First of all. I didn't mean to upset you or insult you in any way. Just like I'm not saying you're wrong. It's just that I, as a person of engineering and scientific mind, look at dry facts.
As for pulsars, in previous posts I just assumed and compared the data. And as a result, I came to the conclusion that pulsars in odyssey have the sound of whispering.
Just as you point very correctly to lore and the codex of the game.

If you find my posts above, I assumed that Devs did not throw out all the accumulated lore at all, but tore out pieces of it and mixed it up. So we have systems from the first elite, as well as plot events, we have systems from the second elite, from the third. If we draw analogies, then many systems that are present in all games are somehow connected with targoids. And the targoids, in turn, are associated with the guardians. And all this is under the cream of humanity, club, wheels, etc.

Again, you are right about the fact that parts of the code perfectly reflect the events in the plot of the current elite. I recently flew to the destroyed anaconda in the Bernards loop. And there, too, if you stay in one place in silence, you begin to hear the scraping of the remains of the ship, whispers, and so on.Just as 60km from anaconda lie the remains of a Targoid ship. The problem is that this is added after the fact. That is, after the events that happened. As well as settlements in the rift, like Zurara and others.

I start from the fact that myths and legends do not need to be taken into account. And look at the face of real objects. What should lead us to raxxla? Way. Left by others on lore. The path usually consists of reference points. Accordingly, the reference points should be real objects.

That's how I look at this riddle. Of course, maybe we all have space madness here, or maybe this is the way of friends. Who knows? My theories and conclusions have not yet been crowned with anything concrete. Maybe someone will be more lucky.

But also don't forget that we can't go beyond the technical limits of the game. Such a limit for today is Witchspace (hyperspace). Although I'm honestly surprised that the developers didn't add a second layer for generation. This is very easy to do based on the generation they have. And then there would be a full-fledged hyperspace.
Thanks for the clarification :) I did feel annoyed by your reply, and felt defensive because I don't think suggesting witchspace may be more than a simple loading screen is actually that strange, especially compared to a lot of the other ideas floating around here! I really appreciate you taking the time to clarify this, thanks :) I'm sorry that I was snippy!

I do really like the neutron idea, but I also think it needs to match more than just the whisper element! All I wanted was to know if you can hear the neutron whispers in witchspace, which would mean, yes, it does actually help make sense of the puzzle. If not then... I'm interested to know how neutrons stars may relate to the puzzle. :)
I will revert back to one of my first posts here.

I get the feeling that over the years we have taken this and are massively over thinking it lol
My path is based on points A - F and i have not found A yet,
That being said, one of the videos you linked on a system being 34km away and being able to jump to it. I have seen that before and dismissed it. as a glitch for multiple stars in the same system. but the system only had one star.
I am now clawing my mind to find where i was, but i went there from a theory regarding Raxxla and the first line .
I will revert back to one of my first posts here.

I get the feeling that over the years we have taken this and are massively over thinking it lol
Yep! lol.
My path is based on points A - F and i have not found A yet,
That being said, one of the videos you linked on a system being 34km away and being able to jump to it. I have seen that before and dismissed it. as a glitch for multiple stars in the same system. but the system only had one star.
I am now clawing my mind to find where i was, but i went there from a theory regarding Raxxla and the first line .
Martha's Pulsar does that.

Not the same system you mean though. Same effect though isn't it? You can hyperspace jump between two systems that occupy the same space.

I think it's a good demonstration of the fact that hyperspace jumps can be used to hide stuff really easily because it's all baked into the game engine.

So, personally, I think really what we're looking for is a set of 'trigger conditions' and once met, we'll just hyperspace jump to Raxxla. That's something we know can be done in the game engine and we know that same system works for Hyperdictions. My assumption is that's what all the clues are, they are pointing us to A) Hyperspace, and b) a set of trigger conditions.

Recently I had hoped that by doing a really simply 'top level' reading of the Raxxla Codex I might be able to find the trigger conditions, but that just led me to Delphi (as it has so many people!) and I'm not sure what could be next, so... dead end lol.
Not the same system you mean though. Same effect though isn't it? You can hyperspace jump between two systems that occupy the same space.
Thats right mate, I was at a system i went to for "A Jewell that burns ect ect." and i saw when i rotated the gal map 2 more stars appeared next to it, ignored it and move on "DOH" it will come to me when I'm back in game.
Its the trigger conditions that i believe in, hence a few days ago I added an unplotted jump to my list of things i was trying in systems.
The thought was if you can target it manually maybe if trigger a was hit the unplotted jump would do something else.
Thats right mate, I was at a system i went to for "A Jewell that burns ect ect." and i saw when i rotated the gal map 2 more stars appeared next to it, ignored it and move on "DOH" it will come to me when I'm back in game.
Its the trigger conditions that i believe in, hence a few days ago I added an unplotted jump to my list of things i was trying in systems.
The thought was if you can target it manually maybe if trigger a was hit the unplotted jump would do something else.
Maelstrom is a burning Jewel ;-) Caustic burns.
Yep! lol.

Martha's Pulsar does that.

Not the same system you mean though. Same effect though isn't it? You can hyperspace jump between two systems that occupy the same space.

I think it's a good demonstration of the fact that hyperspace jumps can be used to hide stuff really easily because it's all baked into the game engine.

So, personally, I think really what we're looking for is a set of 'trigger conditions' and once met, we'll just hyperspace jump to Raxxla. That's something we know can be done in the game engine and we know that same system works for Hyperdictions. My assumption is that's what all the clues are, they are pointing us to A) Hyperspace, and b) a set of trigger conditions.

Recently I had hoped that by doing a really simply 'top level' reading of the Raxxla Codex I might be able to find the trigger conditions, but that just led me to Delphi (as it has so many people!) and I'm not sure what could be next, so... dead end lol.
My theory with pulsars is this: in astronomy, screaming stars are various black holes, pulsars, etc. That is, those that have a giant radio footprint. So the siren in the void may well be a star. Another theory of mine is that, despite the fact that all events somehow occur around the bubble, the developers said that the raxxla in the Milky Way, meaning the galaxy. What if the raxxla is not near the bubble, not near the known systems? For example, we have a region that is called that: The void. Difficult to reach due to the abundance of dwarves. Just like the formidine rift. What if we need a star that screams in the void? A pulsar or something similar in the Void region that is poorly researched?

It seems to me that everyone is very fixated on the past. Here we have a bunch of books, stories, lore. And all this happens around the bubble and in the bubble. But as we know, the bubble has been sufficiently investigated and there are systems and regions that are under the permit.

It doesn't seem to me that Raxxla is somewhere in a bubble under the permit, because it's stupid from a logical point of view. It's much easier to hide something in the depths. Yes, we have billions of systems there, so this is a needle search. But it seems to me that by drawing an analogy with real astronomy, you can get a good designator.

Also, do not forget that lore may not be related to the game at all, it may just be a nice bonus, and so on.Therefore, I start from what we have. And we have a bunch of disparate pieces of information. Since lines from the wheel toast were added to the code, it can be taken as an idea that this is official information. So what do we have after all?

To the jewel that burns on the brow of the mother of galaxies
Many went to dig myths and legends. Forgetting that we are talking about the mother of all galaxies, not one. And this is the Milky Way. Moreover, according to not only myths and legends, but it is also often mentioned in astronomy that the mother of all galaxies for earthlings is the Milky Way. Stardust forming stars and planets and all that.

To the whisperer in witchspace
Here I put forward two theories. The first is the targoids and the second is the stars. Let me explain: the targoids disappear for one simple reason. This is a loading screen and the impossibility of free movement in the witch's space. However, we still have the stars. As we know, radio waves, as well as any radiation, can travel not only in our plane of being, so to speak. For example, gravitational waves easily affect time and space. Because our dear creators are elite, avid science fiction writers, but also fans of astronomy and mathematics. Then this option is more real. That we need some kind of star. And since pulsars are the most flashy on different waves and ranges, then we have two options left here. A black hole and a pulsar. Binary stars are too extensive a classification. It can be like a black hole + a star, maybe two stars that are ready to merge, and so on and so forth.This leads us to the next line.
the siren of the deepest void
As I said above. Stars can quite sing and shout at different ranges. Pulsars are the loudest because their waves penetrate very long distances.
And the last
The parent's grief, the lover's woe, and the yearning of our vagabond hearts. To Raxxla!
Many separate these lines, some disassemble them into separate components. But I think we need to read everything together.
The parent's grief, the lover's woe, and the yearning of our vagabond hearts - People leaving home, loved ones and dear ones, for the sake of an impossible dream to find the mythical raxxla. The vagabond hearts of the space.

If you take my guesses as a theory for a second, then what do we get? We need a star somewhere in the depths of space that will show us the way to the mythical planet. This theory also perfectly fits the fact that we can charge FSD from pulsars. Maybe we need a certain region of space, a certain direction, where there is a pulsar, charging from which FSD we will jump to the desired point?

Therefore, I began to disassemble my own theory for spare parts. And I came to the conclusion that the pulsar sound design in the game strongly resembles a whisper and a scream. A whisper if you listen to a normal and slow-motion recording, and the cry of sirens if you listen to an accelerated version.From here, I'm going to test the second part of the theory and go to the Void region.
Just remember that Pulsars are only pulsars, when seen from earth. Most neutron stars have the pairs of rotating energy beams. Only those that rotate in a plane that intersects earth, will be observed as pulsars. In a different system, the list of pulsars would be different.

Also Cygni X-3 is probably unreachable, even by fleet carrier. The data in EDSM has been submitted by someone during a beta. They were manually placed there, by devs.
Cygni X-3 looks explored:

Would look nice on a bucket list.
have been there directly when the fc were available - lost the race for first discovery against Tianjin Pioneers from Colonia by some 7 hours only :)
CygniX-3, the broken sky system.

broken sky.jpg

(And even the Lemon Slice Nebula has been reached by Fleet Carrier.)
Thats right mate, I was at a system i went to for "A Jewell that burns ect ect." and i saw when i rotated the gal map 2 more stars appeared next to it, ignored it and move on "DOH" it will come to me when I'm back in game.
Its the trigger conditions that i believe in, hence a few days ago I added an unplotted jump to my list of things i was trying in systems.
The thought was if you can target it manually maybe if trigger a was hit the unplotted jump would do something else.

If you run EDDiscovery it shows the history of your jumps, transactions etc etc since the journal file was introduced into the game. I recommend it. It has just been revised for Uodate 14.
Currently not in game, being distracted by a PS4 sale… but I can still plot systems, what are the 8 systems we know the Stargoids are to sit in? Or is that too soon.

Be nice to asses their locations and see how they correlate with other systems.
Currently not in game, being distracted by a PS4 sale… but I can still plot systems, what are the 8 systems we know the Stargoids are to sit in? Or is that too soon.

Be nice to asses their locations and see how they correlate with other systems.
Sorry, but I must have missed it. Did they all take off from the same spot? Which ?
Sorry, but I must have missed it. Did they all take off from the same spot? Which ?
Apparently not. See the relevant thread:
The are currently 5 goid maelstrom’s as of *08/12/2022; as I understand the current situation, of which there are to be 8 planned, I was not interested in their origin points, but their destinations.

We know from FD the craft inside each are ‘looking for something’. It’s up to players to either observe or interact (combat).

If we plot their destinations in relation to each other, do these tell us anything, do they correlate to each other or something else - to which we could rule them out of the quest?

I’m still operating upon the assumption they are not, as Thargoids are octagonal and the Raxxla logo is hexagonal. But any information is good information, especially if one can confirm its relevance.

Key findings:

HIP 20567 - Indra
Coordinates:-2.8125 / -63.8125 / -162.4375
HIP 8887 - Lia Gong
Coordinates:-66.4375 / -144.40625 / -106.28125
Hyades Sector FB-N b7-6 - Taranis
Coordinates:88.4375 / -74.90625 / -12
Oya - Cephei Sector BV-Y b4
Coordinates:-97.8125 / 44.3125 / -83.84375
Cocijo - Col 285 Sector BA-P c6-18
Coordinates:157.28125 / 14.96875 / -103.875

Indra, the Hindu deity an Indo-European cousin of the German Wotan, Norse Odin, Greek Zeus, and Roman Jupiter, gods of thunder.

Lei Gong is the Chinese deity of thunder.

Taranis is a the Celtic deity of thunder.

Oya is a Latin American deity of Storms, wind, thunder, lightning, and the dead.

Cocijo is a Columbia deity associated with rain, thunder and lightning.

Assessment: Currently these maelstroms are all linked via the naming use of a god attributed to ‘Thunder’ (discounting the obvious Thargoid link).

Nothing definitive can be concluded at present but I will keep track of these, and see if the additional maelstrom’s identify any correlation.

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yes, I read a bit more into what fdev hinted at than what I am seeing so far.

there are the caustic generators or as I call them thorngoids
they do seem to follow you, surround you.
leave you alone if you are polite....
many other regulars in the Maelstrom too, most of the time seem just like Odyssey foot soldiers, confused, lost and not sure what to do...

sadly this part shows very well on foot. watching an ally you are meant to kill, walk back and forth looking for the enemy which is you, a green colored ally.
at times they vibrate from short movements

I am seeing much of this in the regular Thargoids inside the cloud.
they only actually bother me if I shoot the thorngoids.

if does fit what fdev said, but its a veggie, its a perimeter mine launcher with ai(maybe)
really hard to get close unless they do the getting close. otherwise they go boom a lot.
the regulars are constantly going up to them and scanning them.
if a thorngoid launches its corrosives at something, another regular shows up to stay by its side till it feels better, it seems.
some die, some just curl up till they feel better(I guess).

I am only interested in getting to the center, so its mostly peaceful
all I can say so far about it is, its really fast.
seems like it and its thorny friends don't want me any closer than 7km, so far.
it is very turbulent and very corrosive the closer you get.
not used to that kind of turbulence..I don't have an anchor for my ship ??? hmmm

But, I also don't think whatever it is isn't wanting anything from me.
time will tell.

I bet the Orthrus is a better bet..or one we have yet to find.

Caustic Generator 120222 Taranis.PNG
Does that thing have 6 points!

The shape may have relevance, Thargoids are predominantly octagonal, the use of an object with 6 points could establish a relationship with hexagonal shapes?
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I was hyperdicted today going through the Thargoid sectors, ship had no weapons and no guardian tech and I just strolled away at 220m/s they didn't attack me.
I'm also interested as to why plants are so important atm, I was thinking I'm sure I always see algae at crashed Thargoid ship sites
yes, 6 armed jack shaped
I think it only propels from 1 arm, not sure on that yet but as long as I have watched one I have only seen it propel from 1, the same over and over.
they are just like jacks..the kids tiny toy jacks..
they change color and flash rate of the lights along the arms and a huge bundle in the center according to excitement level..
pretty sure some of the white is shards and corrosive mechanism.
space porcupine.

Caustic Generator 1 - 120222 Taranis.PNG

turns out they can propel from any arm.
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