Yes but no source, I might presume this was a misinterpretation from back when he talked a lot about exploitation, I feel it might relate to how dark systems were to be discovered, but it’s all 3rd hand information now so nothing is conclusive.

All we really have is the Codex.
Drew explains that Dark systems became L Y T star systems. This is noted in Premonition.
So, please don't take this as anything more than curiosity. Why do believe these would be alternative realities and not merely products of human society changing over centuries? We have strong indications that names of systems changed just because Universal Cartographics coming into existence. Further, given Feds, Empire, and Independent Worlds had a large separation - cultural specific name scheme could be at play. One other thing, one the starter systems has the faction "LHS 3447 Academy for Novitiate Pilots". This is important because novitiates are initiates to a religious order. This is why I suspect Church of the Path is related in the Shibboleth system. Shibboleth is important because it implies that there are terms at play that distinguish one from an insider with special knowledge from outsiders. For the record, my goal is not exclusion but education. All CMDRs have a duty to help others.


Being very curious of Shibboleth, the canon page makes reference to a Galnet article which first links it to an Isla Elmasri of Alpha Centauri, naming the cult in Shibboleth as potentially the ‘Disciples of Maarg’.

Maarg is Sanskrit for ‘Path’. In this video it’s indicated this maybe a player written story?


I find this interesting, as on its own such a location in Shibboleth is potentially meaningless as it doesn’t lead anywhere. But the inclusion of it as a secondary location, the first being Alpha Centauri gives it more potential credibility, because it identifies the Church of the path might be linked to the Disciples of Maarg - albeit player generated FD allows it to be used; it identifies that FD wanted Cmdrs to find it either way, using breadcrumbs to hint there was something there to be found, but for what purpose?

FD has alluded recently that the game has various aspects of environmental storytelling, these by the definition, might not necessarily lead anyplace physically, they may only paint a backdrop for us to exist in, flavouring so to speak, to breathe life into the game or act as narrative foreshadowing.

Being somewhat of a practical mindset, with a lot of GIS experience I’m led to draw correlations between such breadcrumb locations, as this is a real-world science; however I’m equally aware its also counterintuitive within game because for every example of scientific triangulation that does lead to a physical outcome which has a wider aspect eg Gen ships, Thargoids and Guardians, there are many which seemingly do not and look at first glance, to be essentially dead-ends.

For this path to have any further meaningful use, it either has to have directly linked narrative context, or requires a third or more, physical breadcrumb element (not esoteric) if there are such, then I would then identify it as having some greater relevance, otherwise I might be more inclined towards some background narrative.

I give as example the Yggdrasil systems: not enough to insert one or two on their own, but to build almost a hundred, either identifies evidence of a process of automated naming (from a library) or it being manually placed and potentially with some (unknown) intent, the ‘correlation’ is identified by evidence of multiple locations with a shared relationship and a tight pattern - as to if Yggdrasil has relevance I leave as open.

My point being, one or two locations on their own might not mean much, but it still might be enough to identify a potential relationship, but it might only lead nowhere, unless there is a third, fourth, or one or more other in game aspects that identities a secondary relationship, we need more examples of a shared relationship, a shared name, origin or location. Any esoteric hypothesis is only that, and IMPO far too wide.

Until that point I suspect it’s nothing more than some background environmental storytelling. It might have just been foreshadowing towards the Thargod cult.

The use of the term Shibboleth: a custom, principle, or belief distinguishing a particular class or group of people. In its Biblical context, the word was used as a password — a means to figure out who was part of a group and who wasn't. In a more common context it can be used to denote a preferred pronunciation of a word or saying which may be incorrectly pronounced to those ‘without ears to hear’ so to speak…

Was this applied to identify the Disciples of Maarg, ergo the ‘Thar God’ cult; might it be used to identify another specific name within that system?

Its moon is interestingly named Kyllikki, which as @simulacrae identifies, might refer to a character from the epic Finnish creation poem Kalevala, whose central theme revolves around the mysterious magical item the Sampo, which is very interesting,

Certain interpretations identify it as a magical device or object constructed by the blacksmith ‘Ilmarinenand’ which brought riches and good fortune to its holder, akin to the horn of plenty (cornucopia) of Greek mythology.

The Sampo is also ascribed in many different ways to being a potential World Tree or a cosmological pillar, holding up the vault of the heavens, a world mountain or axis mundi, it’s also seen as a compass or astrolabe.

The Sampo was eventually supposedly smashed into pieces and lost at sea during a battle, in one interpretation, sinking into the ocean in the realm of Ahti.


Ahti is a system in game, and interestingly is very, very close to LTT 606 (Marianne's Journey to Arcadia).

LTT606 has the faction ‘Confederation of Muriges’ and a persistent NPC contact named ‘Persephone’!

Kyllikki - ‘flower of the islands’ is from Saari, who was sought over by Paiva and Kuu (Sun and the Moon) before being abducted by a Lemminkäinen, then abandoned for being unfaithful - none exists in game.

Kyllikki was a mortal and is essentially famous for vowing a mighty oath to be faithful and true. But she found the housework so boring that one day she sneaked out to dance with some random dudes.

Noticeably Ahti and LTT606 are relatively close to the water god Poseidon. Ahti is both an underwater realm and a water god in Finnish mythology!


The Theft of the Sampo, Akseli Gallen-Kallela, 1897

Is the application of the name Kyllikki intentional, or just evidence of an automated naming engine from a base library?

Is there an intentional link to the system Ahti, or is this just another example of pattern bias or Apophenia?

Or more likely is the inclusion of Kyllikki just a metaphor for the actions of an acolyte escaping the clutches of Disciples of Maarg, a potential Shibboleth of the founding Fargod cult, if so, where else might we find such founders, and what do those locations tell us?

Post in thread 'The Quest To Find Raxxla'

But who knows, keep digging anything is possible.


The path upwards?

The path downwards?

One of the factions in this system is called ‘Civitas Dei’ meaning ‘City of God’, another is ‘Flotta Stellare’ which is Italian for ‘Star Fleet’.
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Just checking you know that Alessis Verdi is a CMDR operated by Drew Wagar. As he himself has stated, he has no special knowledge concerning Raxxla.
yes I learned that yesterday.
I think in one of his tweets DW Himself mentioned that he doubts the existence of Raxxla in his game.
just because DW may doubt the existence of raxxla in game that doesn't mean that it may be not in the game
True but it’s about context, why does he feel / think that way, I’m genuinely interested.

There are many potential hypothetical assumptions which could back this up, but ultimately no one really knows anything (!) and this quest is founded IMPO upon faith.

Faith that what FD stated is factual and contextually accurate in line with what is promoted in game (the Codex) as content and in line with our own interpretation of their language and any presumption it is currently ’accessible’.

For instance, pre launch D Braben gave public talks where he used the language - yes this/that will be in game, then such things never transpired.

Understandable it being a game under development, and from personal experience is common in corporate entities; an element can exist even when it doesn’t, because the intent is there, and can be changed at any stage.

In the same instance Braben described Sag A as not being in game, which at that point was true, as it wasn’t physically built, yet in the same breath he said yes it did exist at that time and yes you could go there, because it had a location in the galaxy map. Semantics.

So if Drew has evidence or insight let’s hear it. Or is it just a feeling?

When talking of such things it’s useful to put it into context, eg ‘X stated X and here’s the source, but X only states it’s a feeling, so only an opinion’.

Then we save ourselves all this omphaloskepsis.

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So if Drew has evidence or insight let’s hear it. Or is it just a feeling?
as I said I will search for DW reply about that this weekend.
i was reading about that some weeks ago, so I guess I have to got through my browser history on phone.
so I guess this might take a while for me then.

and yes I agree that interpreting language people involved used can reveal some hints .
there is always a reason why people are saying things the way people say things.
Wonder if this could be mapped to some megaship flight plan, it would not be the first time ED use riddles with something along the lines of "systems first letters" or similar
LYTA type stars in Crab Nebula. Alternatively Corona Australis is a constellation (cra) in the Southern Celestial Hemisphere. Its Latin name means "southern crown", and it is the southern counterpart of Corona Borealis, the northern crown...Jewel on the brow could be “crown”
Already checked both (see previous Dark Sirens hypothesis).
Of course just because I didn't find anything doesn't mean there’s nothing there! 😁
yes I learned that yesterday.
I think in one of his tweets DW Himself mentioned that he doubts the existence of Raxxla in his game.
Mmm, I’m sceptical. Drew was the first to tell us that DB had said Raxxla is in-game-see my quotes thread.
He did readily admit that he (nor any of the other authors) knew anything about Raxxla (other than MB of course!) & they were forbidden from using it in their stories.
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Just a friendly reminder to all of us to be careful in making public assumptions around persons and various reasons why certain things happened or didn’t happen outside the game, for want of avoiding any allegations, just to protect everyone, because reading between lines is dangerous and from experience it’s likely correct some fallout occurred.

Let’s try and not make too many public assumptions, and if so use third person or just refer to persons as nominals. It’s apparent that some falling out occurred, either way it sounds personal, so let’s try not and cast aspersions :).

If someone has recently posted a comment on Twitter that sheds new light on Raxxla, then let’s look at it contextually, based on the evidence provided.
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LYTA type stars in Crab Nebula. Alternatively Corona Australis is a constellation (cra) in the Southern Celestial Hemisphere. Its Latin name means "southern crown", and it is the southern counterpart of Corona Borealis, the northern crown...Jewel on the brow could be “crown”
Already checked both (see previous Dark Sirens hypothesis).
Of course just because I didn't find anything doesn't mean there’s nothing there! 😁
The Crane is known as Gruis in astronomy, a southern constellation - well done for picking up on my little hint @Dox Paradox :) An old theory of mine - having explore the Gruis constellation, and not found anything, was a bit disappointed, especially as one of the stars is a Carbon star (Jewel that burns etc.) - but hey - just another Raxxla theory ..
The Crane is known as Gruis in astronomy, a southern constellation - well done for picking up on my little hint @Dox Paradox :) An old theory of mine - having explore the Gruis constellation, and not found anything, was a bit disappointed, especially as one of the stars is a Carbon star (Jewel that burns etc.) - but hey - just another Raxxla theory ..
Alphekka (name in-game) is also known as Gemma and per in-game description 5 Alpha Coronae Borealis. It is the crown jewel of Corona Borealis. The system is just a binary star system, sadly. That said, I ascribe more to the idea that the Alleged Toast points to a specific region of sky (area surrounding Ursa Minor and Polaris). This system and Corona Borealis also seem to link to Thetis who was according to some accounts seen as a cosmic mother figure via Alcman's Cosmogonic Fragment. The thing is there are multiple jewels that fit see V886 Centauri (largest diamond).

Note: The theory document needs a rewrite to factor in history of the Bubble but alas writing all that down to justify the idea would take pages so it hasn't been done. Ideas have evolved a bunch since this was written.

Info on Alcman's Cosmogonic Fragment:

V886 Centauri (name in-game) is nicknamed 'Lucy' after the Beatles song 'Lucy in the sky with Diamond' - it is a carbon-rich white dwarf -


  • Unified Theory of Raxxla v5- The Sol-centric Revision.pdf
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There are few good areas where one could readily test this: factions Dark Echo (near Alliance/Independent space) and East India Company (border of Fed/Imperial space near Ackwada). Working with either should effectively open up a large region with good standing.
It is not exactly what I had in mind, but why not. I think the diversity of minor faction is more important than the number of systems they control (and I have nothing to support this opinion)
Whenever we complete a mission there's 99% of the time two parties involved, two minor factions. Often they seem incompatible and yet work together. Maybe there's a "chain of friendship" we could follow. I don't know if that's clear, but it would result in a "bubble" of reputation (not always neighbor systems that's true).
Did someone follow the "chain of fridnship" starting from The Dark Wheel for instance?
Whenever we complete a mission there's 99% of the time two parties involved, two minor factions. Often they seem incompatible and yet work together. Maybe there's a "chain of friendship" we could follow. I don't know if that's clear, but it would result in a "bubble" of reputation (not always neighbor systems that's true).
Did someone follow the "chain of fridnship" starting from The Dark Wheel for instance?
I haven't tried to tackle the tangled web of factions. I have seen factions of superpowers that supposedly hate one-another help each other. That said, there are groups working together that you might not think would. The BGS is a very complex beast. If you want to get an idea of what is going on watch trade, missions (legal and less so), and watch the ground missions vs space. The galaxy is a very complex place. One a related note, the concourse and bars are interesting places for rumors. Listen to random conversations if you have Odyssey. The same applies to music and advertisements in the concourse and bars. Also, overheard on the bar of the bar of the AOE Dharmachakra, "Good systems to visit - anywhere where Onionhead is legal." You see, not only does East India Company (like on Earth) run a thriving network of trade, but they pretty much the main distribution point for Onionhead. The point here: details matter. What a faction claims to care about on paper isn't always the reality (this applies equally to player and non-player factions).

One other bit of advice..

When the presence of great light, look to the shadows to see what is real versus what is purportedly true. Shadows don't know how to lie.

When in darkness, remember this is where the stars form. Everything began in darkness and everything ends there, too. The womb is just as dark as the grave. Darkness reveals all to those who dare to seek out its' solace.
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Unrelated to precedent posts, the pdf @CMDRCorrMorningstarFelian posted earlier contains an interesting idea. The Astrophel could be famous persons related to space/astronomy.
Maybe the path laid out by the systems named after them would form a spiral, or lead somewhere...
I found interesting to discover that Ptolemy (famous for his early cosmogonic model) and Komarov (Russian astronaut) were both neighbors in the same region close to a nebula I visited some time ago.
After all we've got spiralling stars printed on a telescope network system...
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