All Titans are named after storm deities from varied pantheons: Taranis is Celtic, Indra is Hindu, Leigong is Chinese, Cocijo is Zapotec¹, Oyá is Yoruba, Thor is Nordic, Raijin is Japanese and Hadad is Canaanite².Mmm
"Titan Hadad is vulnerable!"
Hadad is an alias of Rimmon, one of Satan's named followers in Paradise Lost, and Satan is a subanagram of Taranis!
Stayed out of the Thargoids war (thumbs still painful after bashing 1000+ Scouts during Covid lockdown!)...where are the other Titans? Are they all PL-related?
Took me a while to realise that all ships are named after snakes AND this might be a reference to PL when Satan took a serpent form when he tempted Eve ...
From PL Satan's followers were: Satan (Lucifer, tempter, devil, serpent, Baphomet, old nick, Mephistopheles, Evil one), Beelzebub (Beelzebul, Belzebuth,Belzebub, Belzebu), Moloch (Molech, Molek), Chemos (Chemosh), Baal, Astarte (Ashtaroth, Astoret, Astarit, Inanna, Ishtar, Istar, Ishara, Ashtart, Astart, Athart, Attar) , Thammuz, Dagon, Rimmon (Hadad, Had, Hadda), Osiris (User), Isis (Aset, rusat, usa, else, esa, wusa)...a,iases in parentheses!
Astrophel sounds like "astro fell" ("for those with eyes to see" is stated in the codex. BUT the original (biblical IIRC) saying is "for those with eyes to see and ears to hear"), which implies "fallen star". "Princess Astrophell" could therefore mean a female fallen star- Astarte and Isis were the only named female prime followers of Satan in PL, however since Satan ruled in Hell then his daughter Sin could be viewed as a Princess...
Great catch on the "eyes to see" having a Biblical origin - it traces all the way back to Deuteronomy (which historians believe to be the oldest book of the Pentateuch) and is repeated multiple times in both Testaments.
¹ A peculiar choice, given that the Aztec Tlaloc and the Mayan Chaac are much better known Mesoamerican counterparts
² Later called Baal-Zephon, or just Baal - which was originally a generic title for "lord"
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