New 25 essential habitat animals META-WISHLIST

It is a shame wild type aurochs are extinct in the wild, after historically being mixed up with wisent in the public consciousness (and, well, in genetic terms as well; wisent originate from auroch x steppe bison crossbreeding, and ironically enough both of the parent species are now gone... evolution IS fascinating).
But, yeah, the auroch was the cooler Eurasian large bovid, and it is a shame historic animals aren't considered for this.

Got my boar and peccary with less than a month in-between, and finally a waterfowl, and an iconic one at that. And oh boy the saiga!
It is a shame wild type aurochs are extinct in the wild, after historically being mixed up with wisent in the public consciousness (and, well, in genetic terms as well; wisent originate from auroch x steppe bison crossbreeding, and ironically enough both of the parent species are now gone... evolution IS fascinating).
But, yeah, the auroch was the cooler Eurasian large bovid, and it is a shame historic animals aren't considered for this.

Got my boar and peccary with less than a month in-between, and finally a waterfowl, and an iconic one at that. And oh boy the saiga!
If you want an aurox, why not vote heck cattle?
Those are perfectly valid
1. Coati
2. Capybara Squirrel Monkey
3. Greater Kudu
4. Grey Crowned Crane
5. Secretary Bird
6. Alpine Ibex Caribbean Manatee
7. Wolverine
8. White cheeked Gibbon
9. Galada
10. Red River Hog
11. Emu
12. Darwin's Rhea
13. Mara
14. African Porcupine
15. Raccoon
16. Pheasants (any... Reeves, Edwards, Lady Amherst, Golden)
17. Takins
18. Blue Wildebeest
19. Tasmanian Devil
20. Helmeted Guinea fowl
21. Any Langur, snub-nosed or dusky leaf for example
22. Shoebill
23. Scarlet Ibis
24. Pelican
25. Sloth
This used to be my list from several posts.
I would like update it. The new ones I will make bold.

Peythur's new Wishlist:
1. Coati
2. Squirrel Monkey
3. Greater Kudu
4. Gray Crowned Crane
5. Secretary Bird
6. Caribbean Manatee
7. Himalayan Monal
8. White-Cheeked Gibbon
9. Galada
10. Mongoose (Striped or maybe even Dwarf)
11. Black-headed Spider Monkey

12. Darwin's Rhea
13. Patagonian Mara
14. Short beaked Echidna
15. Hamadryas Baboon

16. Pheasants (any, Reeves, Edwards, Lady Amherst, Golden...)
17. Marabou Stork
18. Blackbuck
19. Vicuña

20. Helmed Guinea Fowl
21. Any langur, snub-nosed or dusky leaf for example
22. Shoebill
23. Scarlet Ibis
24. Pelican (Great White, Dalamatian, Brown)
25. Chillean Pudu
Does someone already get al their 20 or 25 animals from their list in game?? Haven’t seen one
1. European Bison
2. Red Deer
3. Fallow Deer
4. Eurasian Lynx
5. Alpine Ibex

6. Walrus
7. California Sea Lion
8. Moose
9. Cougar
10. American Alligator

11. West Indian Manatee
12. Przewalski's Horse
13. Amur Leopard
14. Takin
15. Asian small-clawed otter
16. Lar Gibbon
17. Maned Wolf
18. Capybara

19. Hamadryas Baboon
20. Red River Hog

Close enough, I guess. Three left only, but 1 unrealistic, so I'm looking forward to another two.
This DLC is a surprise to be sure, but a welcome one.

Now it looks like that:
1. Hamadryas Baboon
3.Mantled Guereza
4.West Indian Manatee
6.Squirrel Monkey
7.African Spurred Tortoise
8.Patagonian Mara
10.Softshell Turtle
12.Musk Ox
13.Conquerells Sifaka
14.Honey Badger
15.Japanese/Chinese Giant salamander
16.Alligator Snapping Turtle
17.Marabou Stork
18.Tree Kangaroo
21.Howler Monkey
22.Philippine Mouse Deer
23.Rockhopper Penguin
24.Green Sea Turtle
25.Secretary Bird
Does someone already get al their 20 or 25 animals from their list in game?? Haven’t seen one
Not 25 or even 20, but thrilled and relieved I'm finally able to knock the last of my original top 10 off with the Wolverine. Major moment for me there!
Hi everybody,

1. Wood duck
2. Mandarin duck
3. Canada goose
4. Mountain goat
5. Chamois
6. Markhor
7. Sea otter
8. West indian manatee
9. Roseate spoonbill
10. Tragopan
11. Himalayan monal
12. Golden snub nosed monkey
13. Pallas cat
14. Capercaillie
15. Giant armadillo
16. Aye aye
17. Coquerell sifaka
18. Golden lion tamarin
19. Black howler monkey
20. Black footed ferret
21. Vicuña
22. Burrowing owl
23. Lion tailed macaque
24. Indian giant squirrel
25. Atlantic puffin
I Just had a Look. From my Initial Top 25 I got 18 within the meantime. From the further 8 animals I was able to add later on I got only 1. So 19 animals from my "Top 33" are now in the Game. But Not my number 1 unfortunately 😃
1. Amur Leopard ✅
2. Dromedary Camel ✅
3. Sloth ✅
4. Alpine Ibex ✅
5. Eurasian Lynx ✅
6. Crested Porcupine ✅
7. Platypus ✅
8. Red River Hog ✅
9. Moose ✅
10. Puma ✅
11. Red Deer ✅
12. Capybara ✅
13. Shoebill ✖️
14. Kirks Dik Dik ✖️❗❗❗
15. Somali Wild Donkey ✅
16. California Sea Lion ✅
17. (Giant) Armadillo ✅ I think the Nine Banded is fully okay for me
18. Ocelot ✖️
19. Caracal ✅
20. Kiwi ✅

5.5 (when I count the red deer AS 0.5) integrated

My +5
21. Serval ✖️
22. Asian Small Clawed Otter ✅
23. Wombat (any) ✅
24. Blackbuck ✖️
25. Hamadryas Baboon ✖️

Somehow I cannot cross out the integrated species of the wishlist. But 8 out of my list were integrated already:
Alpine Ibex (4), Eurasian Lynx (5), Platypus (7), Moose (9), Puma (10), Capybara (12), California Sea Lion (16), Asian small clawed Otter (22)

So my new 8 species are:
26. Echidna ✖️
27. Emu ✅
28. Gerenuk ✖️
29. Markhor ✖️
30. Jaguarundi ✖️
31. Muntjac ✖️
32. Aye Aye ✖️
33. Pelican (any) ✖️

My only wishlist animal which found its way within the new pack was the Amur Leopard (1). I will replace it with the:
Coati (any) ✖️

I will write down my actual Top 25 here again for a better overview when the next DLC is coming.

1. Dromedary Camel
2. Sloth
3. Crested Porcupine
4. Red River Hog
5. Red Deer
6. Shoebill
7. Kirks Dik Dik
8. Somali Wild Donkey
9. Giant Armadillo
10. Ocelot
11. Caracal
12. Kiwi
13. Serval
14. Wombat (any)
15. Blackbuck
16. Hamadryas Baboon
17. Echidna
18. Emu
19. Gerenuk
20. Markhor
21. Jaguarundi
22. Muntjac
23. Aye Aye
24. Pelican (any)
25. Coati (any) (new)

So I also looked up all my lists another time and summarized it here. I have some problems to put quotes into a existing Post. So sorry for again Posting. I think every animal from my remaining animals from all Wishlists plus additions except the Jaguarundi and probably the Aya Aye still has a valid Chance to come in. Some species to a higher, some to a lower extent.

Edit: Interestingly I have Not voted for any Bear species or the Bush Dog that time. All are now very high on my Wishlist. But the Rest more or less is still very valid for me.
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I will follow these animals from this list, they appeal the most to me:

Secretary Bird
Tree Kangaroo
Howler Monkey
Musk Ox
Grey Crowned Crane
Spectacled Bear
Honey Badger
Mantled Guereza
Pallas’s Cat
Alligator Snapping Turtle
Nile Crocodile
Marabou Stork
Pere David’s Deer
Giant Eland
Helmeted Guineafowl
Scarlet Ibis
Ground Hornbill
Bighorn Sheep
Leopard Seal
Giant Salamander
Fishing Cat
Golden Pheasant
Mountain Goat
Yellow-Footed Rock Wallaby
Roseate Spoonbill
Giant Armadillo
Yellow Throated Marten
Elephant Seal
Bat-Eared Fox
Black Swan
Marine Iguana
North American Porcupine
Slow Loris
Victoria Crowned Pigeon
Greater Roadrunner
Indian Giant Squirrel
Gray Fox
Arctic Hare
1. California Sea Lion ✅ ---> Tamandua
2. Capybara ✅ ---> Wombat ✅
3. Gibbon (any, but I assume Lar Gibbon will be the most voted on) ✅ ---> Spectacled Bear
4. Tasmanian Devil ✅
5. Secretary Bird
6. Honey Badger
7. Sloth ✅
8. Kiwi ✅
9. Moose ✅ ---> Tree Kangaroo
10. Wolverine ✅
11. Lynx ✅ ---> Sea Otter
12. American Beaver ✅ ---> Golden Lion Tamarin
13. Crested Porcupine ✅
14. Maned Wolf ✅
15. Howler Monkey
16. Emu ✅
17. Platypus ✅ ---> Takin ✅
18. Przewalski's horse ✅ ---> Raccoon Dog
19. Red River Hog ✅
20. Coati
21. Roseate Spoonbill
22. Fossa ✅
23. Musk Ox
24. Saki Monkey
25. Bald Uakari

It is fun to retrospectively check the wishlists. I got 19 animals out of this, really good! I would vote very differently now, interesting how the needs change over time, I mean, I voted Bald Uakari? Why?? :ROFLMAO:
It is fun to retrospectively check the wishlists. I got 19 animals out of this, really good! I would vote very differently now, interesting how the needs change over time, I mean, I voted Bald Uakari? Why?? :ROFLMAO:
It is fun to see.. I'm going to look at mine.

1. Capybara (leapfrogging over my #2 for a show of solidarity!)
2. Common Wombat
3. Asian Small Clawed Otter
4. Moose
5. Amur Leopard (or any Asian, or feel free to put in with African if that's how we're going to approach the leopards)
6. Wolverine
7. Crested Porcupine
8. California Sea Lion
9. Sloth (of any variety)
10. Red River Hog

11. Black Backed Jackal
12. Cougar/Mountain Lion
13. Coyote
14. Maned Wolf
15 . Alpine Ibex
16. Platypus

17. American Black Bear
18. Lar Gibbon
19. Tayra
20. European Badger

Wow I got 16 out of my original 20. And it definitely is interesting how the lists and wants change over time. Logically these four should be my top 4 mammalian wants but none are even in my top 10 mammal wants - all 10 are animals not on this list :LOL: . Coyote's not even in the top 20 mammal wants anymore.
1. Tasmanian Devil
2. Roloway monkey
3. Alpine Ibex
4. European fallow deer
5. Skunk
6. African Civet
7. Papua monitor
8. Rhinoceros Iguana (i want it as a habitat animal as the biggest iguana, not much smaller than a nile monitor and could even lay the groundwork for the iguanas to become both exhibit and habitat animals)
9. Chamois
10. Capybara
11. racoon
12. red fox
13. sea lion
14. good fellows tree kangaroo
15. lynx
16. Emperor Tamarin
17. wild Turkey
18. Wild Boar
19. pot bellied pig
20. Lady Amherst's pheasant

I got half of my og wishlist, nice!
Also man what a whacky taste i had, no ducks, this list stinks
I only posted my original list after the Conservation Pack (and honestly if I made it today it would be completely different) but I have since gotten 9/25 which considering the timespan isn't too bad at all. Those 9 were:
  1. Tasmanian Devil
  2. Emu
  3. Wolverine
  4. Fossa
  5. Kiwi
  6. Red Deer
  7. Raccoon
  8. Armadillo
  9. Wild Boar
1 animal for my list so far has made it in the wolverine
I added my list in September so just before oceania so 1 animal in 2 packs is reasonable.
  1. Platypus
  2. Short-beaked Echidna
  3. Tasmanian Devil
  4. Southern Hairy-nosed Wombat
  5. Yellow-footed Rock Wallaby
  6. Goodfellow's Tree Kangaroo
  7. Crested Porcupine
  8. Capybara
  9. Patagonian Mara
  10. Fossa
  11. South American Coati
  12. Maned Wolf
  13. Australian Sealion
  14. Fallow Deer
  15. Lowland Anoa
  16. Emu
  17. North Island Brown Kiwi
  18. Little Penguin
  19. Australian Pelican
  20. Perentie
So that’s half of my original 20 added to the game since 2021, nice! Also worth taking a look at my 5 additional species, given I added an extra vote to the more popular wombat and wallaby species to increase their ranking and whaddayaknow:
21. Greater Bilby
22. Common Wombat
23. Bennett's Wallaby
24. Asian Small-clawed Otter
25. Serval

In regards to how well my original 25 holds up, all but the serval and southern hairynose remain on my personal wishlist, so I’d say pretty well! There‘s definitely some species I’ve grown to want a lot more since I made this list, like many New World primates (but particularly Geoffroy’s spider monkey), the aoudad, numerous birds etc, but overall I feel my wants have remained fairly consistent.
Just 3 animals added in the 2 years since I last updated my wishlist, am I a guy with strange taste? 🥲:LOL:
  • Red deer
  • Scimitar-horned oryx
  • Red river hog
Woah, great update to this sad statement! A single DLC gave me as much species from my wishlist as the previous 2 years! And the anniversary gift was in my list too, great end of year for me!
  1. Hamadryas Baboon
  2. Red Deer
  3. Secretary Bird
  4. Red River Hog
  5. Walrus
  6. South American Coati
  7. Takin
  8. Iberian Lynx
  9. Shoebill
  10. Golden Lion Tamarin
  11. Coquerel’s Sifaka
  12. Gaur
  13. Saiga
  14. Collared Peccary
  15. Mute Swan
  16. Sea Otter
  17. Blackbuck
  18. Pallas's Cat
  19. Yellow-Footed Rock Wallaby
  20. Reeve's Muntjac
  21. Goodfellow’s Tree Kangaroo
  22. Mantled Guereza
  23. Scimitar-Horned Oryx
  24. Great White Pelican
  25. Mallard

With wolverine, walrus and musk ox being in the top 10 my hopes for a tundra pack is still alive 😀

Those 3 + rockhopper or Adelie or chinstrap penguin + Polar base scenery and you would have a pretty good Tundra DLC.
The problem is just like the Arctic pack, it probably wouldn't have exhibit animal... At least I can't think of one good candidate.
The bad new is that we already have the wolverine, so that's a blow for a future tundra pack. The good new is that after the swan, getting an eider or a puffin isn't a crazy idea, and that would make 4 animals again. And if we include alpine tundra, we could get something like the Titicaca frog for the exhibit... A tundra pack is still alive! :unsure:
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