So, I'll admit, I am fairly new to the Raxxla stuff, I've mainly been doing the normal stuff in the game, exploring for rank and mining. I got to a bit of a "dead end" in as much that I didn't know what to do next, and I started to unlock the guardian stuff, which leads to more interest in joining the Thargoid war etc. and naturally you come across Raxxla. I've watched a lot of videos and read a lot, but I'm still processing a lot of what I read. I tend to agree, it's probably far easier than is generally thought and that FDev havent released it into game yet.
With that said, I was discussing the game with someone totally blank, someone who's never played it. And I was saying, that the more you dig the more you appreciate the work to the stories FDev have put in and that there are a lot of instances where Greek Mythology comes up. I said in a throwaway line "I wonder what the Odyssey expansion will do, I wonder if it will move the story forward". The reply was a raised eyebrow and said "Odyssey, as in Homer's poem, the Odyssey".
Now, this has got me thinking....
Is Raxxla, a settlement of remaining Guardians, who fought in the Thargoid wars (or other war)? Or did the Guardians think of the Thargoids as gods?
- The story of Odyssey begins at the end of the Trojan War, where the King, Odysseus, has not yet returned, because he angered Poseidon. (This is where I am thinking Thargoid War or Thargoids as gods)
Or is Raxxla, a Guardian living among us?
- In Homer's Odyssey, Odysseus returns to Troy and lives for a period undercover. During the telling of the Trojan Horse story he reveals himself. Then shares his stories about his return to Troy.
-- The Thargoids are interested in occupied escape pods, are they trying to find the Guardian?
In the story of his return, Odysseus speaks of a cave, in a lush uninhabited island, where he and his men enter a cave with all the food they can eat. On return home Polyphemus seals the cave and starts to eat his men, they devise an escape plan and flee. Could Polyphemus in the story be a Thargoid in the game and then Thargoids are now looking for Raxxla (Odysseus)?
In Homer's Odyssey, Odysseus tells his story to the Phaeacians, who offer him treasure, before the treasure is hidden in a nearby cave. Could these be the theorised aliens we have yet to meet?
The Guardian Sites are grouped, like a "Guardian Bubble", so I wonder if there is anything that indicates a final war that they had, do we know why they abandonded their settlements? Perhaps a search between the Guardian Bubble and the last war area might show up something... Maybe the Cone Sector is the site of this war? (Dunno just speculating now)