The Galactic Mapping Project & Historical Archive of Exploration

Awesome news! - FD renamed two Solitude Void worlds; one after CMDR Chiggy VonRictofen and one after CMDR Macedonica. The epic rescue of CMDR Macedonica has been commemorated by Universal Cartographics! :)

2.3 Patch notes...

  • Iorant JN-S c17-0 renamed to VonRictofen's Rescue
  • Iorant PD-K d8-4 renamed to Macedonica's Leap

Both have been added to EDSM too, as historical POIs. :cool:
Awesome news! - FD renamed two Solitude Void worlds; one after CMDR Chiggy VonRictofen and one after CMDR Macedonica. The epic rescue of CMDR Macedonica has been commemorated by Universal Cartographics! :)

2.3 Patch notes...

  • Iorant JN-S c17-0 renamed to VonRictofen's Rescue
  • Iorant PD-K d8-4 renamed to Macedonica's Leap

Both have been added to EDSM too, as historical POIs. :cool:

That is awesome and surely an epic rescue to commemorate!

Suggestion for slight change in text for VonRictofen's Rescue:

Currently: "Location where the most distant deep space rescue occurred, back in November 3302."

Suggested: "Location where an epic deep space rescue occurred, back in November 3302."

Reason: This was not the most distant deep space rescue recorded. I know of at least one thoughtless CMDR who ran out of fuel at Beagle Point but was rescued by the Fuel Rats... ;)
That is awesome and surely an epic rescue to commemorate!

Suggestion for slight change in text for VonRictofen's Rescue:

Currently: "Location where the most distant deep space rescue occurred, back in November 3302."

Suggested: "Location where an epic deep space rescue occurred, back in November 3302."

Reason: This was not the most distant deep space rescue recorded. I know of at least one thoughtless CMDR who ran out of fuel at Beagle Point but was rescued by the Fuel Rats... ;)

I'll sort it, cheers! :)
I approve of these changes; they make sense.

This leaves the map completely empty of exploration hazards. Instead I propose that we add all the known 'Permit Regions' in deep space. Having knowledge of these is of real interest to many deep space travellers, as they provide some of the few obstacles to clear navigation.

The regions I suggest we add are:

Regor sector
Gamma Velorum

Horsehead Dark Region
IC-4673 Sector
Col 70 Sector
Col 121 Sector
Col 97 Sector
M41 Sector
NGC 1647 Sector
NGC 2264 Sector
NGC 2286 Sector
NGC 3603 Sector

Some of these may combined in a single POI pin on the map, as they are close together.


Please share your thoughts on these suggested changes :)
Update request:

POI Name: V404 Cygni

Desc update: "V404 Cygni was identified in the 20th century as a so-called microquasar. The system is a binary consisting of a black hole with a 153 solar masses, and a low-mass K0 companion star. The companion star has entered a late-life phase of burning hydrogen in a shell around a degenerate helium core. This is unusual for a star of such low mass, and the discrepancy may be due to the loss of mass to the black hole.

Travelers to this system should immediately set throttles to zero after entering hyperspace! The orbit of the black hole brings it extremely close to the entry point to this system, less than 0.1 light-seconds."

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POI Update:

POI Name: V1357 Cygni
GalMap Ref: V1357 Cygni

Desc: "V1357 Cygni, also known as Cygnus (or Cygni) X-1, is a binary system of a black hole and a blue giant. It was discovered in 1964 during pre-interstellar spaceflight due to the very high levels of x-rays produced by mass from the blue giant falling into the black hole. This was the first such source of powerful x-rays which was widely accepted to be a black hole, and the source of a famous wager between noted 20th century scientists Kip Thorne and Stephen Hawking.

A single high-metal planet can also be found orbiting the two bodies, likely captured."

POI Update:

POI: V1487 Aquilae

Description: V1487 Aquilae (aka GRS 1915+105) is an X-ray binary star system which features a K III giant star of some 24 solar radii and a black hole of 14 solar masses orbiting at some 250 light seconds. It is also an active microquasar with jets being emitted at superluminal velocities. It was discovered in the late 20th century and has been an object of intense study ever since.

Found this Jumponium Rich System within The Formidine Rift
It has every Jumponium material, one planet has 4 of the 7 materials you need for 50% and 100% boost. Please take a look...


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POI Update:

POI Name: QZ Vulpeculae
GalMap Ref: QZ Vulpeculae

Desc update: "A Japanese space telescope, Ginga, discovered this system in April 1988 when the system produced a massive outburst of X-rays, known as an X-ray nova. For a few days, the system produced roughly one million times more energy than in the days before the outburst. The bursts are caused by matter in-falling from Class K star QZ Vulpeculae onto the black hole GS 2000+25.

Numerous smaller bodies can also be found orbiting the pair, including 6 dwarf stars and a host of small rock bodies. A terrestrial body with ammonia-based life can be found just 54 light-seconds from the black hole. It is unclear how life has managed to form in the presence of the powerful x-ray bursts produced by the black hole."

New POI:

POI Name: Shrogeau Juliet Alpha
POI Type: Planetary Nebula
Galmap ref: Shrogeau GG-Y e119
Neutron star with terran body mix, including a water world. First Discovered: Ripcitydubs

Shrogeau GG-Y e119.jpg


New POI:

POI Name: Shrogeau Juliet Beta
POI Type: Planetary Nebula
Galmap ref: Shrogeau IG-Y e380
Planetary nebula with a neutron star and brood of ice worlds. First Discovered: Madriax

Shrogeau IG-Y e380.jpg


New POI:

POI Name: Shrogeau Juliet Gamma
POI Type: Planetary Nebula
Galmap ref: Shrogeau YP-P e5-8620
Planetary nebula with a neutron star core, with a selection of Jovians. First Discovered: Cordwainer Fish

Shrogeau YP-P e5-8620.jpg


New POI:

POI Name: Shrogeau Juliet Delta
POI Type: Planetary Nebula
Galmap ref: Shrogeau YP-P e5-6050
Planetary nebula with a Neutron star. First Discovered: Cordwainer Fish

Shrogeau YP-P e5-6050.jpg

New POI:

POI Name: Dryoea Juliet Alpha
POI Type: Planetary Nebula
Galmap ref: Dryoea Prau RZ-O e6-163
Planetary nebula with a neutron star core and distant main sequence compaainion. First Discovered: Ripcitydubs

Dryoea Prau RZ-O e6-163.jpg


New POI:

POI Name: Shrogeau Juliet Epsilon
POI Type: Planetary Nebula
Galmap ref: Shrogeau EW-N e6-501
Planetary nebula with a black hole core and distant binary sporting a mix of bodies. First Discovered: Sunny V. Isegrim


New POI:

POI Name: Dumbai Juliet Alpha
POI Type: Planetary Nebula
Galmap ref: Dumbai HA-A e5436
Desc: Planetary nebula with a neutron star core and distant set of bolas. First Discovered: Geekstanton

New POI:

POI Name: Dumbai Juliet Beta
POI Type: Planetary Nebula
Galmap ref: Dumbai GL-Y e3244

Planetary nebula with a neutron core and distant binary pair. First Discovered: Sunny V. Isegrim


New POI:

POI Name: Schee Ploe Juliet Alpha
POI Type: Planetary Nebula
Galmap ref: Schee Ploe TO-Z e6014
Planetary nebula with a black hole core and mix of terran worlds. First Discovered: Ripcitydubs



New POI:

POI Name: Schee Ploe Juliet Beta
POI Type: Planetary Nebula
Galmap ref: Schee Ploe OO-Q e5-4349
Planetary nebula with a neutron core and terran mix, including a water world. First Discovered: Jimbodiah



New POI:

POI Name: Schee Ploe Juliet Gamma
POI Type: Planetary Nebula
Galmap ref: Schee Ploe QU-O e6-12
Planetary nebula with a black hole core, brown dwarf and compliment of ice worlds. First Discovered: Madriax



New POI:

POI Name: Phroea Ploe Juliet Alpha
POI Type: Planetary Nebula
Galmap ref: Phroea Ploe PD-B e2165
Planetary nebula with a solitary neutron core. First Discovered: Godhoblin

What started out as an expedition to a quite less travel spot of space for previously unknown PNs hasn't been a great success, but I suppose it's been a great success for cataloging for EDSM :)


New POI:

POI Name: Phroea Ploe Juliet Alpha
POI Type: Planetary Nebula
Galmap ref: Phroea Ploe OD-B e7611
Planetary nebula with a lonesome neutron star. First Discovered: Madriax



New POI:

POI Name: Phroea Ploe Juliet Beta
POI Type: Planetary Nebula
Galmap ref: Phroea Ploe SJ-Z e3908
Planetary nebula with a neutron core and a selection of charred molten metal worlds. First Discovered: Madriax


New POI:

POI Name: Wepoae Juliet Alpha
POI Type: Planetary Nebula
Galmap ref: Wepoae BF-Z e5979
Planetary nebula with a neutron core, featuring a secondary main sequence compainion with a family of metal worlds. First Discovered: Madriax

New POI:

POI Name: Byoomu Juliet Alpha
POI Type: Planetary Nebula
Galmap ref: Byoomu LI-S e4-1049
Planetary nebula with a neutron core. First Discovered: Javian17

Byoomu LI-S e4-1049.jpg


New POI:

POI Name: Phoi Aod Juliet Gamma
POI Type: Planetary Nebula
Galmap ref: Phoi Aod DL-P e5-990
Planetary nebula with a black hole core. First Discovered: Madriax



New POI:

POI Name: Phoi Aod Juliet Beta
POI Type: Planetary Nebula
Galmap ref: Phoi Aod VY-S e3-3043
Planetary nebula with a neutron core. First Discovered: Madriax

Phoi Aod VY-S e3-3043.jpg


New POI:

POI Name: Phoi Aod Juliet Alpha
POI Type: Planetary Nebula
Galmap ref: Phoi Aod JR-W e1-1691
Planetary nebula with a neutron core. First Discovered: Crotalus

Phoi Aod JR-W e1-1691.jpg
I hope this format is ok and that these locations might be added into the game at some point. These few locations were found and tagged 1st by myself.

Possible tourism candidates

Name: Life in darkness
Gal Map: BLAA EAEC AL-W d2-318 3
Description: Brown Dwarf with an orbiting Water World. The dwarf star also features a ammonia based companion planetoid with oxygen based atmosphere.

Name: Little blue diver
Gal Map: BLAA EAEC TY-Z d704 A 5 a
Description: A high metal content world with a terraformable water world companion moon. An Earth like world and an ammonia gas giant can also be observed in the system.

Name: Little blue diver II
Gal Map: DRYOOE PROU HH-C d1660 A 5 a
Description: A terraformable water world moon

Name: Little blue diver III
Gal Map: PHROI PRI JR-C d1126 A 2 a
Description: A terraformable water world moon

Name: Rivers Run Red
Gal Map: DRYOOE PROU GL-Y d518 4a
Description: This terraformbale water world sits just on the verge of the metallic rings from a class III gas giant. The red nebula adds a warm gloomyness to the location.
Screenshot: and

Name: Brothers in Genesis
Gal Map: MYRIESLY QC-M d7-3213 10
Description: An Earth like with an ice ring ammonia world right next door.
Screenshot: and

Name: Ammonia Maximus
Gal Map: BOEPH UF-N d7-581 5
Description: A huge ammonia world with an impressive 28 Earth masses.
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I hope this format is ok and that these locations might be added into the game at some point. These few locations were found and tagged 1st by myself.

Hi Chronverge,

These are interesting, but I'm not sure if they're unique enough to qualify as Point of Interest. In particular you have three instances of "A terraformable water world moon", which would indicate it's not exceptionally unique.
Hi Chronverge,

These are interesting, but I'm not sure if they're unique enough to qualify as Point of Interest. In particular you have three instances of "A terraformable water world moon", which would indicate it's not exceptionally unique.

Thanks for the reply and I see your point. Figured I'd post all three in case one of those galactic regions needs a POI to fill in and I've not heard or seen any reports of this type of moons from other CMDR's yet.

With the other systems I concidered the combination of ELW with ammonia worlds for eventual seed systems on other species or even Thargoids. [alien]
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New POI:

POI Name: PSR J1901+0716
POI Type: Pulsar
GalMap Ref: PSR J1901+0716

Desc: "This pulsar was the subject of research in the early 21st century for the unusual changes in the length of the pulses generated by the fast-rotating neutron star. The pulse length of 644 milliseconds decreases for 'tens of pulses' and then increases again. The cause for this behavior is unknown. A recent survey found many companion bodies ranging from class G stars down to tiny moons."

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