So, who's going to continue to Quest in Live, and who in Legacy?

I did ask fo confirmation that it had been recently accessibility tested for both, but don't honestly expect an answer :rolleyes:

Trouble is, a lot of changes have been made to the game since the Gamma...a lot errors have been corrected, but a lot of errors have crept in!!
Well, after analyzing a lot of sounds, I am now definitely convinced that the line in the toast about the siren and the whisperer speaks of a black hole or pulsar. Here's the sound of a pulsar cleared of noise

Audio Link
Have you tried working this magic during a hyperspace jump to a pulsar? Specifically looking for whispers in witchspace here.
fwiw the outline of the maelstrom, and its tracking reticule is round


my take on SDW is to go by what Felicity says.
we were never meant to manipulate the BGS, but many of us did, it became the game.
I can say from first hand experience that no cmdr's BGS can affect lore or ongoing story.

that aside if a person were to try to find any missions related to this, it is likely they are within 25LY of SD.
in the beginning it was rare to find places further away than an expansion's length away that did missions to nearby systems.
and ofc the competition factor means in system as well.
the bad part is by the SDW having been expanded , where they go, missions to help and hurt them follow. So now there will be way more misleading missions than there could have been before.
Have you tried working this magic during a hyperspace jump to a pulsar? Specifically looking for whispers in witchspace here.
There is no special sounds in the witchspace. I play odyssey, compared with the sounds from horizons and the original, only in odyssey pulsars give out such a sound. There are also binary stars, but they have a completely different sound. The sound of black holes is more like gurgling with sucking, which is scientifically accurate.

I had already assumed earlier that the whisperer could be either a targoid or a pulsar. Here is confirmation that the pulsar sounds like a whisper. The witch's space is another problem. This is the boot screen. Technically speaking, when the targoid pulls us out of hyper-jump, the exit falls on the nearest system at a distance from the star.And again, technically we can't get into witch space.Therefore, trying to somehow look for something in it is useless, as long as the developers themselves do not allow such movements.

I also reasoned earlier that we need to look for a system with pulsars, since such systems can serve as a beacon for the next step. There is a new problem here, there are a lot of pulsars. If we draw an analogy with a pulsar that is in the void, then it will be Cygni X-3. There is a pulsar in this system, there is a black hole, and some other celestial bodies. The problem is that you can jump there either by having a capship, or by overloading fsd. Another option is a pulsar in the crab nebula. Since it is the pulsar closest to the bubble. Even Vela farther.

Also, if we get to Maia, to the black hole, then by lining up the hole and the Bernard nebula, we will get an image of the heart.I have already said that there is a huge amount of activity in bernards loop and behind it. The problem is that almost entire sectors there are under permit. In general, my searches have not led me anywhere yet. For example, Polaris, which is also closed with a permit, was a transshipment base in Elite Frontier.
yep, been playing in their smog for several hours
they are quite peaceful if you don't move fast.
I'm in a courier doing 12 m/s and all they do is surround me.
not one ship has touched me yet.
only corrosive has been a pain..
picked up a corrosive shard, its new...rebuy screen...
watching them is interesting.
troublemaker goids in there too scanning everything..

seems to be a number of cmdrs poking around in the smog.

p.s. fwiw the clue fdev gave seems accurate.
if you bother the 'guards' they signal for help
they don't seem to mind me if I move slow.
from experience, speed kills.
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So, who's going to continue to Quest in Live, and who in Legacy?

I did ask fo confirmation that it had been recently accessibility tested for both, but don't honestly expect an answer :rolleyes:

Trouble is, a lot of changes have been made to the game since the Gamma...a lot errors have been corrected, but a lot of errors have crept in!!
A really good point, something I’ve considered too recently. I’ve held off submitting anything of late, to give FD some grace during the forthcoming updates, but might try casting something at them closer to the holidays, in the hope the Xmas party loosens their grip on information :)

I’m mooted to Legacy myself, my dinosaur PC won’t run 4.0 let alone Odyssey and I won’t buy a new one just for the sake of 1 game; for ease of access I’m predominantly on PS4 so yup in the legacy pile.

Which suits me fine, I care not for Jackanory narratives nor Goid bashing. 3.8 looks better too.

But yes; it’s a valid question: I won’t address it directly around Raxxka, but technically FD will have a closed end game with two Codex entries which point to in game content. Logically if they leave those entries in game they are confirmed (to potential new owners predominately) those are still in Legacy and ‘accessible’ in Legacy?

If they are not, what would that tell us mmm?

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There is no special sounds in the witchspace. I play odyssey, compared with the sounds from horizons and the original, only in odyssey pulsars give out such a sound.
That's good info, but there are a lot of sounds in witchspace :)
Here is confirmation that the pulsar sounds like a whisper. The witch's space is another problem.
That's good, but witchspace is the relevant part of the clue: "To the whisperer in witch-space, the siren of the deepest void!"

There's a few known things that whisper in Elite; there's whispers at a surface settlement, there's whispers that killed the crew of a generation ship, there's whispers in the Formidine rift logs. The Pulsar whispers are excellent, but if all pulsars whisper, and those whispers don't translate into witchspace, then they're probably not the "Whisperer in witch-space" that the Codex mentions.

This is the boot screen. Technically speaking, when the targoid pulls us out of hyper-jump, the exit falls on the nearest system at a distance from the star.And again, technically we can't get into witch space.Therefore, trying to somehow look for something in it is useless, as long as the developers themselves do not allow such movements.
That's a common myth, it's incorrect!

You're never "pulled out of witchspace", technically the "Hyperdiction" is a 'fake' hyperjump that's triggered under certain conditions. It just looks like you're making a regular jump that gets interrupted, but you're actually not jumping at all, you're just in a special witchspace environment, and you're always dropped in the same system you started in afterwards. This proves that Fdev has created a system whereby under certain conditions you experience a 'special' jump that you can't actually tell is unusual until things go wrong.

Using the exact same method (that's been in game for, what? 5 years?) it would be easy for them to create any hidden trigger conditions that cause any type of alternative hyperspace jump.

Therefore, me asking you if you tried listening for whispers when jumping to a pulsar is something that's technically entirely possible :)

Consider also that Fdev have updated the witchspace graphics (early on, and then Horizons to Odyssey). If it's "just" a loading screen, and everyone knows the original one looked great... why change it? Why actually reduce the amount of "stuff" in the tunnel... maybe it was a technical reason, but maybe it was to make it easier to notice "weird stuff" in the jumps?

There's also an example I saw recently of two systems sitting "on-top" of each other, it's called Martha's Pulsar:
Basically you can jump from one system to another (each are different) but they occupy the same space. It's (almost certainly) obviously a bug in Stellar forge's mapping, but it proves that it's fully possible to get to "hidden" places via hyperspace jumps. The mechanic is shown to exist in the game, therefore it could be used as an intentional game mechanic to access a hidden place :)

The assumption that hyperspace jumping is "just" a loading screen is likely a massive mistake :) I've been compiling a list of documented "strange things" in Witchspace jumps which I'll post soonish - in short, people have seen planets in Witchsapce (maybe the same planet actually), and that's just the ones that have videos, who knows how many times weird stuff happens that's not reported or not noticed by people assuming witchspace is "just" a loading screen :) sure, these anomalies may be bugs, but what if they're not??!

Every time someone reports something weird in Witchspace jumps they're told by people on the forums that "it's a known bug" or "Fdev stupid they do bad" or whatever. But you know what? I've not found anything in the bug tracker about these types of things... (still looking though!).
That's good, but witchspace is the relevant part of the clue: "To the whisperer in witch-space, the siren of the deepest void!"

There's a few known things that whisper in Elite; there's whispers at a surface settlement, there's whispers that killed the crew of a generation ship, there's whispers in the Formidine rift logs. The Pulsar whispers are excellent, but if all pulsars whisper, and those whispers don't translate into witchspace, then they're probably not the "Whisperer in witch-space" that the Codex mentions.
Part of the lore. Also Space madness.

That's a common myth, it's incorrect!

You're never "pulled out of witchspace", technically the "Hyperdiction" is a 'fake' hyperjump that's triggered under certain conditions. It just looks like you're making a regular jump that gets interrupted, but you're actually not jumping at all, you're just in a special witchspace environment, and you're always dropped in the same system you started in afterwards. This proves that Fdev has created a system whereby under certain conditions you experience a 'special' jump that you can't actually tell is unusual until things go wrong.

Is there any concrete evidence?Because I am based on my programming experience and from the logs that the game itself keeps. According to the logs, the jump from system to system occurs in the simplest way. Player at point A - jump initiation - objects unloading - objects loading - server cluster switching if necessary - exit to the generated cluster.

It is for this reason that some people got stuck or complained about too long warp jumps, because the engine loads the necessary assets while you are in a state of transition. That is, in a hyper-jump.

The assumption that hyperspace jumping is "just" a loading screen is likely a massive mistake :) I've been compiling a list of documented "strange things" in Witchspace jumps which I'll post soonish - in short, people have seen planets in Witchsapce (maybe the same planet actually), and that's just the ones that have videos, who knows how many times weird stuff happens that's not reported or not noticed by people assuming witchspace is "just" a loading screen :) sure, these anomalies may be bugs, but what if they're not??!

These are the usual generation bugs. I myself have encountered them when you have a jump exit going straight into the texture of a star, when you have planets or stars spawning right into each other, and so on. The same goes for navigation. The map works with a stretch, and we have already discussed this above for a couple of pages. Procedural generation and a huge database of names. it's just buggy when searching or generating objects.

So I don't want to upset you, but Witchspace is nothing more than a transit loading screen. As I wrote above, until the developers change this and make it a full-fledged space.

Especially after the last patch, my game is sometimes buggy and I see the boundaries of the skybox in the game. The skybox moves with the player, but does not load assets of other systems without jumping.

There was a wonderful bug in horizons when some stations were not loaded, and instead of being in front of the station, you found yourself in an empty space.
Part of the lore. Also Space madness.

Is there any concrete evidence?Because I am based on my programming experience and from the logs that the game itself keeps. According to the logs, the jump from system to system occurs in the simplest way. Player at point A - jump initiation - objects unloading - objects loading - server cluster switching if necessary - exit to the generated cluster.

It is for this reason that some people got stuck or complained about too long warp jumps, because the engine loads the necessary assets while you are in a state of transition. That is, in a hyper-jump.

These are the usual generation bugs. I myself have encountered them when you have a jump exit going straight into the texture of a star, when you have planets or stars spawning right into each other, and so on. The same goes for navigation. The map works with a stretch, and we have already discussed this above for a couple of pages. Procedural generation and a huge database of names. it's just buggy when searching or generating objects.

So I don't want to upset you, but Witchspace is nothing more than a transit loading screen. As I wrote above, until the developers change this and make it a full-fledged space.

Especially after the last patch, my game is sometimes buggy and I see the boundaries of the skybox in the game. The skybox moves with the player, but does not load assets of other systems without jumping.

There was a wonderful bug in horizons when some stations were not loaded, and instead of being in front of the station, you found yourself in an empty space.
Excellent and a wonderful write up explanation; as an old backer / quester we do have to be aware some here are new, this is a long thread. Posts like this are essential milestones of sanity.

The process of instances and the warp as a loading screen is well documented and known. It’s a nice thought to consider alternatives but the evolution of the warp is in my humble opinion, FD attempting to attain the same level of quality they promoted in this trailer; they got some salt at that time as it was totally different and a little like false advertising, but I do recall FD iterating that type of transition between instances was their goal. So this graphical evolution is IMO just that.

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There is no special sounds in the witchspace. I play odyssey, compared with the sounds from horizons and the original, only in odyssey pulsars give out such a sound. There are also binary stars, but they have a completely different sound. The sound of black holes is more like gurgling with sucking, which is scientifically accurate.

I had already assumed earlier that the whisperer could be either a targoid or a pulsar. Here is confirmation that the pulsar sounds like a whisper. The witch's space is another problem. This is the boot screen. Technically speaking, when the targoid pulls us out of hyper-jump, the exit falls on the nearest system at a distance from the star.And again, technically we can't get into witch space.Therefore, trying to somehow look for something in it is useless, as long as the developers themselves do not allow such movements.

I also reasoned earlier that we need to look for a system with pulsars, since such systems can serve as a beacon for the next step. There is a new problem here, there are a lot of pulsars. If we draw an analogy with a pulsar that is in the void, then it will be Cygni X-3. There is a pulsar in this system, there is a black hole, and some other celestial bodies. The problem is that you can jump there either by having a capship, or by overloading fsd. Another option is a pulsar in the crab nebula. Since it is the pulsar closest to the bubble. Even Vela farther.

Also, if we get to Maia, to the black hole, then by lining up the hole and the Bernard nebula, we will get an image of the heart.I have already said that there is a huge amount of activity in bernards loop and behind it. The problem is that almost entire sectors there are under permit. In general, my searches have not led me anywhere yet. For example, Polaris, which is also closed with a permit, was a transshipment base in Elite Frontier.
Just remember that Pulsars are only pulsars, when seen from earth. Most neutron stars have the pairs of rotating energy beams. Only those that rotate in a plane that intersects earth, will be observed as pulsars. In a different system, the list of pulsars would be different.

Also Cygni X-3 is probably unreachable, even by fleet carrier. The data in EDSM has been submitted by someone during a beta. They were manually placed there, by devs.
The pulsar idea has really got me going, and again looking at the videos, It is just a spiring star, also mentioned in the codex's,
I really think your on to something there.
Part of the lore. Also Space madness.

Is there any concrete evidence?Because I am based on my programming experience and from the logs that the game itself keeps. According to the logs, the jump from system to system occurs in the simplest way. Player at point A - jump initiation - objects unloading - objects loading - server cluster switching if necessary - exit to the generated cluster.

It is for this reason that some people got stuck or complained about too long warp jumps, because the engine loads the necessary assets while you are in a state of transition. That is, in a hyper-jump.

These are the usual generation bugs. I myself have encountered them when you have a jump exit going straight into the texture of a star, when you have planets or stars spawning right into each other, and so on. The same goes for navigation. The map works with a stretch, and we have already discussed this above for a couple of pages. Procedural generation and a huge database of names. it's just buggy when searching or generating objects.

So I don't want to upset you, but Witchspace is nothing more than a transit loading screen. As I wrote above, until the developers change this and make it a full-fledged space.

Especially after the last patch, my game is sometimes buggy and I see the boundaries of the skybox in the game. The skybox moves with the player, but does not load assets of other systems without jumping.

There was a wonderful bug in horizons when some stations were not loaded, and instead of being in front of the station, you found yourself in an empty space.
....i just...


... you know what.. nevermind....

Interested to see the results of your pulsar idea! :)
I really just wanna say, the neutron stars making a sound like a whisper after cleaning up is really, genuinely cool! But it doesn't match the codex entry, and is therefore very likely apophenia.

"To the whisperer in witch-space, the siren of the deepest void!" is the line.

Finding a thing that matches a single word from the codex is really cool, but...

codex raxxla logo.jpg

All of these things exist in game. It's the Engineer symbol, Mycoid symbol, Raxxla logo. All three are rare examples in Elite of hexagons with circles in the middle. The Mycoid symbol even has a circumpunct in the middle like the Raxxla logo.

But I'm sure you'll agree that this is apophenia.

The similarity of these three logos doesn't mean they are connected, the similarity doesn't help understand a clue or add any detail to it. It's likely just a coincidence of a design and shapes, right? Apophenia.

There are thousands(?) of neutron stars. I'm open to the idea of this being a big breakthrough but, again, I just want to know: how does a cleaned audio of a neutron star in FSS sounding like a whisper relate to anything in the codex clues? How does it add to the clues we have, or lead to new stuff? What's the next step? How does that add details or help us understand clues?
Actually, you know what. Here's a list of all the things that do match the codex entry pretty well, even down to using almost exactly the same wording relating to wispers in witchspace and sirens.

Whispers (not in witchspace). Visit the Canonn site and listen to the logs of Generation Ship Thetis here. Listen to the last one, to the whisper that was detected.
Comms Log 905.2.34

Still all quiet out here in the black. Just had our very first ninth-gen child born on ship. That takes the current population to 17,401. Other than that, nothing out of the ordinary. Apart from reports from some residents at the northern end of C-Deck. They’ve heard some kind of strange whispering sound coming from their apartment comms unit. I’m sure it’s nothing, but I’ve dispatched a member of tech to investigate.

Comms Log 907.6.34

We have an emergency situation on board. Some kind of epidemic, it’s driving people insane. I’ve managed to source it to a digital signal that keeps broadcasting within the comms array. It started on C-Deck, but now the entire population of decks C to F have been massacred. They just went crazy and started killing each other. I’ve isolated the signal, so it’s stopped for now. Just trying to identify the source. It should be easy enough to delete the beacon if I can find the right frequency. I wanna know what the message says, but I’m… I’m just too scared to listen.

Comms Log 908.7.34

I’ve done it. I’ve managed to decrypt the signal and identify the source. But it’s even more confusing than I thought. The signal originates from an uninhabited planet we passed 15 light years ago. Who sent it and how it managed to infect the comms array I have no idea.

That’s the good news. The bad news is, I heard the message. I was trying to run it through the translator and I forgot the speaker was on. It’s the same message relayed again and again and again – it’s more a whisper than anything else; it says, ‘kill them all’…

Comms Log 900.0.04

Blood. Blood everywhere. It’s spread on the walls – people have started writing words in it but it’s a script I can’t identify. I’m alone now on the comms deck. Pearson was the last one with me but I had to stab him in the throat to stop him… stop him… I can’t remember what I had to stop him doing but… he’s dead now.

I can hear people out there. Some of them are still walking around. Some of them are barely breathing. I have to find them. I have to silence them. I have to…

Voices (whispers) in witchspace, and literal reference to "siren Song" in witch-space. See it here on the Canonn site.

Expedition Log: 28/08/3270

"... Could have sworn I heard some weird voices in the last jump...”

Expedition Log: 07/10/3270

“I’m scared… help me someone… I can’t bear another jump. The lights in witch-space are coming for me, the lights… always the lights… they’re calling to me… a siren song… I must join them…”

References to weird lights and things in Witchspace

Expedition Log: 12/09/3270

“Reminds me of what my father told me about witch-space. it’s haunted. There’s weird lights, shifting clouds, who knows what they are. Makes you wonder whether we should be out here at all. So much stuff we just don’t understand.”

Expedition Log: 18/09/3270

“Witch-space is different out here, there’s something odd, those lights we were seeing are less frequent now, but they seem to be hanging around, almost as if they’re following us. Maybe I’m going nuts.”

Not in witchspace, but whispers that make people go mad on a surface settlement, read and listen here on Canonn site. If you go there you can literally hear whispers around the site. Audio is captured on the Canonn page too.

Survey Team 84 4/5

Survey Team 84: Sit Rep

Someone is definitely messing with us. There has to be a survivor living here.

Multiple crew members have reported seeing someone running through the corridors in multiple buildings. There must be some kind of tunnel system or underground conduits running between them.

The thing is, every time we think we’ve got them cornered they just vanish. Not a trace.

That’s not the only thing. We’ve had an incident.

Baker, one of my best men, decided to take a walk outside… without his suit. I’ve flown with him for over 10 years. I can’t believe he would do this. It’s like something led him to this death. We’ve checked the vid logs, he just got up and walked into the airlock, but I think he was talking to someone. It sounded like he said, “Out here, waiting for you, leave”.

I’m calling it, we’re leaving as soon as we can get the ship prepped.
Survey Team 84 5/5

Survey Team 84: Sit Rep

The ship’s gone. Simons and Kent with it. Some kind of fault in the engine, when they initiated the test fire the whole thing went up.

It’s not what we thought. I can’t explain it. There is something in here with us. Not a someone… something.

These voices are not… they are in our heads. This place is…

Do not come here. Do not send help. There is something here that I can’t explain, but if you come here you will die.

This is audio logs from a site examining Thargoid Barnacles, but listen to the last log.

Now it’s just us. Me and the stones. They’re all I can hear, much louder now, but not hurting like people’s voices used to. Loud but far away. So far…"

That's just from the logs, there's a lot more that are about weird things happening that don't specifically mention whispers/voices/siren sounds that entice people.

But this shows that whispers in and of themselves aren't uncommon in the narrative of the game.

The Formidine Alpha mission logs literally matches the codex clues:

Expedition Log: 28/08/3270

"... Could have sworn I heard some weird voices in the last jump...”

Expedition Log: 07/10/3270

“I’m scared… help me someone… I can’t bear another jump. The lights in witch-space are coming for me, the lights… always the lights… they’re calling to me… a siren song… I must join them…”

I mean that's literally the same structure as: "to the whisperer in witch-space, the siren of the deepest void!" - "weird voices in the last jump, they’re calling to me… a siren song".

You could even take that further and link it to the fernweh section of the codex:

"... I can’t bear another jump. The lights in witch-space are coming for me, the lights… always the lights… they’re calling to me… a siren song… I must join them…"

Fernweh: From fern (“far”) +‎ Weh (“pain”). Literally, "far pain" or "far sickness"

Codex: "Students of Raxxla lore have noted that the legend exerts a strangely potent fascination on the minds of seekers. Commentators have compared this sensation to 'fernweh', the unaccountable longing for a place one has never seen."

The Formidine Rift Alpha site entry matches those parts of the toast better than anything else in-game - and it's clearly relating to experiences actually in witchspace transit.
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There are thousands(?) of neutron stars. I'm open to the idea of this being a big breakthrough but, again, I just want to know: how does a cleaned audio of a neutron star in FSS sounding like a whisper relate to anything in the codex clues? How does it add to the clues we have, or lead to new stuff? What's the next step? How does that add details or help us understand clues?
You could argue that it relates to the codex of the "spiralling stars" story.
Actually, you know what. Here's a list of all the things that do match the codex entry pretty well, even down to using almost exactly the same wording relating to wispers in witchspace and sirens.

Whispers (not in witchspace). Visit the Canonn site and listen to the logs of Generation Ship Thetis here. Listen to the last one, to the whisper that was detected.
Comms Log 905.2.34

Still all quiet out here in the black. Just had our very first ninth-gen child born on ship. That takes the current population to 17,401. Other than that, nothing out of the ordinary. Apart from reports from some residents at the northern end of C-Deck. They’ve heard some kind of strange whispering sound coming from their apartment comms unit. I’m sure it’s nothing, but I’ve dispatched a member of tech to investigate.

Comms Log 907.6.34

We have an emergency situation on board. Some kind of epidemic, it’s driving people insane. I’ve managed to source it to a digital signal that keeps broadcasting within the comms array. It started on C-Deck, but now the entire population of decks C to F have been massacred. They just went crazy and started killing each other. I’ve isolated the signal, so it’s stopped for now. Just trying to identify the source. It should be easy enough to delete the beacon if I can find the right frequency. I wanna know what the message says, but I’m… I’m just too scared to listen.

Comms Log 908.7.34

I’ve done it. I’ve managed to decrypt the signal and identify the source. But it’s even more confusing than I thought. The signal originates from an uninhabited planet we passed 15 light years ago. Who sent it and how it managed to infect the comms array I have no idea.

That’s the good news. The bad news is, I heard the message. I was trying to run it through the translator and I forgot the speaker was on. It’s the same message relayed again and again and again – it’s more a whisper than anything else; it says, ‘kill them all’…

Comms Log 900.0.04

Blood. Blood everywhere. It’s spread on the walls – people have started writing words in it but it’s a script I can’t identify. I’m alone now on the comms deck. Pearson was the last one with me but I had to stab him in the throat to stop him… stop him… I can’t remember what I had to stop him doing but… he’s dead now.

I can hear people out there. Some of them are still walking around. Some of them are barely breathing. I have to find them. I have to silence them. I have to…

Voices (whispers) in witchspace, and literal reference to "siren Song" in witch-space. See it here on the Canonn site.

Expedition Log: 28/08/3270

"... Could have sworn I heard some weird voices in the last jump...”

Expedition Log: 07/10/3270

“I’m scared… help me someone… I can’t bear another jump. The lights in witch-space are coming for me, the lights… always the lights… they’re calling to me… a siren song… I must join them…”

References to weird lights and things in Witchspace

Expedition Log: 12/09/3270

“Reminds me of what my father told me about witch-space. it’s haunted. There’s weird lights, shifting clouds, who knows what they are. Makes you wonder whether we should be out here at all. So much stuff we just don’t understand.”

Expedition Log: 18/09/3270

“Witch-space is different out here, there’s something odd, those lights we were seeing are less frequent now, but they seem to be hanging around, almost as if they’re following us. Maybe I’m going nuts.”

Not in witchspace, but whispers that make people go mad on a surface settlement, read and listen here on Canonn site. If you go there you can literally hear whispers around the site. Audio is captured on the Canonn page too.

Survey Team 84 4/5

Survey Team 84: Sit Rep

Someone is definitely messing with us. There has to be a survivor living here.

Multiple crew members have reported seeing someone running through the corridors in multiple buildings. There must be some kind of tunnel system or underground conduits running between them.

The thing is, every time we think we’ve got them cornered they just vanish. Not a trace.

That’s not the only thing. We’ve had an incident.

Baker, one of my best men, decided to take a walk outside… without his suit. I’ve flown with him for over 10 years. I can’t believe he would do this. It’s like something led him to this death. We’ve checked the vid logs, he just got up and walked into the airlock, but I think he was talking to someone. It sounded like he said, “Out here, waiting for you, leave”.

I’m calling it, we’re leaving as soon as we can get the ship prepped.
Survey Team 84 5/5

Survey Team 84: Sit Rep

The ship’s gone. Simons and Kent with it. Some kind of fault in the engine, when they initiated the test fire the whole thing went up.

It’s not what we thought. I can’t explain it. There is something in here with us. Not a someone… something.

These voices are not… they are in our heads. This place is…

Do not come here. Do not send help. There is something here that I can’t explain, but if you come here you will die.

This is audio logs from a site examining Thargoid Barnacles, but listen to the last log.

Now it’s just us. Me and the stones. They’re all I can hear, much louder now, but not hurting like people’s voices used to. Loud but far away. So far…"

That's just from the logs, there's a lot more that are about weird things happening that don't specifically mention whispers/voices.

But this shows that whispers in and of themselves aren't uncommon in the narrative of the game.

The Formidine Alpha mission logs literally matches the codex clues:

I mean that's literally the same structure as: "to the whisperer in witch-space, the siren of the deepest void!" - "weird voices in the last jump, they’re calling to me… a siren song".

You could even take that further and link it to the fernweh section of the codex:

The Formidine Rift Alpha site entry matches those parts of the toast better than anything else in-game - and it's clearly relating to experiences actually in witchspace transit.

First of all. I didn't mean to upset you or insult you in any way. Just like I'm not saying you're wrong. It's just that I, as a person of engineering and scientific mind, look at dry facts.
As for pulsars, in previous posts I just assumed and compared the data. And as a result, I came to the conclusion that pulsars in odyssey have the sound of whispering.
Just as you point very correctly to lore and the codex of the game.

If you find my posts above, I assumed that Devs did not throw out all the accumulated lore at all, but tore out pieces of it and mixed it up. So we have systems from the first elite, as well as plot events, we have systems from the second elite, from the third. If we draw analogies, then many systems that are present in all games are somehow connected with targoids. And the targoids, in turn, are associated with the guardians. And all this is under the cream of humanity, club, wheels, etc.

Again, you are right about the fact that parts of the code perfectly reflect the events in the plot of the current elite. I recently flew to the destroyed anaconda in the Bernards loop. And there, too, if you stay in one place in silence, you begin to hear the scraping of the remains of the ship, whispers, and so on.Just as 60km from anaconda lie the remains of a Targoid ship. The problem is that this is added after the fact. That is, after the events that happened. As well as settlements in the rift, like Zurara and others.

I start from the fact that myths and legends do not need to be taken into account. And look at the face of real objects. What should lead us to raxxla? Way. Left by others on lore. The path usually consists of reference points. Accordingly, the reference points should be real objects.

That's how I look at this riddle. Of course, maybe we all have space madness here, or maybe this is the way of friends. Who knows? My theories and conclusions have not yet been crowned with anything concrete. Maybe someone will be more lucky.

But also don't forget that we can't go beyond the technical limits of the game. Such a limit for today is Witchspace (hyperspace). Although I'm honestly surprised that the developers didn't add a second layer for generation. This is very easy to do based on the generation they have. And then there would be a full-fledged hyperspace.
You could argue that it relates to the codex of the "spiralling stars" story.
True, but the question remains, how does that add more detail and give any more indication of a path to follow than the correlation with the Thargoid spiralling starmap, or assuming it means the galaxy itself, or assuming it means Andromeda, or, honestly, even the spinning (spiralling) stars around the edge of a witchspace tunnel?

That's kinda the issue. Too many things match a single word or phrase taken out of context and it's pretty easy to build a wobbly house on that foundation.

Obvioulsy a lot of people do that by reading the word "Raxxla" in alignments of names on Galmp, or read Alien World, which literally just has the word "Raxxla" in it and they build a complex theory based on that.

You may as well build a theory around this:

Matching a single word out of context, like finding something that "whispers" is always really valuable and exciting :) but the very next step has to be to take in the wider context and ask "how does this make sense, how does this help? How does it add more to the investigation". That's really all I'm asking here.
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