Would like a new, different exploration ship from FD:

Multiroles outclass defined role ships, period- end of story. It should not be the case, and until they fix this imbalance they will always outshine defined role ships. Multiroles should be "good" at everything but not the best​ at everything.

Keep in mind that the multilroles are also way more expensive, yes credits are way too easy to get now but still. The best are also rank locked. I think that the multiroles are fine, aside from the Anaconda which is just too good at everything. Most multiroles are strong at some things but weak at others.

Translation: Leave mah Python alone!

Bring your ear plugs. FDEV has STILL not fixed the VERY LOUD engine sound on the Courier they broke in v2.1...

I kind of like it, it's like flying an obnoxious sports car :)
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Who decided that Anaconda is the best exploroship there is? Certainly not me. Some people think the best exploroship=ship who gives most ly jumprange, and frankly thats a boring way to look at things. And mentioning looking at things, Anaconda isnt that good for looking at things. What does exploration mean to individual commander may differ but the ship that offers quickest reach to beagle point with least amount of jump does not make that ship the best exploroship in my humble, and probably some others opinion, because I believe the main task there is to go sightseeing and finding new things, which can be done for a lifetimes lenght in a slightly modified Sidewinder. Finely tuned one would get a comfortable 30ly on it I think. Except very specific tasks like reaching a hard to reach corner of the galaxy, a good range that will save you from being stuck in between the gaps of far away stars is just enough. And thats more or less like 30ish ly range. Which brings us back to the question, if your intent is to just explore systems, you'd do just fine, considering jumping into a sector and scan systems one after other making 2ly jumps, one doesn't even need 30ly range. And frankly I cant wrap my mind around to find a reason for the bigger size the better approach for an exploroship too.

Ive done exploration on non engineered ships (hmm I think it there was no engineers in that time), engineered jump monsters and yes, to answer Verminstar on "how many explorers have anything in the hardpoints?" I have even explored in riddiculusly heavily fitted combat animals like a Corvette or heavy Anaconda with more or less 17-20ly ranges that were able take on PvP or a full fleet of elite NPCs head on and especially enjoyed my own unique approach to exploration with those. They did their job perfectly fine and as a person who enjoys "being prepared for anything" levels more or less on par with Batman himself, I enjoyed my time with them and enjoying their unique styles with all of them and took on the challenge of their disadvantages head on, so i dont know, surely we can always use and enjoy new and more ships but FD is currently giving us that.

All ships are (can be) exploro dedicated ships and scouts unless you've busted your FSD drive or forgot your ADS, DSS and scoop (and optionally SLF, SRV, AFMU) at home. We are good.

My next task in hand is to build a super sleek explorocourier. It's gonna be pretty legendary, I think. Mad thruster speed, 30-40ly performance, luxury look, unique cockpit... oh nevermind, don't get me started on building too much eagerness thinking about that [big grin]

It was more of a rhetorical question, but now that ye mention being armed to the teeth...was it a requirement or simply or a choice? Its like the point about range...its not a requirement to be an explorer, so long as ye dont wanna go to the places where the stars thin out considerably...then its a requirement. Which means ye simply cannot have an exploration ship without a large range if its meant to explore the entire galaxy and not just everything in the middle.

An over simplification perhaps, but there it is. All my ships are unengineered...because I cant be bothered with engineers but however, different topic. So I know all about short range ships and while there are limitations, it can be rather fun finding those limitations.
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As an aside, but related to the OT... would help if the Basic/Intermediate/Advanced Scanners as well as the Detailed Scanner were able to be equipped in UTILITY slots as opposed to taking up internal slots.

All the other scanners are able to do so... so why not?
Or if "explorer" class vessels had dedicated slots, like military slots, but would only hold exploration based modules: scanners, SRV, maybe AFMU or fuel scoop.

I used to do exploration in a shield-less hauler, long ago. That was a good time.
Something medium sized that could carry npc crew would be nice... No SLF necessary, just add some exploration related npc crew stuff. Something to alter the months of silence. I'd hire a mechanic if they just commented on occasion!

The cockpit should have a clear bottom. I'd actually like to see a ship with a clear top and bottom of the cockpit, but have the canopy further back in the nose. Imagine an eagle or imp Courier if you could see through the cockpit floor.

It should be it's own canyon flier. Fast, maneuverable, one or two small weapon slots.

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Or if "explorer" class vessels had dedicated slots, like military slots, but would only hold exploration based modules: scanners, SRV, maybe AFMU or fuel scoop.

I used to do exploration in a shield-less hauler, long ago. That was a good time.

Adding extra slots to exploration ships isn't going to make them better than a 'Conda though. It'll just mean you don't use all your internals.

Converting slots from open to exploration only simply reduces the versatility of ships, which I suspect would be unpopular.

Even if the Q4 exploration update includes new modules and the AspX and DBX get additional slots, they still won't compete with the 'Conda for range, since an exploration build for that is mostly empty space.
It was more of a rhetorical question, but now that ye mention being armed to the teeth...was it a requirement or simply or a choice? Its like the point about range...its not a requirement to be an explorer, so long as ye dont wanna go to the places where the stars thin out considerably...then its a requirement. Which means ye simply cannot have an exploration ship without a large range if its meant to explore the entire galaxy and not just everything in the middle.

An over simplification perhaps, but there it is. All my ships are unengineered...because I cant be bothered with engineers but however, different topic. So I know all about short range ships and while there are limitations, it can be rather fun finding those limitations.

Aye indeed, as I mentioned earlier, ofcourse it's optional to do so. Like that "BlAzE YoUr OwN TrAiL" thing, you can choose to do what you want and it works. I didn't had the intention of smashing couple thousand ly upwards through the galactic plane with that heavy fit ofcourse, or to tour some tourist around as fast as possible. That I did, but by flying such jumprange monsters. For an instance, I needed such jumprange monster to explore through a interesting looking highway of wolf-rayets I found some place, with very little to no stars close by to fuelscoop at all. Had to plan a route beforehand and considered my options of fitting extra fuel tanks if that was necessary because my task was going there, doing that and coming back from there. One needs to choose the tool for his job. But I also like having many tools on a single ship that can do a lot, so for example on an occasion, one moment I was smashing through a couple of ships near the edge of the bubble, next I found myself a couple thousand ly away from it. Since I already had srv, slf, ads, scoop and dss fitted on me, I made a nice loop around and bought back some good data. (also opened my ship to multicrew when I found a single system nebula that looked very pretty, and let people come around take a spin with one of my SLFs to look around and come dock back before thanking and waving goodbye. It was a good time).

But, since you run unengineered, you know that ultimately the disadvantage isnt that much of a disadvantage. Its just a matter of time and task at hand. Jumprange don't help at all when you find yourself a patch of a sector somewhere and jump from system to system 2-5ly apart and scan them down. Thats general exploration. Exploration. Self explanatory. Not quick and fast as possible travel, or specific exploration task. Ultimately I believe +/- 30ly ship is decent for exploration, but I've done it with much less and with success. I've done my first trip like that when I was a newbie and was absolutely poor, in a diamondback that had 25ly or something. The data I bought back got me from rank zero to ranger (I think to 99%), and much richer thanks to all ELWs.
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Yep, but I wouldn't call any of them dedicated explorer ships though. I would think that any dedicated explorer ships would always have two size 1 slots for the scanners.

This, I've been quietly campaigning for this for the last few years, either that or a combined class 2 discovery scanner and surface scanner module.
Something medium sized that could carry npc crew would be nice... No SLF necessary, just add some exploration related npc crew stuff. Something to alter the months of silence. I'd hire a mechanic if they just commented on occasion!

The cockpit should have a clear bottom. I'd actually like to see a ship with a clear top and bottom of the cockpit, but have the canopy further back in the nose. Imagine an eagle or imp Courier if you could see through the cockpit floor.

It should be it's own canyon flier. Fast, maneuverable, one or two small weapon slots.


Woosh, now thats a scary courier I wouldn't like to walk around in. A severe damage to the integrity of my privacy too. I wouldn't want to be inderticted out of random by a player or a tharg to be caught in it wearing my pyjamas.. or much worse!

But, speaking of that kind of a cockpit.. You mean you want a "ship" that has a cockpit like this? :D


Aye indeed, as I mentioned earlier, ofcourse it's optional to do so. Like that "BlAzE YoUr OwN TrAiL" thing, you can choose to do what you want and it works. I didn't had the intention of smashing couple thousand ly upwards through the galactic plane with that heavy fit ofcourse, or to tour some tourist around as fast as possible. That I did, but by flying such jumprange monsters. For an instance, I needed such jumprange monster to explore through a interesting looking highway of wolf-rayets I found some place, with very little to no stars close by to fuelscoop at all. Had to plan a route beforehand and considered my options of fitting extra fuel tanks if that was necessary because my task was going there, doing that and coming back from there. One needs to choose the tool for his job. But I also like having many tools on a single ship that can do a lot, so for example on an occasion, one moment I was smashing through a couple of ships near the edge of the bubble, next I found myself a couple thousand ly away from it. Since I already had srv, slf, ads, scoop and dss fitted on me, I made a nice loop around and bought back some good data. (also opened my ship to multicrew when I found a single system nebula that looked very pretty, and let people come around take a spin with one of my SLFs to look around and come dock back before thanking and waving goodbye. It was a good time).

But, since you run unengineered, you know that ultimately the disadvantage isnt that much of a disadvantage. Its just a matter of time and task at hand. Jumprange don't help at all when you find yourself a patch of a sector somewhere and jump from system to system 2-5ly apart and scan them down. Thats general exploration. Exploration. Self explanatory. Not quick and fast as possible travel, or specific exploration task. Ultimately I believe +/- 30ly ship is decent for exploration, but I've done it with much less and with success. I've done my first trip like that when I was a newbie and was absolutely poor, in a diamondback that had 25ly or something. The data I bought back got me from rank zero to ranger (I think to 99%), and much richer thanks to all ELWs.

Its a fun disadvantage but my idea of fun is somewhat warped...I crossed the arms once in a 34ly asp, got dead ended several times and had to retrace my steps. The actual as the crow flies distance was maybe 2 klys...took me almost a month finding my way out of what had become a galactic maze. Now obviously, a better range would have made life so much easier...but wheres the fun in that?

In saying that, Im gonna engineer a T10 for my next little walkabout...Ive never been to beagle point...everyones gotta have a goal in this game, right?
Woosh, now thats a scary courier I wouldn't like to walk around in. A severe damage to the integrity of my privacy too. I wouldn't want to be inderticted out of random by a player or a tharg to be caught in it wearing my pyjamas.. or much worse!

But, speaking of that kind of a cockpit.. You mean you want a "ship" that has a cockpit like this? :D

Not like that. It's too much on the nose. I'd like to see a little of the ship around me, just a little though. And for sure, it wouldn't be a wise combat ship but if it's meant for exploration... And you still have shields. Reverse the tripod of the landing gear, give it two forward sweeping arms a surface that looks like liquid silver to reflect the stars. I'd buy it!
There are no dedicated explorer ships. The Asp X and the Diamondback X are both refitted combat ships. Not too sure about seven explorer ships though as I only know about the AspX and the DBX. What are the other five?

I mean as an actual dedicated explorer. Not that multi-purpose pancake that is the AspX.

Take the FdL. Strip most weapons. Limit the PP. Give it a 32t fuel tank and a decently sized FSD with even smaller internals if necessary. Price it at 50mil. Bingo!

This thread confuses me
So, we want a actual dedicated explorer, not a "refitted combat ships" made into an explorer, which the Asp X and the Diamondback X apparently are, so lets take a combat ship & refitted it into an explorer.

I don't think anyone would agree what a dedicated explorer actually is, and if one was to appear, people would still be asking for a dedicated explorer
This thread confuses me
So, we want a actual dedicated explorer, not a "refitted combat ships" made into an explorer, which the Asp X and the Diamondback X apparently are, so lets take a combat ship & refitted it into an explorer.

I don't think anyone would agree what a dedicated explorer actually is, and if one was to appear, people would still be asking for a dedicated explorer

We don't even agree on what 'exploring' is, so why would we agree on what ship we need to do it in? :D
I'm not an explorer. I don't do any real exploration. The only way I'm going out past the bubble to do any exploring is if I can jump somewhere in a "reasonable" amount of time. (Similarly why I've never been to Colonia)

So maybe the ship doesn't REQUIRE a larger jump range, but I'm not grinding my way out into the black unless it has some very good jump range advantage...

So, Yeah. It needs a big jump range...

Well, that's exactly what I mean, you are confusing exploration with fast travel.
Well, that's exactly what I mean, you are confusing exploration with fast travel.

There are different ways of exploring.

- Some people just fly of in one direction scanning stars and planets in systems they come by. No really big jump range required for that.

- Others explorers (and personally I'm more like this kind of explorer) look at the galaxy map for interesting constellations, nebulas, clusters, then fast travel there, explore them, and fast travel back.
This kind of exploration benefits from a good jump range.

A dedicated Exploration craft should support all different flavors of exploration and therefore feature a good jump range.
Ok, so we have the trusty old ASP Explorer.

It certainly will do for most any situation, if you stretch it here or there. But its overly rustic and that B-29 sound can get a bit old after some time.

Then we have the "everything-and-the-kitchen-sink" Anaconda, where you don't have to leave anything behind, but you pay for that with a distinct lack of agility - which is really only a problem-problem when jumping to certain types of stars.

Next, we got the Diamondback Explorer... It arguably can be both a smaller and a better package than the ASP for some some jobs. Having the best jump range of all certainly makes it great to get around the bubble, with enough slots to still do stuff. But hell, its even more rustic than the ASP and the sound it makes is just annoying. Looks are a matter of taste, suffice it to say I'd prefer something from Gutamaya.

Personally, my favorite would be an Exploration Version of the FDL - loosing in weapons, shields and armor what it gains in tank size, FSD range and an assortment of optional slots somewhat better than an ASP, to give you enough flexibility to bring SRV garage, AFM, some cargo, engineering-grind capable etc.

Thus, we could have a more stylish exploration ship in between ASP and Anaconda, only requiring a fairly minimal amount of work for FD.

Totally agree.
I've long fantasised about an 'FDL GT'.
Explore in style!
We have, what 33 ships in the game, soon to be 34?

Currently, all of these are a valid choice for almost anything you could want to do in the game. Some are better than others at various things, and some are really good at all of the things, but the simple fact remains that if you want to Combat, Trade, or Explore, you can choose any ship you want, for whatever reasons you want.

Some people in this thread are advocating for specialized ships - why in the seven hells would you want Frontier to deliberately pare our choices down from 34 to 4-6 for any given activity?

That is both stupid, and myopic. I can't wait to see the screenshots and videos of the upcoming Distant Worlds II Expedition that show different colors of the exact same, meta Exploration ship. There is a reasonable amount of ship diversity on the currently running Dead End's Expedition, and that is something that should be encouraged and developed, not squashed.

As things currently stand, Frontier has done a couple of things that most other developers utterly fail when attempting: truly valid choices in equipment (the ships themselves, modules to a lesser extent), and successfully providing the most casual of its players something really good, instead of what is known as a "Welfare Epic" in other games. That would be the Anaconda, and for this reason alone, it should never be nerfed. Let our most casual friends continue to have something awesome too, please. I really wish the Armchair Dev Ship Balance Crusaders would realize that the ships really are in a pretty good place compared to each other. There are some issues, but it is hardly a shambles, and certainly does not need any kind of blanket balance pass. Not at all. Choice comes at the cost of some frayed edges, so to speak.

The point of diminishing returns on jump range is roughly 38.xx light years anywhere other than the Rim, and the Core. Most of the galaxy, in other words. Think about that for a bit.

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