No. I’m hypothesising that the station is at one of the Lagrange points of a star+planet, not orbiting the planet. But there seems to be no way to calculate the station mass , doesn’t seem to be given in-game or Wiki, & I need it to plug into the lagrange point calculator. I know the star & planetary masses from the system map info. All I need is a figure for the station mass. I know Aulin Enterprise (looks similar station type) orbits 6030 km above planet Nirvana (0.9500 Earth masses), but that doesn’t help in calculating the station mass since, in mv^2=GMm/r^2, the satellite mass m cancels out.
Just pick the mass of a small asteroide. It probably doesn't make much difference at all, as the mass of the station is insignificant compared to the planet and the star.
Although my Cyrillic reading is rather basic, the encircled word definitely says "legendary planet".
Even though this is a translation and the original text read only 'legendary Raxxla', I would add a small +1 to Raxxla's planet status.

Other +1s include Rafe Zetter actually calling it a planet, in The Dark Wheel.
At one time a player reported as an error that he couldn't find Raxxla in the galmap. FD sent him a letter from 'Universal Cartographics' that stated that they hand no knowledge of the Planet Raxxla. :)
I though he was a god that was worshiped in Cimmeria, in the Hyborian period?
But the stories make a distinction between different races gods. Like Strygian, Shemitish, Hyborian, Cimmerian, Hyrkanian etc.
Just like modern historical pantheons: Greek, Roman, Egyptian, Hindu etc.
is no one going to comment on that raxxla codex screenshot? the english version doesn't seem to have that bit of text with "planet" in it. it only says "a summary of the myths surrounding the legendary raxxla"
so this is either a mistake on localization of the game in that language, or an intended (or not so intended but still true) bit of info right there. im i getting hyped for nothing here? lol
"legendary planet" Raxxla
It's probably wrong translation. Change your language to different (there are some others, Spanish, German, I think) and check that text with Google translator. If it's not a mistake, then FD gave a little bit more of information to Russian translation team (and maybe to the other teams as well).
Mmm, well if Raxxla is a planet within ED, and it’s been in-game since the gamma version (before Horizons), then it won’t be landable. Which I think would make it a fairly uninspiring (eventual) find. Maybe it’s made of diamond & we could watch it sparkle in the starlight?
Just pick the mass of a small asteroide. It probably doesn't make much difference at all, as the mass of the station is insignificant compared to the planet and the star.

But how do you find the mass of an asteroid? The asteroid base mass doesn’t seem to be listed anywhere either!
It's probably wrong translation. Change your language to different (there are some others, Spanish, German, I think) and check that text with Google translator. If it's not a mistake, then FD gave a little bit more of information to Russian translation team (and maybe to the other teams as well).

Somebody should raise these different meanings as a bug report and see what the FD reaction is!
Idle thoughts through these doldrum waters...What if...

What if from the outset Raxxla was discoverible just by playing the game as the devs intended?

Early dev diaries put a lot of focus on lore and fiction to breath life into what FD even described as a repetitive universe.

Later DB himself discussed how they got it wrong and how they didn't expect players to fall into repetitive gameloops, that small factions should have sent you out to interesting places.

How Galnet ought to hint to you of discoverible things and market prices.

What if the key to finding things in game was just to play their way?

Hard to say, which is or isn't the correct way, is it fixed, is it still broken?

One thing Im certain of, to understand something, to develop intelligence to interpret the information available, it first has to be consistent.

You can predict most things even with minimal information, as long as you know its correct, the modus operandi is consistent.

The best method to obscure an intent is to be inconsistent. To change your MO.

Has FD unintentionally fiddled with their originally simple and obvious method of finding Raxla and inadvertently obscured it further... if there ever were a path.

I certainly feel thats what happened (intentionally or unintentionally) when the older DW missions folded.

In retrospect maybe we asked the wrong questions, instead of 'is Raxxla in game' it should have been 'is there a mechanism or play arc towards finding Raxxla' or is it just an arbitrary point in space with no reference points?

'No clues' I alway held up soley as an admission that representatives of FD wouldn't give out hints, but in game there was an 'obvious' direction.

That path I do now feel is long-gone since the Codex arrived, but such inconsistency has helped only tilt us at windmills...

The answer may be as plain as the end of our noses...we may never know but I'm starting to believe the theories that tourist beacons are the likliest paths.

But is it consistent? Thats what gets at me, is this now a stack of needles holding up a few straws.
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