Important Information From Operation IDA

Look, war just barely started on, it would be no fun at all, if atleast 30% of bubble would be not lost, with many major systems either be in direct threat or already invaded. What, you ppl really think you would just take advantage of BGS and win?
Who's said that? I don't think anyone was expecting to be able to quickly drive the Thargoids back. What they were expecting at this stage was being able to have one or two victories even whilst the Thargoids had dozens, but instead got a message that makes it look like there's little point in bothering.
Having a weekly count of wins/loses can make for a more dynamic and tactical war map.
And it is really non-sensical to have 6 weeks long battles as much as is non-sensical to have progress carrying over from one battle (1 week) to the next battle (next week)
It's like losing the day in a bgs war and expecting the cz you won day1 to be counted again in the day2.

Then again, it would only be fair that Thargoid progress to carry over in the next week too - and if so, we're indeed toasted because we cannot stagger out defense efforts and deal with several systems each week, then next week with other systems and so on.

Adjusting the numbers will help mitigate the doom feeling that we lost already, removing the reset not so much

edit: clarity
I don't think we have any win/loss counter though right... win = 100% bar, everything else is 'not win'.

Going to a best 2/3 system might help somewhat, but that actually makes life harder on us... filling the bar now needed multiple times to win.
Perhaps some star systems are easier to defend then others.
Comparing inferred traffic levels against last week's progress bars, if that is true then it probably wasn't by a noticeable amount for the systems around Taranis.

Ones further from the Maelstrom being easier to defend, or the defence being easier as the Maelstrom spreads out its influence over more systems are both possible but hard to test right now.

Why don't you just try focusing on a system that's just in the "alert" state?!
AXI have announced they are doing that - HIP 20485, one of the two inhabited Alert systems this cycle.

I don't think they're expecting to win, but it'll be interesting to see if they can get it off the zero mark.

EDIT: hey, they got it off the zero mark :)
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And it is really non-sensical to have 6 weeks long battles as much as is non-sensical to have progress carrying over from one battle (1 week) to the next battle (next week)
It's like losing the day in a bgs war and expecting all your victories from day1 to carry over in the day2.
The progress bar does not represent a war as it does in a bgs conflict, it represents the entire effort of battle, supply missions, evacuations, etc.
why would that be?
filling the bar is a win and only one win is needed
I suppose I fundamentally do not understand your comparison to CZs and reference to progress carried over. If it operated like CZs then the Thargs could win a round and we could win a round. Number of rounds won would determine outcome but would mean multiple wins need to be made to break any tie.

As it stands, weekly reset looks nothing like a CZ so I can't follow comparisons to that with carry-over. This system is simple. They have invaded so they will own the system in X time absent a win by us. We have to make so many points in Y time to "win". There is nothing that requires Y to be 1 week, nor is there anything for the goids to 'carry over' in this scenario. They win if we do not win. They don't act.

Maybe I don't understand what you are driving at.
Who's said that?
I didnt quote anyone, lol. But I seen enough of drama here and in other threads, well as other websites/vids about "reset" and "strikes/boycott/whatever" to have enough picture what is happening. The way I see it, is like this way: Many cmdrs, including those from major PG's, are so upset about reset drama, that many of them ^ declare what they did, and blaming frontier all over.

I don't think anyone was expecting to be able to quickly drive the Thargoids back. What they were expecting at this stage was being able to have one or two victories even whilst the Thargoids had dozens, but instead got a message that makes it look like there's little point in bothering.

This means that humanity aint have means YET to stop invasions, even if they focus all thier effort into single point. And thats good, shows that we really need some systems to be lost, before certain CG will happen that will magically unlocks AX limits and make all of you happy, since speed of killing goids will increase dramatically, probly enough to meet weekly requirements. I can see already, all those gloryfication threads about "how much more fun its now, lovin it FD" if some major narrative breakdown if happen such as removal of AX limit... again there is still many options and I am preety sure they will arrive sooner or later.... only if enough bubble if burned off.

Besides, first stage sof war should be exacly like this, when facing an enemy who is far stronger, and much more advanced. But you all got feeles hurt because you just unable defend system or two... wich are nothing else that some backyard systems without anything vital in there, with quite low population.... Those systems are meant to be lost, whenever players want it or not, because of narrative.

Again, dont be discouraged yet so fast. Its not over yet.
I didnt quote anyone, lol. But I seen enough of drama here and in other threads, well as other websites/vids about "reset" and "strikes/boycott/whatever" to have enough picture what is happening. The way I see it, is like this way: Many cmdrs, including those from major PG's, are so upset about reset drama, that many of them declare what ^ they did, and blaming frontier all over.

This means that humanity aint have means YET to stop invasions, even if they focus all thier effort into single point. And thats good, shows that we really need some systems to be lost, before certain CG will happen that will magically unlocks AX limits and make all of you happy, since speed of killing goids will increase dramatically, probly enough to meet weekly requirements. I can see already, all those gloryfication threads about "how much more fun its now, lovin it FD" if some major narrative breakdown if happen such as removal of AX limit... again there is still many options and I am preety sure they will arrive sooner or later.... only if enough bubble if burned off.

Besides, first stage sof war should be exacly like this, when facing an enemy who is far stronger, and much more advanced. But you all got feeles hurt because you just unable defend system or two... wich are nothing else that some backyard systems without anything vital in there, with quite low population.... Those systems are meant to be lost, whenever players want it or not, because of narrative.

Again, dont be discouraged yet so fast. Its not over yet.
I bet you it won't be faster Tharg kills by better weapons, it will be dialing down the numbers which will eventually "win" the war.
I bet you it won't be faster Tharg kills by better weapons, it will be dialing down the numbers which will eventually "win" the war.
I feel that will be both. The numbers will be adjusted, well as tons of new tech will be added to help with numbers.

Thats why I dont bother in slightest, cuz since launch of elite seen some dramas already (preety sure this is not biggest "crisis" yet, worse things did happen in past), and whenever issue was resolved, everyone was happy in end.
Besides, first stage sof war should be exacly like this, when facing an enemy who is far stronger, and much more advanced. But you all got feeles hurt because you just unable defend system or two... wich are nothing else that some backyard systems without anything vital in there, with quite low population.... Those systems are meant to be lost, whenever players want it or not, because of narrative.

Again, dont be discouraged yet so fast. Its not over yet.

I don't think anyone is really arguing we are not supposed to be at the 'getting your butt kicked' stage of things. The fact is though there are ways to both have people involved and still be losing ground that will NATURALLY appeal to most people and cause them to remain engaged and enthusiastic. There are also things that you can do that will quite naturally cause most people to dis-engage and withdraw. No matter what we post on here, nor how hardened you expect players to be, things that discard all progress toward a large goal if that goal is missed by any amount are extremely de-motivating to most people.

"Get 100% in all classes at college and a degree, or you fail and get nothing". That's not going to work very well with real people. FDev seem to be addressing the size of the cliff to climb each week but this was unfortunate because a lot of people not hanging here and arguing are probably tuned out now for a while. That doesn't help things.
You'll never get the casuals organized. So they'll stuck with getting their efforts reset while the organized groups will bei able to win when FD dials down the numbers. Sounds like fun.
True, but somewhat inevitable - a big coalition can organise over a thousand times the effort of a small group, and there's not really any way to insert a diminishing-returns function to level that down.

Having small groups able to mount an extremely-local defence while big groups are looking at overall strategy is probably the best they can compromise on, which probably requires even more parallel mayhem than there currently is. (Give it a few months...)
this was unfortunate because a lot of people not hanging here and arguing are probably tuned out now for a while. That doesn't help things.
Mr.B once said few years ago (there is even meme of tha) "winter is coming" and it finnaly came. And it did hit hard enough to make major PG stop in thier tracks...
Well played, well played. +1

Yes, yes... bubble will be buring even more now, since preety much all organized efforts are halted by almost 100%, and no way that random, organic playin cmdrs will be able to make any noticable changes, if its not a CG. If its not CG, then narrative is all in FD hands, and they seems enjoyin this much as I do. Dont know about others, but I can tell kinda how FD is playin thier cards here, and I like that approach.

I get that, but still...Once things get "fixed", some will be back sooner, some will be back later... those who will not comeback, new ones will take thier place. Thats how it is with games. Very good chance for FD to burn that bubble much as possible before that happen! I hope those remaing 5 stargoids will join party soon, before "fix" happen, cuz why not.

Again, this whole drama that caused a lot of dedicated cmdrs to stop thier efforts, I see it only as good thing, mainly cuz I am "wierd" by most standards (Im the evil villan in end) and I really want see bubble burnin. Chaos its what I want see in-game, especially in war in such scale... and its happening. So I am kind of happy.
Besides, first stage sof war should be exacly like this,
I don't want a scripted war that's set to follow some sort of course because of plot reasons - either wholly logical or by deus ex machina superweapons. The whole promise of thargoid war bgs is to make it more open-ended and player controlled. There's no use in building a sandbox if you don't allow people to play in it.

How the war goes should be determined mostly by player actions over a period of time. I think the last week very clearly demonstrated that no amount of player actions can affect the outcome with the current mechanics and balance of things to the point that it's only possible to meaningfully discuss it in immersion breaking terms about game mechanics and developer intent.
Things will become easier as more Thargoid Maelstroms arrive, as per Dr. Alba Tesreau's words in today's Galnet. Have patience everyone!
It’s a very long term war so 1 week lost is not a big deal but players need to know that going forward they are not just wasting their time. Until that mechanic is gone I’m afraid most people will just treat this as the bad joke that it is.
Yeah, by that same token I was talking more than mechanics.
Players feel disrespected and that has long term consequences.
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