I was thinking, maybe we can find out when Raxxla could have been placed in game and then see who was responsible for choosing it's location. Perhaps we can narrow or possibilities a bit more that way.
We know it was placed in-game back in the gamma release, and DB/MB were responsible. Who else knows about it within FD, if anyone, is something we dont know.

Edit: Thought for the day: If TDW in Shinrarta are a front/obfuscation, then it’s possible those old E/F missions were also misdirection. One obvious reason for then deleting them would be that they were a bit too close to the truth!

Edit2: RDZ in IRH discord said “I wonder why the old raxxla related missions are given by the "nuenets revolutionary party" instead of the TDW.. and the reference of a secret in the system discription. (And why all the combat missions in the TDW seem to only target nuenets)..”. May be worth rechecking those old missions!
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I might be completly wrong here but in an interview MB said this:
  • Brookes subsequently confirmed that Raxxla is in the Milky Way galaxy in an interview with player DJTruthsayer:
    Question: "Where is Raxxla?"
    Brookes: "Well it's in the Milky Way, but I can't tell you where it is. It's a journey that everyone has to travel for themselves."
    Question: "You have said that there will be no clues though?"
    Brookes: "That's true, but I think you have to make some of it a tiny bit obvious just so people know what they're doing. There's nothing to be revealed at this stage."

"At this stage". What if that ment that at that point there weren't any clues yet but they planned, and by now should have, released some sort of hint. Hidden or not. Maybe if we find it we can have some sort of clue what we are doing. Because let's face it right now we have nothing or very little.
I don't quite understand what you're saying.

Don't you read GALNET news inside the game? This is the storyline.
Galnet is a series of “news” snippets, published by The Club and anyone else with a vested interest in manipulating the galactic population, with the occasional unbiased article. The storylines are what is hidden behind those articles. There are several storylines, probably interlinked. One deals with the Thargoids, another the Guardians, another with Azimith, another with Wreaken, another with the Far God, another with Raxxla. I meant we need to find the Raxxla storyline, which is hidden from us. Those old/deleted E/F missions were the only thing that seemed to relate to the Raxxla storyline...
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We know it was placed in-game back in the gamma release, and DB/MB were responsible. Who else knows about it within FD, if anyone, is something we dont know.

Edit: Thought for the day: If TDW in Shinrarta are a front/obfuscation, then it’s possible those old E/F missions were also misdirection. One obvious reason for then deleting them would be that they were a bit too close to the truth!

Edit2: RDZ in IRH discord said “I wonder why the old raxxla related missions are given by the "nuenets revolutionary party" instead of the TDW.. and the reference of a secret in the system discription. (And why all the combat missions in the TDW seem to only target nuenets)..”. May be worth rechecking those old missions!
@Macros Black, @Han_Zen, @simulacrae, @Factabulous, @Dommarraa, .... and anyone else who got to elite and tried these missions before they disappeared

I didnt start playing until after the E/F missions had, I think, been deleted. Certainly I didn’t get to Elite in the timeframe, so I don’t have first hand experience of them and need to rely on your collective memories. RDZ has raised an interesting point regarding these missions-who were the mission givers? Some of the missions seem to be against the Shinrarta TDW faction. So who was trying to get the info/data crystals/whatever? Was it The Real Dark Wheel and this hint was perhaps why those missions were deleted-perhaps they gave too much away? I’ve checked the posts at the beginning of this thread but the mission giver information was not supplied...
We know it was placed in-game back in the gamma release, and DB/MB were responsible. Who else knows about it within FD, if anyone, is something we dont know.

Edit: Thought for the day: If TDW in Shinrarta are a front/obfuscation, then it’s possible those old E/F missions were also misdirection. One obvious reason for then deleting them would be that they were a bit too close to the truth!

Edit2: RDZ in IRH discord said “I wonder why the old raxxla related missions are given by the "nuenets revolutionary party" instead of the TDW.. and the reference of a secret in the system discription. (And why all the combat missions in the TDW seem to only target nuenets)..”. May be worth rechecking those old missions!
I think also that TDW is a front for the real one.
@Macros Black, @Han_Zen, @simulacrae, @Factabulous, @Dommarraa, .... and anyone else who got to elite and tried these missions before they disappeared

I didnt start playing until after the E/F missions had, I think, been deleted. Certainly I didn’t get to Elite in the timeframe, so I don’t have first hand experience of them and need to rely on your collective memories. RDZ has raised an interesting point regarding these missions-who were the mission givers? Some of the missions seem to be against the Shinrarta TDW faction. So who was trying to get the info/data crystals/whatever? Was it The Real Dark Wheel and this hint was perhaps why those missions were deleted-perhaps they gave too much away? I’ve checked the posts at the beginning of this thread but the mission giver information was not supplied...
Afaicr all the factions in Shin gave elite level missions, but TBW tended to give the interesting sounding ones because of their faction type.
None of the missions lead anywhere at all, they just sounded interesting and were more difficult than normal.

There is no 'real' or 'fake' Dark Wheel, just the faction. Anything else is tinfoil. Any player claiming to be DW is similarly deluded.
@Macros Black, @Han_Zen, @simulacrae, @Factabulous, @Dommarraa, .... and anyone else who got to elite and tried these missions before they disappeared

I didnt start playing until after the E/F missions had, I think, been deleted. Certainly I didn’t get to Elite in the timeframe, so I don’t have first hand experience of them and need to rely on your collective memories. RDZ has raised an interesting point regarding these missions-who were the mission givers? Some of the missions seem to be against the Shinrarta TDW faction. So who was trying to get the info/data crystals/whatever? Was it The Real Dark Wheel and this hint was perhaps why those missions were deleted-perhaps they gave too much away? I’ve checked the posts at the beginning of this thread but the mission giver information was not supplied...
I tried a couple. Marcos did it all. I think they were the main reason he started this thread.
All evidence points to them being just regular missions, with flavour texts hinting to Raxxlas existence. The main thing they tell us, is that TDW and others are/were also looking for Raxxla. The NPCs that 'speaks' the flavour texts do not know Raxxlas location, so we can't expect them to lead us there.

Not that we will ever know but I suspect the data crystals (SAP8 Core?), did not lead to Raxxla after all. I think they lead to the first Gauardian ruins. At least I think that was the plan. Technical issues lead to us missing out on chunks of the planned story lie. This also includes the Halsey vissions, that are described in the Codex.
I tried a couple. Marcos did it all. I think they were the main reason he started this thread.
All evidence points to them being just regular missions, with flavour texts hinting to Raxxlas existence. The main thing they tell us, is that TDW and others are/were also looking for Raxxla. The NPCs that 'speaks' the flavour texts do not know Raxxlas location, so we can't expect them to lead us there.

Not that we will ever know but I suspect the data crystals (SAP8 Core?), did not lead to Raxxla after all. I think they lead to the first Gauardian ruins. At least I think that was the plan. Technical issues lead to us missing out on chunks of the planned story lie. This also includes the Halsey vissions, that are described in the Codex.
All correct. The missions left me with a distinct feeling of just being 'regular' missions spread all over the bubble and not just isolated to Shinrarta Dezha, e.g.see Obfuscated In The Outer Rim.
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I was playing Alien:Isolation recently and i saw something that looks like RAXXLA logo:

View attachment 266384

You will need to zoom at left shoulder of the poor girl.

The story is located in Zeta 2 reticuli in game.
In ED, Zeta Reticuli is a system composed of 2 stars: Zeta-1 Reticuli (System Name) and Zeta-2 Reticuli. Nothing intersting there, just a planet and a medium station.

Zeta-1 Reticuli System for more infos.

I tried to get the G E and S letters from the "Gemini Exoplanet Solutions" and get the number letter (A=1, E=5, G=7, S=19) and look at galactic coordinate to look for a system but nothing.

Btw, i found amazing the post of someone that found 2060 Chiron symbol (a key).
So i looked for Gemini and the symbol could be a door? (like the japanese ones).


link: Astrologocal Symbols

Maybe you will have more luck than me, i just hope it will help ;)


  • Alien_Isolation.jpg
    216 KB · Views: 73
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@Comandante : Hi Commander. I said I'd look up the system descriptions of the permit locked systems for you to check. I've added them into my own permits list sheet here

happy theorising!

Personally- I'm wondering if it's possible to download a copy of the Codex text so I can theorise in comfort on my iPad rather than sat at my gaming PC, with my RSI playing up. Anybody any ideas???
Thanks Jorki! Personally I don't think there's any clues to be had there - although, all the data is clearly incomplete - and also, it's not 'a tiny bit obvious'. Doesn't appear to be any leads from your initial data set... Also, I do not have the time at the moment to chase any of the other permits either way :(

I was playing Alien:Isolation recently and i saw something that looks like RAXXLA logo:

View attachment 266384

You will need to zoom at left shoulder of the poor girl.

The story is located in Zeta 2 reticuli in game.
In ED, Zeta Reticuli is a system composed of 2 stars: Zeta-1 Reticuli (System Name) and Zeta-2 Reticuli. Nothing intersting there, just a planet and a medium station.

Zeta-1 Reticuli System for more infos.

I tried to get the G E and S letters from the "Gemini Exoplanet Solutions" and get the number letter (A=1, E=5, G=7, S=19) and look at galactic coordinate to look for a system but nothing.

Btw, i found amazing the post of someone that found 2060 Chiron symbol (a key).
So i looked for Gemini and the symbol could be a door? (like the japanese ones).


link: Astrologocal Symbols

Maybe you will have more luck than me, i just hope it will help ;)
Cant open your attachment from alien isolation says oops, this doesnt exist on the forum
Thanks Jorki! Personally I don't think there's any clues to be had there - although, all the data is clearly incomplete - and also, it's not 'a tiny bit obvious'. Doesn't appear to be any leads from your initial data set... Also, I do not have the time at the moment to chase any of the other permits either way :(
You’re welcome!
No, I reread them while I was pasting them into the sheet and I couldn't see any basis for a hypothesis.

I think there are two bits to “tiny bit obvious”: firstly the martian artefact that clearly indicates aliens visited Sol in the distant past. Secondly MB’s “personal journey” leads to/via Shinrarta Dezhra so, as others have said, I think we need to look there for the next step towards Raxxla.
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