. If they're not working on the weekend, it's bad CM or badly understaffed CM. Credit card complaints don't stop on a Sunday. Neither do people not play games on the weekend. Indeed, most gaming CM usually staff more people on weekend shifts because of this.

Well, then we have to disagree on what would be an effective use of their time, because to me this would be the same as those Q&A threads they had where 90% of answers were "we have nothing to announce at this time". Those were a giant waste of space.

So really, stop justifying about poor CM practices you are clearly clueless about.

Worthless comment right there. Disagree all you like, but saying things like that is just sad. I've spent a good amount of my career in customer service roles from tech support to helldesk, so i have a pretty good idea of what its like to be in a position like a CM.
Apart from the bad performance Odyssey is pretty much what they told and showed us.
There are also numerous bugs, but everyone expected that.
Apart from the bad performance Odyssey is pretty much what they told and showed us.
There are also numerous bugs, but everyone expected that.
They told us there was more and that the alpha was just a small slice of what would be in the release, which was a complete fabrication.
The Alpha was 95% of what made it into 'release'.
Yo I think you fail to comprehend what a 'white knight' is and it hilariously cute that you seem think I'd count as one.

One typically should have an idea of what they're talking about before they say it.

It's better to say nothing and be believed a fool than to say something and remove all doubt 😉

What's interesting here is that you took the time to refute the "whiteknight" part, but seemingly agree – or at least didn't refute – that you were there to derail the thread.

We do it in our free time. Our choice. CMs have to do the work they are responsible for, which is more than just posting in random threads on the forums, especially on a Sunday

You seem to be seamlessly moving in your posts between 'a team of CMs engaged by FDev to interact with the community on their behalf' and poor individual CMs that are supposedly asked by the community to never see their families.

I think that comes across as a bit disingenuous. No one's asking these people to work ridiculous hours or never see their families. If these people can't see their families because of the CM workload, then Frontier obviously doesn't employ enough CMs.
Maybe we need a thread on "what was in the release but not in the Alpha"? It's possible some things just haven't been discovered yet? Dunno just spitballling here...
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