Great find!

Policeman = lack of rep meaning your friend got invited and you didnt and thats possibly why, thats straightforward enough, rep counts.

Rep = better missions and tip-offs so may be just referring to some of these.

Secret Organisation - Dark Wheel obviously stands out but yes Permits and maybe Engineers count as well. If 'lots of people get invited and you know you haven't been' how secret is it (reference to Sirius & Yoru ranks maybe)?

I agree it's likely related to locked systems/bodies and permits, as well as Engineers, but it also leads me more to the conclusion that they have a certain methodology for measuring a CMDRs rep for X to allow Y access/permit/unlock. So it's probably unlikely they'd invent something completely different for TDW, it's much easier to use similar methods, but perhaps more complex requirements than re-code something different within a game mechanic.

Raxxla, now that's a different beast - but I've always been focused on TDW as a path towards that destination.

/ Ra.
Agreed. Does make me think the DW is a future in game development/DLC waiting to happen though. I lean towards this. However, did anyone see Drew Wagar video where he somehow ran an 'invitation' for the DW to a streamer, cant remember who, think it was linked on this thread? Didn't go anywhere but seemed to me to maybe be a test of the process for future use or missions....and again Drew was allowed to play around with the Dark Wheel story in game......but Raxxla is still off limits, to me meaning its already there, the DW isnt yet.

Just took on one of those 'Assassinate a deserter' missions, first one Ive done. Ive killed Venerable Generals, Politicians and Known Pirates so knew the type. Anyway this guy just kept saying 'Leave me alone I want to live in peace', 'Don't try to follow me I just want to live in peace' and 'I just want to live in peace'.

I couldn't do it, I had to abandon the mission, maybe Im not cut out for the Dark Wheel after all.
I couldn't do it, I had to abandon the mission, maybe Im not cut out for the Dark Wheel after all.
The trick is to first shoot the thrusters, so they can't run. Since they usually are in combat ships, you'd do well to have feedback cascade rails also. For civilian spaceships, I'd recommend one hardpoint for packhound missiles and the rest just good old fixed multicannons. Fixed weapons have more of a personal feel to them.
Agreed. Does make me think the DW is a future in game development/DLC waiting to happen though. I lean towards this. However, did anyone see Drew Wagar video where he somehow ran an 'invitation' for the DW to a streamer, cant remember who, think it was linked on this thread? Didn't go anywhere but seemed to me to maybe be a test of the process for future use or missions....and again Drew was allowed to play around with the Dark Wheel story in game......but Raxxla is still off limits, to me meaning its already there, the DW isnt yet.

Just took on one of those 'Assassinate a deserter' missions, first one Ive done. Ive killed Venerable Generals, Politicians and Known Pirates so knew the type. Anyway this guy just kept saying 'Leave me alone I want to live in peace', 'Don't try to follow me I just want to live in peace' and 'I just want to live in peace'.

I couldn't do it, I had to abandon the mission, maybe Im not cut out for the Dark Wheel after all.
I'm pretty sure it's safe to say blowing up someone's spaceship doesn't kill them, as we should all have learned by now from seeing the rebuy screen. Nothing to feel guilty for. fire at will
I'm pretty sure it's safe to say blowing up someone's spaceship doesn't kill them, as we should all have learned by now from seeing the rebuy screen. Nothing to feel guilty for. fire at will
Hmm, yes. No doubt about it. Now something I really enjoy is a pair of Imperial Hammers and Pacifiers on a Federal Assault Ship. Lots of options when choosing a target. While I wouldn't recommend Imperial Hammers for utility such as feedback cascade or superpenetrator, they are great at delivering raw damage at distance, in situations such as destroying lightly armoured targets attempting escape. In combat zone scenarios, it is useful to have regular railguns for module sniping, and thus avoiding high hull hardness these ships tend to have. While it might seem merciful to blow up large vessels through powerplant-targeting with over half of their hull integrity intact, the purpose of this strategy is strictly that of convenience, and of saving munitions, and it doesn't necessarily apply for assassination missions.
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Yes I was saying I morally couldn't kill him because of the chat, I just felt guilty doing it, not physically couldn't catch him or kill him, sorry for the confusion.

Why the preference for feedback cascade over super penetrator on the first post Hannerib? Im new to rails and stayed away from engineering them til I got a bit used to them but have just got 2 with super penetrator thinking that would be the one for when they are fleeing. Nowhere near good enough to really exploit them yet though, still learning to snipe modules. Should I have 1 of each or maybe try 2 feedback as well? usually run MC along with them. On a Cobra Mkiii but have thought about trying them on the FDL too instead of the PCs.

Whats good laser combo as well? Interrupts gameplay to have to go back and refill all the time especially CZ bullet sponges.
Agreed. Does make me think the DW is a future in game development/DLC waiting to happen though. I lean towards this. However, did anyone see Drew Wagar video where he somehow ran an 'invitation' for the DW to a streamer, cant remember who, think it was linked on this thread? Didn't go anywhere but seemed to me to maybe be a test of the process for future use or missions....and again Drew was allowed to play around with the Dark Wheel story in game......but Raxxla is still off limits, to me meaning its already there, the DW isnt yet.

Just took on one of those 'Assassinate a deserter' missions, first one Ive done. Ive killed Venerable Generals, Politicians and Known Pirates so knew the type. Anyway this guy just kept saying 'Leave me alone I want to live in peace', 'Don't try to follow me I just want to live in peace' and 'I just want to live in peace'.

I couldn't do it, I had to abandon the mission, maybe Im not cut out for the Dark Wheel after all.

Pretty sure I caught a comment in a twitch feed from Drew that confirmed he knows if TDW in SD is the 'Real DW' or a front but can't tell us due to NDA.

Maybe a case or three of Lavian brandy shipped to his location might loosen his tounge? :cool:
Just thinking about artefacts and relationships between the known or atleast suspected artefacts that are related to the Dark Wheel and Raxxla.

The Martian Relic is Trinket sized... The SAP-8 core is too big to be the Martian relic, however it does not rule out the relic being a data crystal of some kind.
While I feel some of the Holdstock stories could be the "childrens story" they dont quite fit the name... I am thinking that maybe there is a tourist beacon out there somewhere for the Story of Princess Astrophel and its author ?

I wonder if the Martian Relic was in fact an object depicting a Guardian, so that is the reason why is kept secret.
Although after discovery of the Ruins, everybody with eyes to see can decode their art:

I call him Johnny 3-Fingers. Of course one can only speculate about his importance in Guardians society, since he is depicted on so many objects at Ruins.
Just thinking about artefacts and relationships between the known or atleast suspected artefacts that are related to the Dark Wheel and Raxxla.

The Martian Relic is Trinket sized... The SAP-8 core is too big to be the Martian relic, however it does not rule out the relic being a data crystal of some kind.
While I feel some of the Holdstock stories could be the "childrens story" they dont quite fit the name... I am thinking that maybe there is a tourist beacon out there somewhere for the Story of Princess Astrophel and its author ?

Could it be perhaps "the jewel on the brow of the mother of galaxies"? Or perhaps 'the jewel on the brow of mother gaia'?

Gaia sometimes referenced as the primordial mother of all life, and is a minor faction in Sol.

Also when I docked at SOL > Daedalus yesterday I noticed the Aegis Core minor faction had a comment that they were just a 'Friend' literally called out with quote marks.

I've ranked up now so it's not showing that anymore, but the sentence caught me as odd after researching all the other comments previously across multiple systems and factions.

So currently investigating them...

Anyone else noticed this?

Could it be perhaps "the jewel on the brow of the mother of galaxies"? Or perhaps 'the jewel on the brow of mother gaia'?

Gaia sometimes referenced as the primordial mother of all life, and is a minor faction in Sol.

Also when I docked at SOL > Daedalus yesterday I noticed the Aegis Core minor faction had a comment that they were just a 'Friend' literally called out with quote marks.

I've ranked up now so it's not showing that anymore, but the sentence caught me as odd after researching all the other comments previously across multiple systems and factions.

So currently investigating them...

Anyone else noticed this?


Not sure... But just realized the galactic sectors are numbered, not just named .... so apparently the Elysian Shore is sector 33
Good work.

Lyta Crane and the toast are plain DW, so don't expect Raxxla. Look for cold stations at the 8th moons (2F and 6H).

Don’t worry, I’ll fully check the rest of the system when I get back in game, but was half expecting a Raxxla franchise ice cream stall operated by TDW on the surface of 2F, or at least someone hawking lavian brandy. I was disappointed! 😉

Or a beer stand, 27 NS jumps is thirsty work!
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Yes I was saying I morally couldn't kill him because of the chat, I just felt guilty doing it, not physically couldn't catch him or kill him, sorry for the confusion.

Why the preference for feedback cascade over super penetrator on the first post Hannerib? Im new to rails and stayed away from engineering them til I got a bit used to them but have just got 2 with super penetrator thinking that would be the one for when they are fleeing. Nowhere near good enough to really exploit them yet though, still learning to snipe modules. Should I have 1 of each or maybe try 2 feedback as well? usually run MC along with them. On a Cobra Mkiii but have thought about trying them on the FDL too instead of the PCs.

Whats good laser combo as well? Interrupts gameplay to have to go back and refill all the time especially CZ bullet sponges.

I’ve said it before, but TDW are supposed to be a band of explorers and adventurers. I can’t see assassination missions being at all their style. Might be we have to refuse such missions to gain weight with them! Anybody explored any possible such refusal mechanism?
Just thinking about artefacts and relationships between the known or atleast suspected artefacts that are related to the Dark Wheel and Raxxla.

The Martian Relic is Trinket sized... The SAP-8 core is too big to be the Martian relic, however it does not rule out the relic being a data crystal of some kind.
While I feel some of the Holdstock stories could be the "childrens story" they dont quite fit the name... I am thinking that maybe there is a tourist beacon out there somewhere for the Story of Princess Astrophel and its author ?


Concecaled? Your proofing mechanism had a glitch there buddy! 😁

I, like many people I think, have always interpreted the codex Raxxla image as a station; however seeing the image again in your dit above, and the reference to trinkets and SAP8 caused me a mental hiccup. Could it be one of the Guardian objects end-on? Can’t remember, it’s so long since I did anything Guardian related, but I’m sure one of those has a hexagonal cross section? 🧐
Could it be perhaps "the jewel on the brow of the mother of galaxies"? Or perhaps 'the jewel on the brow of mother gaia'?


At think a lot of things point Sol being the Jewel. One character on Galnet refers Sol as the Jewel. Not to mention if you zoom out on the galaxy map rotate the pizza galaxy around so the Sol can be on the top right or left it could be on just the brow of the galaxy even if you draw a funny little happy face with eyebrows it be pretty close to that position.

I did 100+ missions for TDW and their allied factions all of a non threatening non-combat nature as per Macro's original operation less than three idea.

Whilst it got me lots of $$ it didn't lead to any seeming difference in mission offerings etc. It is still an interesting path, as the missions are rotating to allies whom I am not yet Allied with, interspersed with the main ones of the period.

I'm having a break from that for a bit, exploring, engineering, and investigating other options. Will get back to it later to see if there is any major changes over time.

/ Ra.
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