
  1. N

    Guardian blueprint brokers

    There is new stuff in the game. I want access to that stuff. It requires either a weapon, module, or ship blueprint. Actually each weapon / module / ship? require multiple. The blueprint puzzle getting thing is a good game mechanic, but: 1) The RNG gods decide which blueprint I'm going to get...
  2. andrak

    Consolidated Grind

    With so much of Elite consisting of thinly veiled or obvious grind I'm wondering how much of it can be shared across dinosaur park evolution goldblum world as there is more than enough grind to cover both games. In upcoming dinosaur world we can grind to elite in entertainment, science and...
  3. R

    Ok FDev, we need to talk.

    I wanted to put this in the focused feed back but I see that it has moved on and I didn't want to get removed. FDev, you are the intended audience for this post. First, let me give you a bit of background on my CMDRs. I have two Elite accounts on my Xbox. My first account is a deep space...
  4. Yamiks

    [video] Material traders are HORRIBLE
  5. Daish

    Can we ease up on material.

    Has anyone noticed everything is pretty much material based. USS full of... material USS combat aftermath sites...material Hi rez sites....material High grade USS sites..material Degraded USS sites...material Want to upgrade your ship...material Want to destroy Thargoids with AX weapons...
  6. B

    Dear Dev's: What's the Long-Term Vision?

    Please don't make this into a "I love/hate Elite" thread. This also isn't meant to be a suggestion thread. Just asking questions and praying that Frontier answers them. I'm currently recovering from my rage quit, but I'm curious about where this game is headed. It seems that I'm not alone...
  7. I

    We ALL should protest against FDev while stop playing Elite dangerous!!!

    I have enough of this nerf meta from FDev.. really, I'm just tired about this. AND I'm sure I'm not the only one who thinks so. SOMETHING HAS TO CHANGE, NOW!!! The only answer to all "unplanned" things can't be to just put out the nerf hammer. We need real solutions! Listen, ALL ways...
  8. Zenoe

    A solution to the whole "rank grind" thing thats been going on

    Remove the military rank altogether. Make the rank locked permits attainable via missions to complete. Alliance now has two ships (kinda) in the type-10 and chieftain, those aren't rank locked but can only be purchased in alliance space or at Jameson Memorial. I mean, you already need a god...
  9. C

    The problem with CZ and Thargoid Scout payouts

    The current payouts for the CZs and fir hunting Thargoid Scouts are far too low for the amount of risk and investment that these activities require. Simply put, for an activity to make sense in the context of the universe, the payouts for it should be easily in excess of the amount of...
  10. Jexa Yueh

    New naval rank grind meta working as intended?

    Given the recent attention being given to skimmer missions and mining missions, both being exploited for massive potential credits, I wonder if it's working as intended that people are able to grind to King from low Imperial ranks in no more than 4 hours doing data missions from Mainani to...
  11. C

    Fed/Emp Reputation and Credit Grind in Beyond Chapter 1

    So with the Skimmer Mission gold rush behind us I have been trying to look into what the best methods are for earning cash and reputation with the Federation and Empire as I do not yet have enough rank for the Corvette or the Cutter. And working with other members of my player faction we seem to...
  12. Yamiks

    [Video] Money making META in 3.0 - Skimmer missions 200-300 mil/h (The Voly-boom run) Ladies and gentlemen, I present "The Voly-boom run" -----------NERFED------------ Step1: go to 31 Beta Leonis minoris -> seddon rech Step2: get a CHEAP ship , non large ship and equip it with DUMBFIRE missiles and a shield! Step3: move to Volynov colony station...
  13. feelsickened

    Beyond Initial Feedback

    Congratulations on the release of Beyond. This release has been impressively seamless in the context of Elite history. I expected a few patch updates since Beyond went live, and while I'm sure they're in the works, absolutely no disruption. I've been playing pretty much non-stop since release...
  14. B


    So, I think we can all agree that material (mats) collection for engineers is (to put it mildly) sub-optimal, these are the changes that I would like to see implemented. Addition of manufacturing companies- For all the manufactured mats such as pharmaceutical isolators, hybrid capacitors and...
  15. A

    Sothis/Ceos is indeed back 2/8/2018

    Sothis/Ceos is indeed back 2/8/2018 Lots of Boom and strategic data missions back and forth. I've tried other places for this but the low station count and short ls from entry point of the ones in these 2 systems can't be beat for grinding rank anyway. I timed round trip: Docked at Ceos...
  16. B

    Engineers: Reality and Human Nature vs. Design Intent - Why the design Creates Tedium

    Imagine for a moment you intend to purchase a high performance sports car. Or perhaps a truck that specializes in hauling heavy loads, or long hauling, perhaps for your fleet. You purchase the vehicle. But it still requires modifications in order to fill its specific role to the best of its...
  17. E

    [B]why no space legs ot atmo planets and planetary bases[B]

    how come we dont have atmo planets, space legs and player own planetary bases? no man sky did this with a small team. im Sure that Fdev has better equipment and more experienced staff to make this happens. plus they keep getting revenue from in-game purchases. it seems that they dont want to or...
  18. M

    New upgrade System - "Your time is valueable"- is a pure grind and waste of everyones time

    If you watched the stream of today you saw that they showed off the new system.To make things short. Forcing us to roll a module 5 times to "complete" rank 1 to progess further to rank 2 is just a waste of time and material as it is waste of time finding all those material. The materials...
  19. jedimaster68

    The Corvette grind ?

    Cmdrs, For those who jumped from the anaconda to the federal Corvette was the Grind worth it because I'm thinking of doing it? Fly safe cmdrs o7
  20. CMDR Kyzer

    Cant get passengers for smeaton

    So ive been grinding the smeaton orbital run for about a week, and im starting to not be able to find passengers in neighboring systems at all. O'leary Vision was producing pretty well but last night i only got 2 groups going to smeaton after 5 resets! I even jumped to the planetary station in...
  21. K

    Friendly reminder to get a billion credits in a week...

    Do the mission in obsidian orbital in the maia system!!! Really funny to see a CG reward for top 10 commanders being 25 millions for a week of work and i get this much in 15 min haha... This whole rank and progression earning credits is so broken.... Better profit and make big credits while...
  22. Trumplestiltskin

    Less Tedious and Mind-Numbing Surface Material Gathering

    Alright, I'm on my way back from Arm's End. It takes a great many boosted jumps to get out there, over 31 for less than a 2kly stretch of the 6.5 or so kly of sparse stars. Fortunately, through divine intervention or sheer luck, there also happens to be quite a few Jumponium-rich systems out...
  23. ilmostro

    Imagine if Airlines operated like ED Passanger mission...

    The Captain of the 747-400 lands in New York JFK, having flown from Heathrow, London, his disgruntled passengers get off. Some of them are upset because 10 mins before they landed, they decided they wanted to go to Gatwick London and not New York. Then, once the plane is cleaned, restocked...
  24. Master Nidril

    ¿Alguna buena zona para grindear rango con el imperio? (con misiones de pasajeros)

    Últimamente he estado grindeando misiones de pasajeros en Rhea/HQ Hydrae (clase económica a full) y he ganado muchísimos créditos y reputación con la Federación (10-15M por viaje). Mi pregunta es si alguien conoce algun sistema similar, pero con el Imperio en vez de la Federación. Tengo una...
  25. Yamiks

    [video] Money GRINDING problem 2 Remember : if you are fine with small ships and so on, it's all fine, you do you, but don't come to me saying there is no such thing as "the grind" for the big3...
  26. C

    CMDR GreenHorn to Anaconda - Defining the 'Grind'

    One of the themes in the various threads about Qunice and Rhea is the ratio of CR earning potential/time available (grind) to CR required to purchase an Anaconda, and how that drives people to seek out or creates a need for "exploits" that provide windfall profits, as well as how realistic is it...
  27. Yamiks

    [Video] Making money : (Diah)Rhea runs 120+ mil/hour Again, huge thanks to reddit user Why-so-delirious Original reddit thread here : Enjoy! --edit--it's nerefed... all hope is lost..
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