
  1. F

    End the geno/xenocidal assault on a sentient species

    As of posting this, Titan Thor has gone into meltdown a few minutes ago. This now marks number 6 of the 8 Titans that have been ruthlessly destroyed by humanity for daring to try and defend themselves and their species from genocidal maniacs determined to rip the Thargoids apart and steal their...
  2. Naomii

    No Rhyme or Treason, Part 1 (A tale of Intrigue, Suspense, and Betrayal!)

    Hi Everyone! This is part one of four of my new roleplay story, No Rhyme or Treason. It tells the tale of how my commander left the Azimuth fold and set out on a journey that led her to join the ACA. The ACA is an alliance of squadrons dedicated to overthrowing the Club conspiracy revealed by...
  3. ThArGos

    Community Event / Creation Embark on a Galactic Odyssey: Explore Interactive Fan-Made Adventures in Elite Dangerous Universe!

    Greetings, fellow Commanders! Mods, I hope this is at the right place. Happy to be corrected if not. 🚀 Are you ready to take your Elite Dangerous experience to the next level? 🌌 I'm thrilled to introduce you to a groundbreaking platform that will immerse you in the vast universe of Elite...
  4. Aria Darabi

    Log Entry 1 - CMDR Aria Darabi - The loneliness of a space pilot

    "Archie, please initiate speech-to-text." [inaudible background noise] "Thank you." Log Entry 1 Well, I've been flying long enough to know my life may meet a swift end at some point. It's been 8 years since I graduated from the pilot's federation and left the clutches of Kamadhenu. 8 years...
  5. R

    The Little Sidewinder Who Could (travel to Colonia from Shinrarta Dezhra)

    One day I got curious about how much it would cost and how long it would take for a stock Sidewinder MkI to be transferred from the bubble to Colonia. If you were ever curious about that too, then you're in the right place! Unless you want to check for yourself, then close this thread to not get...
  6. CMDR_Raikkonen

    Powerplay Feature Overhaul - as unique Storyline Mission Givers?

    Wouldn’t it be great if the big feature overhaul in 2023 was Powerplay. That’s right - our own futuristic cast of Game Of Thrones that people rarely engage with at the moment. Wouldn’t it be awesome if they were added to the game as NPC on foot characters, in unique base / HQ locations, with an...
  7. HunterwithGreenScales

    An Elite Campaign: An idea for a much needed lengthy "Lore filled" mission chain for all CMDRs.

    I think Elite really needs its equivalent to a "main story" thread of missions, much like many other open world games have. There already exist in game mission chains that automatically "connect" after you complete the first mission. It would only take the addition of writers for the cohesive...
  8. Antony Dust

    Aquarius: Isolation Trailer

    So I had an idea for a large project, one that looked at the isolation many of us felt during COVID lock downs through the lens of a solo journey through deep space. 12,000 light years from the nearest starport, in a severely damaged ship, the protagonist would have been struggling to find ways...
  9. Salmonea

    new life for Elite

    Elite except grinding materials and ranks is empty game. I want story. I want do my own businnes with smuggling. I want hire real players like employes,give them quest,send credits to other account,do my own economic businnes. It could be great if players could choose like in MMO own proffesion...
  10. Alexander_Sepulveda


    DETER. DEFEND. DEFEAT. That is the Motto of the 87th FEDERATION AUXILARY NAVAL FLEET. TL;DR WE ARE A STORY BASED - ROLEPLAY GROUP! PLAYER ABILITY DOES NOT MEAN YOU CAN'T JOIN CERTAIN ROLES. Roleplaying ability determines who goes where. We are a squadron of Federation pilots who accept...
  11. CMDR Kai Zen

    An open letter to Frontier Development

    I am a huge fan of your company and devoted player of your game, as well as purchaser of many, many paint jobs. I am the co-host of a podcast every week that is dedicated to the amazing thing that you have created. I love so many aspects of it that were I to fully unpack that statement it would...
  12. Alexander_Sepulveda

    A Federation Story Campaign (Empire/Alliance players please read!) CONTEXT This is the response to what I have found many players complain is lacking in the game of Elite Dangerous. An actual story driven campaign to excite player involvement in the game. I myself have put over 800 hours into Elite Dangerous. I get it. To some that...
  13. C

    Closest You Have Came To Disaster with an Expensive Ship

    This post is where you can show how close you came to really mucking up your expensive ships with all your expensive cargo and modules. You can add a short story, maybe a screenie (in spoilers please, to keep the comments from filling space). Remember, this has to be a really scary moment, not...
  14. Werewolf13

    Those GUYS HAD to be Geniuses...

    ... to be able to figure this kind'a stuff out. Now, I've been aware of Technology Brokers since the day of their creation when they all magically appeared (can you say witchspace and parallel universe in one breath). I even visited one on day 1 of their creation; a human tech one. After...
  15. Werewolf13

    Well - that was - Uhmmm - Exciting...

    ... and quite possibly the most fun I've ever had playing ED. Better even than when 2 Cobras piloted by CMDR's jumped me. Anyway - out of the clear blue sky (I didn't search on the topic) YOUTUBE recommended a video about how to do FED/EMPIRE ranking - fast, real fast. I was in the business at...
  16. C

    How I quadrupled my money in an afternoon. (A rambling story)

    OK, so realtalk, it was only a little over 4 mil to begin with. I had mostly A rated iCourier, iClipper, and iEagle except for using bi weave shields and some B modules due to availibility on station, plus doing a little module tetris. I went ratting and sensor hit exploring a little in the...
  17. C

    Ideas to bolster Comunity Goals

    So I have several ideas to add some flavor into the current Community Goal events (or CG events) using some in game features already in the game but with a slightly different organization of layout first let me layout the overview of stuff we got and stuff I would love to see. 1...
  18. Phoenix_Dfire

    Community Event / Creation Gnosis (A Sanctimonious Story)

    More stories about the Sanctimonious Crew can be found at Gnosis Now. ‘We have 12 incoming bogies,’ The comm’s speaker blared. ‘Launch the Alert Fighters!’ Commander Duncan ‘Mac’ McTaggert tried to calm himself. He could feel the arms quiver as the adrenaline began to...
  19. Deelkar

    Suggestions for how to increase player global story exposure

    What the game needs is more exposition of the story in the entire galaxy. Have the Wedding barges refer to the royal wedding, let the bounty hunters chat about thargoids, have some person there at the Commodity Market/Contacts/Station Services chat to you about the latest story elements...
  20. C

    Making the narrative of the game broader and more involved (taking Thargoids as an example)

    A big complaint with the narrative of Elite is that it feels a little too detached for most players. Unless you're there and actively participating, it may as well not be happening at all. A prime example of this is the Thargiod invasion. What's supposed to be a massive and important event has...
  21. spatula

    Community Event / Creation Deep Space Dangus

    Hey CMDRS, For anyone interested in Elite content that's more on the humorous/RP side of things, I've been putting out videos recently in a mini-series called "Deep Space Dangus", chronicling the adventures of Captain Spatula as he travels from Colonia, to Sagittarius A on a secret mission for...
  22. Esquisite

    Gnosis upcoming jump [FOR THE DEVS]

    Hey guys. With the upcoming gnosis jump to a permit locked system there is a great opportunity for some epic gameplay and surprises. I have no doubt that you have something in store for us. Even if it’s just a bunch of new thargoids to shoot at. That said can I make a suggestion. The lore...
  23. Kleckerklotz

    Some thoughts about immersion + ideas

    First of all, I have to say: I love Elite Dangerous. Sound design is AAA (++), game depth is AAA, graphics are AAA, effects are AAA. Nothing to mention here. Therefore every following comment is meant to be constructive criticism. And you might guess where it's going. I'm going to talk about...
  24. Xaintly

    More story missions

    I personally like the engineers, unlocking them gave a great tour of different game modes. It would be nice to have a set of unique (non-repeatable) missions, triggered by various game milestones. Even nicer if they have higher payouts than normal missions, and tell some kind of overall story...
  25. M

    Community Event / Creation Short film: The Game Has Changed Hi there, I have long had the idea of this meditative film, and, finally, after a while I'm happy to introduce it. I hope you will enjoy. Get ready: 5... 4... 3... 2... 1...
  26. Schagraulyn

    [RP-Story / Forums-Roman] Warpstone I Es beginnt mit der Dunkelheit.

    Mit einem Blinzeln öffnet sie die Augen. Es ist wieder fast dunkel und die Gurte halten sie in der Pilotenliege. Der Athem ist laut hörbar. Die Frontscheibe ist verdunkelt und es sind kleine feine Risse erkennbar. Langsam kommt ihr Verstand wieder in den bewussten Bereich. #Lebenserhaltung läuft...
  27. F

    Latest From The Fuel Scoop - The Butcher Of Upsilon Aquarii

    After a shady meeting with one of the most groundbreaking driectors in the galaxy, The Fuel Scoop can finally bring you the chilling and salacious story surrounding the controversy of Upsilon Aquarii...
  28. Camisade

    Dear Denton and AIE, you pansies! [A CG-related open letter][Humor][Sort of]

    Dear Denton Patreus and the Neo-Feudalists of Angeli Imperial Enterprises in Wangal, et al: You drama queens should be ashamed of yourselves. As a hard working independent pilot, operating in a universe where Major Powers work actively to snatch away my hard-found income streams at whim (you...
  29. Zcorruption

    Inter solar system extended story driven missions

    So we've probably all seen the chain missions pop up from time to time. Youve completed your kill 6 pirates and a mission critical message pops saying theres a mission to go kill the pirate lord. The same thing sometimes happens when you donate money to a minor faction and i kind of like the...
  30. Justinian Octavius

    Galnet needs to go on the Comms Panel & soon

    Some players don't even know that the aliens are called Thargoids so imho for 2.4 to be a success the important Galnet articles relating to the narrative need to end up on the Comms panel, whether that be the actual article or a notification (and preferably the article for me so it can read...
  31. D

    Oresians or Klaxians?

    I misspelled my title and i'm sad. Oresrians Possible spoiler info below, read at own risk. Are the Thargoids currently encountered Os (Oresrians) or Ks (Klaxians)? How do we know? I'm asking because several posts talk about them being Os in reference to the story structure of Os making a...
  32. General Zach

    Project Obsidian alpha

    N/A Looking upon the results of the situation of a suggestion literally just that became something else, thus requesting immediate close of the thread for comments to be shut down as well as the thread. Though for those to continue to view this and intend to comment will be left in the void...
  33. nockieboy

    Docking Port Visibility

    Is it just me going blind in my old age, or could more be done to make the docking port more visible when approaching a Coriolis station from the side? Obviously the rotation of the station narrows your options down to either pole for the location of the port, but I often find that's where the...
  34. C

    Training Mission and Docking

    Ok, I am so lost. I exited the station in the training mission, turned to face. And attempted to gain docking clearance. LH panel confuses me as cannot seem to move to 'Contacts' and get clearance there, Comms Panel, asked for clearance. I'm confused....
  35. V

    Flight assist off

    For most of you this is probably an everyday routine, and I saw some awesome vids of people performing acrobatic combat in asteroid field with assist off, but for me yesterday was a huge milestone in this method of flight. After a week of training in open space, for the very first time I dared...
  36. StefanOS

    Einsteigerhilfe: Docking Turtorial

    Hier der Link zum FD Docking Turtorial
  37. CaptainSodom

    Quick and dirty docking guide for controller users

    Here is a quick and dirty guide to docking for controller/gamepad users: Setting up your gamepad or controller: - set vertical and horizontal thrusters to directional buttons - set yaw/pitch/roll to thumbsticks however you prefer. I have p/r on right stick, yaw on left - set throttle up/down...
  38. Caledonian

    The Docking Computer thread.

    It is just perfect, I may have had a little nerdgasm.:eek:
  39. E

    Docking entry size

    I just realized that all player owned ships in ED has to be manufactured to actually fit the docking station entry door? Unless they are planning external docking? :S
  40. Ben Ryder

    Help - how I fly. With tips. Hyperspace, supercruise, dock, land and trade

    Hi, I've tested using keyboard only (no mouse etc. pure basics) since the start. I made my very first video this morning. It might help you fly. The video is piloting a cumbersome Lakon Type 9 but the principles should apply to smaller craft too. It covers hyperspace, supercruise, tea...
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