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So how can you tell, in Odyssey, what planetaray bases are landable now? By that, I mean the the old skool ones with shipyards, refuel/repair/rearm, etc.

And has anyone done/found any geo sites in Odyssey yet?

Some geo sites. Or rather the lack thereof.

I found a planet I had previously mapped which, according to the description, has two geo sites. Well, actually, no, it doesn't - at least not available on the left hand panel anymore. I took a look anyway and landed.

It now seems your piceous cobbles and crystalling fragments etc. are just strewn willynilly all over the place. In addition, I blew up a crystalline cluster but it yielded iron. Which was really odd. Piceous cobbles had iron didn't they?

Is this an expected result of the new planetary tech or another bug? I didn't have time to do too much so I'll scout around more later.
So how can you tell, in Odyssey, what planetaray bases are landable now? By that, I mean the the old skool ones with shipyards, refuel/repair/rearm, etc.

And has anyone done/found any geo sites in Odyssey yet?
I am trying to figure that out too. But besides the old skool ones with shipyards, limpet sales, market etc, there are hybrid versions where you get to land on a Pad, has the station services menu with the repair, restock, market etc, and yet you can disembark and walk around an outdoor Odyssey facility (not the cookie cutter starport).

Basically from what I have seen, for ground facilities:

1. Old School
2. Hybrid
3. Legs only

I have no way to figure out which is which from the Map/nav panel. I would like to know too.
The problem is that it says "material trader" - but all i find are raw material trader - i need a manufactured trader and that cannot be selected.

And i am playing in EDH, not bought EDO yet.
After searching, the list itself shows them all. Scroll down after the search? I see lots of them.

Ninja’d hehe
having fun....:LOL: Fast shield regen on the suit.
Yeah in INARA - but not in EDDB - I got that now.

The thing is on EDDB you just specify the economy for the mats trader type you want - it isn't foolproof since ind/ext/ref can exist in combinations - however selecting industrial should result in Manuf Mats Trader.

Saying that - I use INARA for this search as it is usually accurate (EDDB can occasionally report the wrong type 'cos of the combination economies).

EDDB is great for many things, I use it a lot, hence I slip them (Paul) a bung on PayPal every so often.
OK, it looks (so far) like needle crystals are no more. Or much rarer perhaps. And everything, regarless of cluster type, waa iron.
Indeed. I hope the material grades get fixed. Right now you can only get Grade 1 from the various cluster types.

So they've made geological features harder to find while at the same time removing a big reason people went looking for them. Doesn't seem right :)
I'm looking at a 5A in Ray Gateway, Diaguandri.
That's a good (and cheap) address. Other good places )in EDH) are:
  • Okinura (just outfitted my 'vette there - they had everything I wanted between two stations)
  • I Sola Prospect in Brestla (they have everything, planetary port, but at a 10% - IIRC - surcharge)
  • of course Jameson Memorial in Shin Dez (at a IIRC 10% discount, if you have at least one Elite rank)
Started doing some assassination missions again. One conda dead. One cutter dead.


"Take down known pirate Soandso". Reward 4.8m. Thanks, I will.

Found the goit. Exploded into the instance. There he is! Er.... 4 of 4? OK. Pewpewpew!

Eject! Eject! Eject! What the... Redeploy. 25million in rebuy.

You see, one needs to pay attention to see that your mission isn't a wing one when you're on your own and not the best of fighters. Even in a tooled-up Cutter. Lesson learnt: humiliation*

* Needs to be said in that voice from Quake when you take down a mob with the gauntlet. Like this:

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Started doing some assassination missions again. One conda dead. One cutter dead.


"Take down known pirate Soandso". Reward 4.8m. Thanks, I will.

Found the goit. Exploded into the instance. There he is! Er.... 4 of 4? OK. Pewpewpew!

Eject! Eject! Eject! What the... Redeploy. 25million in rebuy.

You see, one needs to pay attention to see that your mission isn't a wing one when you're on your own and not the best of fighters. Even in a tooled-up Cutter. Lesson learnt: humiliation*

* Needs to be said in that voice from Quake when you take down a mob with the gauntlet. Like this:

Reminds me of my first leg combat experience.

1) Walk through the door
2) Get shot in the head
3) Oh, so shieds are something I have to turn on, then? K. :LOL:
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